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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
From Forum Manager-Limited Interpretations Upon Request Only
Notice: Dream interpretations are given upon request only. Unauthorized posted dreams will be deleted.
To request an interpretation {free} e-mail Jerry at
Do not post your dream until dream is authorized.
I also provide detailed and in d...
Violent Dream
I will add some background info that might be relevant for analyzing the dream at the end of the post. Here first is the dream:
"I was walking through a city with a good female friend. We are dancing through the streets at night, we feel cool, we kiss, we hug. We...
Views: 386 Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 20, 2021 8:01am by Metin
Weird Dream That Really Stuck With Me
Hello all, had a very strange dream that left a strong impression on me, it's kind of in three parts so I'll describe it to the best of my abilities.
1) I'm driving down a road with my mother and ahead of us, we witness an accident occur between a black car (2 pas...
A Chat With Jordan Peterson
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago. I can't clearly remember the details of the first part of the dream, but I will try to write as much as I can (vaguely) remember. Basically, I was walking about during day time in a white building complex as if I was going...
Views: 492 Replies: 4
Last Post: Feb 11, 2021 11:54am by TBH
Two repeating dreams about being a writer
Writing Dreams
This is backgroud for two two repeating dreams. I have felt an impulse to write since childhood. I wrote my first story when I was about six. I made myself a desk out of books and wrote a fiction story. In sixth grade I wrote a parody of the old tv...
big building, windows, chairs, tables
Lately i dream a lot about huge buildings, stairs, windows, i always run, count the rooms, some are new, some buildings are old but it's always about the endless stairs, windows and doors. It's not a nightmare though...I am familiar with Jung, but still stud...
Views: 438 Replies: 12
Last Post: Feb 9, 2021 3:36pm by Monpon
Little Girl Kidnapped
Set in a forest at night. Little girl was kidnapped by a man. Behind her in the trees are three people wearing green hats.
The kidnapper is driving us around what seemed like Washington state. Into a small town from the forested area. There's a boys and girls side...
bat wanting a cuddle
In my dream, I was lounging on my bed when a smallish bat landed on my chest and lay down on me, wanting a cuddle. He snuggled into the crook of my neck. He was black and softly furry. I patted him and found he had a pocket, when my hand went into it. I saw a row of...
Gay wedding and my personal separation
Last night I had a dream that my gay friend whom I was a bridesmaid for two years ago got married for the first time. I was again bridesmaid however the wedding was very different to her actual wedding in real life. I was asked to give a speech at which point I was f...
forced incest
My father forced me to have sex with my mother. Soon afterwards, she gave birth to a rather ugly baby named Franklin Templeton (like the investment firm). But I was glad that it was her I got pregnant and not a young woman about my age named Amanda (a former coworker...
Beautiful house/ new friend
In my dream I met someone (a celebrity, I believe), and he showed me around his house. In the dream, it wasn't as if "Oh, I'm with a big star." It was more just the sense that it was someone I knew of, but hadn't met before, and the male presence. It was a very beaut...
Nightmare Interpretation
Hello, Iâm looking to get some help analyzing a dream I had recently. I frequently have nightmares, but this one felt different than most of the others and I still havenât been able to shake it.
I was staying in an apartment with...
Why did this happen?
I had a dream that a guy I know had a house party and I was not invited and turned up to his house. He was kissing this woman on her arms even though he knew she liked him but he did not want to date her - so he was leading her on for attention. I had enough of watch...
Two brown horses
Hi! About a week ago I dreamed of coming downstairs into the living room of my mom’s house, where I do still live in real life, and it had just snowed a lot the night before. For some reason the town was having like a Christmas themed party for all the town kid...
Stranded in a Foreign Country
12/11/2020I am in a foreign country with a large group. I leave my purse in one place and go on an adventure and when I return my purse is gone, the group I was with has dispersed, many have already returned to the airport (which is far away) to fly home. I first see...
Life, and Death as an Experience for the Soul
It is prerequisite in the study of Jungian psyche to make an in-depth inquiry into the issue of a soul. The soul as a part of who we are as much as is the mind and the body. So what is the soul?
What makes Jung different is his fundamental ideology/concepts includ...
Dream of someone passing out(faints for whatever reason could be dear or whatever the case) .. And then You kiss them(your kiss is what truly brings them back to) but they still lie there waiting for some other action to take place before they arise .. so someone els...
Hi there,
I've began studying out of interest Carl Jung and trying to begin to understand his ideas of the unconscious. In beginning to read Memoirs, Dreams and Reflections he talks about how a psychoanalyst must understand themself before helping others. I have n...
This dream was strange to me.
(I'm not sure how much of this is scattered but I hope this isn't too much.)
I don't remember what happened prior to me finding my crush but I think I had washed my hands recently. I was somewhat aware I was dreaming so I didn't feel to much pressure when I intera...
Looking for feedback on dream meaning
I currently had two dreams close together that just had me wondering enough to bring it out to the table for thoughts.
Dream 1 : I'm hanging out with someone who's been kinda on the mind. I was working the nerve to tell him something. As I slowly got into it usual...
My weirdest dream
In my dream, A sexy liquid metal man had sex with me. His name is Busta. He and I were lovemaking. I had my pajamas on but his entire body was silver except his face. Busta would hold me while kissing me on my neck. When he morphed into a liquid, Busta would kiss me...
In my dream I was with my mother, brother and sister. I can not describe it very well the place we were but I remember that it was more like an old village or a ancient one. I remember the stones were old and I remember that this place was somewhere up in a hill or a...
Dream about old boss
I had a dream that I was coming into work which was a classroom and telling my coworker about stuffed chicken that I was going to make. I then see my old boss (whom I haven't seen in years) and he reaches over me while talking and its almost like a camera zoomed in o...
Fighting Demons, dying, and God.
I had a very vivid dream last night, to help understand the content I will give background on me. I grew up in Houston for most of my life, and moved to Colorado 3 years ago, I was slowly degrading mentally and physically and was on a lot of drugs, and doing things t...
A Decision I didn't want to make
This year is my senior year in high school. I've had a crush on this guy for a while and we're in the same grade. We don't talk to each other. If we do it's mainly small talk that doesn't last long and we don't talk to each other frequently. Based off o...
Ex’s dream
Hi, I was married for 30 years and we split up 2 years ago...six months ago he decided he wants to get back together....I have not made a decision yet....this morning he said he had this dream last night....anyone have a clue what it means?
I’m posting what...
bull etc
I dreamed that lot of animals were running in a chaos and then suddenly a black bull attack my vintage door where his horns got stuck, I quickly shut the main door and escape with my mom. After sometimes when I opened the door again to check the black bull was still...
Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)
I had a dream where two lions were chasing us. We (there was a man and child with me, presumably it was my husband and our child) ran up to the door of our home, and found a dead duck on the doorknob. Somehow we got inside. One lion was killed by townspeople, and the...
A dream about Two Chalices!!
I am a 33 year old male living in New York. I am currently try to start a company with the free time I have but I struggle to generate sales at the moment and I worry my funds will run out before I even have a chance to succeed.
I share this as it may provide some...
dream about death penalty
Hey and thank you for the time.
I had a dream where me and my male friend had gotten a death penalty and i know it was going to happened via Syringe with poison.(Just to note that there is no death penalty in my country at all)
I had only 1 day to live before i...
Vampire- like attack
I will start with some backstory. A few months ago I met a someone on a roommate website and we moved in together (I know- stupid). It all seemed good at first until they suddenly flipped over a mundane request and started accusing me of conspiring against them and a...
Dream interpretation
Sorry for the long post.. it’s more like a story than a dream! But it felt so realistic that I had to post and ask if anyone can interpret its meaning please?
I dreamt that myself and a group of people went on holiday last minute (group was family & their f...
My Ex’s Dream...About Me?
So, my ex came to me yesterday saying he missed me and he was the one that ended things. So reluctantly, I asked him what was wrong. And he said he had a dream about it. It’s kinda hard to interpret it myself, so I’ld like some assistance to figure it out...
Being promoted to judge against my will
This dream happened in the morning, before I woke up. The people in the dream were not faces I recognized, and they were all females of different ages.
It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility (that I apparently didn't...
Reoccurring dream/place/people with a new dream
This morning I had a dream. I havent had this dream before but at one point in the dream I distinctly remeber feeling a since of deja vu I'm regards to the people and the place I was in as if it wasnt my first time being there and meeting these characters. After waki...
Recent Dream
This is a multi-faceted dream/question. I have been having many dreams, lately, and a lot of them go similarly. I am going to lay them all out, as I suspect they mean more juxtaposed than in isolation. All of these dreams, sans three (which I will designate), I have...
Weird dream of obsessing over a celebrity photo in Afghanistan?
Hi everyone
today I have incredibly weird dream and I wanna really know what does it mean
I was with my family in Afghanistan(I am not from that country and never been there) with my father, brother, and mother....its like we are searching for a shop to buy som...
weird dream of Kenyan girl driving car and killing people?
Hi everyone
today I have some what not good dream and its weird
I don't remember how exactly it begin, but the dream I in staying in the front of the car and there is two people beside me in the front, and one either Ethiopian or Kenyan girl sitting in the back...
Tarot Dream Interpretations
Involving Weddings:
Involving Being Chased/Running Away:
I just got my copy of The Encyclopedia of 20,000 dreams so there will be many many more to come!
Last Supper of the Kali Yuga
I awake in the middle of the night in my bed. It's pitch black and my family is asleep. i notice there's a man in my younger sisters room. she's absent from the room. he's just standing in there. wearing a leather jacket. he looks like an older 30/40 year old white m...
one inch steel wire in my left leg
i dream, i got an inch steel wire in my left leg between the knees & the anckle, i can see the edge over my knees
i open the skin top to bottom and took it out and reclose it, no stiches, i was looking my leg & i saw like a heart beat just over the anckle i was thin...
Views: 464 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 20, 2020 7:13am by gio sano
carterpillar change to a spider
i dream caterpillar change to a spider in my first parts of sleep 9-2 am approx
someone got an idea ,
thx for your time
Nightmare felt real.
I dreamt I am lost in a strange city and I am crying with tears streaming down my face. It was in the time of the coronavirus so the few people who passed me kept a social distance from me. My husband had abandoned me, he had taken a ride with his friend Angela and h...
Short and unsettling- a baby, eyes, and a drill
My boyfriend and I are walking down the street and we see a young man, sobbing, holding a baby tight to his chest. He is standing in front of a dumpster and it looks as if he is saying goodbye to his baby- and is about to throw it away. We run up, I am yelling at him...
genitals - request for a dream interpretation
Last night I had a totally weird dream.. I don't understand the symbolism of my dream so please help me to analyse it. First the context - 6 years ago I hired a guy for a day to help me with my project. We didn't keep any contact until couple of months ago, when he w...
is this forum dead?
massive haitus between last post (march) and the post before that (january). Is this forum dead?
strange forest animal?
id like to start off by saying this dream wasn’t a nightmare, as in I didn’t wake up disturbed, but the more I think about it the more I get uneasy.
Me and a couple of friends were deep in the woods, just walking around. We found an abandoned house and...
Feet peeling
I had a dream just on waking where the soles of my feet peeled off almost to the bone. There was not much blood and I wasn't scared. More alarmed. What could this mean?
Weird dream
The other night I had the same recurring dream. It is different, kinda, every time but it always has the same idea. It always has water, and people or just one person and they are always high up in the air and someone just has to fall. Its kinda always set up the sam...
A calm flood?
Last night I dreamt it was flooding and the fingers on my left hand were swollen. Someone poked my fingers from pinky to thumb with a needle and when the swelling decreased, so did the flood, until the only things left were wet pebbles and stones everywhere. I was ca...
Fun with Danielle
January 14, 2020 – Fun with Danielle: Danielle (my old math tutor) and I are in a relationship. She has a playful and fun personality. We are going to the bedroom where we will be intimate. She comments about my ‘giving her ‘head,’” as i...
Escape to Marijuana and Female Prisoner
[b[January 13, 2020 – Escape to Marijuana and Female Prisoner:[/b] I am in my childhood home (the second home I live in, between 10-18 years old). I seem to be a younger adult, maybe in my 20s, yet my personality feels somewhat older. My brother Michael is here...
Prisoner of Childhood Dying
This dream seems a progression/development of what I am currently working with. The sheltering is repeated from the recent dream of Visiting With David - and also seems to be responding to my Need to Be Free from Oppression dream.
January 2, 2020 –...
Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression
Hi Jerry, I am posting these two dreams together, as they are both subsequent to the Excavation Work dream posted on 12/21/2019. If that is not preferred, please let me know.
December 13, 2019 – Visiting with David: I dream I am with Lindy (the wife of a co-...
Excavation Work
Dream: The setting is dark (night time). I am working as a member of a crew performing excavation operations. The unearthing work occurs under/around my home. We make a major find. It is an ancient statue about 2 and ½ to 3 feet tall. It has been carried up by a...
Culinary orders for the banquet
I had a recurring dream {dreamed, woke up, dream continued where it left off when I fell back to sleep) which left me disturbed, it still lays heavy on my heart, like an urgent distress.
I was in a dining hall, cleaning. The hall was empty but there was a more f...
Amorphous Mushroom Monster
Had a very weird dream the other night and I would love your interpretation.
I was being driven by my father on a long, snowy road, in the wintertime. He stopped the truck and I got out. He was dropping me off, although there was nothing in sight. I started walkin...
I was given a "do over".
Preface: the only other person in this dream that I know is my daughter, who is my only child and is currently 16, turning 17 in a few days.
In my dream im in a strange house - though in the dream it feels as though its supposed to be my house, it has similar qual...
Prevented from getting on an airplane
I'm in an airport and about to board a plane and take a journey. On my way to the terminal, I find a bag on the floor, open it, and find some guy's shirt (sort of like a dress shirt but with short sleeves - white with a light blue striped design). I put the shirt on...
Conflicting dreams regarding love?
So the day before yesterday i had a dream about love. A female as well as myself. I am very much certain i am bi, but prefer guys, for context.
Essentially there was an odd discoloration around the both of us whenever we went to hug that made us Blue and Red (As my...
Driving up a steep hill, but car is moving itself.
I keep having this dream. Not every night, but enough for me to now want to post becuase something changed in the dream last night.
So I keep dreaming I'm driving up a very tall steep bridge. At the top I can see a tunnel, but I cant see the other side or where it...
Weird giant cartoon creatures
I was driving in a car on a long stretch road. Road seemed quiet and calm with no other cars. To the right of the road was a far stretched land of sand and the ocean. Out of the blue I see two giant sized cartoon almost pokemon like creatures come running out onto th...
Hlaf bird/Half dog Dream
Hi, I had a dream where I was inside, it seemed to be my own home, and I was facing a sort of glass door that underneath it, I could see through it, appeared a black half bird/half dog creature, it slid underneath and came towards me, I was a bit frighten, but then i...
Lucid Dream with Numbers
I'm new to this forum and would like some help with interpreting a dream I had recently:
I was in a car with a lady who was driving me to a venue where I was scheduled to either speak to a group of people about my career as an artist/designer or teach th...
6 Year Old Girl
Hi Jerry,
I think this dream almost interprets itself, however, you asked me before to keep you posted. And of course, any thoughts you have on the dream would be appreciated, as always.
I was in a child's bedroom. There were bunk beds. An old friend was there, a...
Views: 718 Replies: 5
Last Post: Oct 7, 2019 3:00pm by Nic
Hanging from a cloud; sheeple
Here are two symbolically rich dreams I am trying to interpret:
About a week ago I had this dream:
I am harnessed in a parachute or something like it, and my parachute is caught in the clouds. I a hanging there in the sky, hanging from my parachute-like contrapti...
Dreams and Early LIfe Influences/Motivators
A key cornerstone to my approach to dream analysis and the emotional energies dreams embody is the impact of early childhood on later life behavior, including infancy. As with most all of nature, what is learned through practical experiences as well as sensory abilit...
Literally Going Through Other People
This dream was so vivid I can't get it out of my memory: I was walking hand in hand with my pre-teenage daughter (in reality I was childless at the time of the dream, now I have a son). From time to time, we both went through the bodies of the various strangers cross...
Views: 616 Replies: 7
Last Post: Sep 7, 2019 1:34pm by Anon
My Deceased Parents came back to live with me
August 29, 2019
Hello, my name is Connie, I’m 60 years old, and I grew up in church, my family went every time the doors were open, even if it was just a business meeting. The denomination was of the Pentecostal flavor, with people speaking in tongues, danci...
Views: 523 Replies: 9
Last Post: Sep 5, 2019 8:47pm by Connie
Very shook from this dream
Very shook from this dream
Last night had a lucid dream of myself laying in my bed. Except for everything was in the wrong spot e.g. the ceiling fan was where the TV was and the rug was on the ceiling. There was weird foreign music barely making it through the s...
Terrifying car dream
Had a nightmare last night. Dreamed about going out for a walk in a place I'm unfamiliar with during the day. As I returned home, I saw my mom and my sister across a street. My mom asked me "Where have you been?" calmly, like not in a panic or anything, I'm about to...
Joseph Campbell- Jung and the Shadow System {with short video}
This short video {6 minutes} provides insights of how the unconscious works. In it Campbell gives a brief description of Jung's shadow which is the same as Freud's unconscious. The shadow is a constitution of repressed experiences that the ego does not want to acknow...
Recurrent dream about a special city...
I have a recurrent dream that always involves a city in the NL where I lived for 2 years and a half in my 20s. I am now 25 and I have moved back from the NL to my hometown in Italy for 3 years now.
In my dream I always see that city in the NL, and I always g...
First time a dream made me research
I had a dream where I met a guy that was obviously a gay guy who I started hanging out with and he always told me how his master wants to meet me and after convincing me for a long time I said I would meet him. We met in some warehouse where there was another guy (al...
The Stone
I find a mysterious square stone tablet on a window sill in a cave-like place. Daylight comes through the window, lighting the room. The stone is bolted to the sill by four bolts through round holes in the stone, one near each of its corners, but the stone does not t...
I had a dream about a woman (POI) that I actually like... I was trying to find her. I sense she was around so I asked many different people (females) as to where she was... with all this searching (didnt take that long). I was in a building and inside different rooms...
Odd Chemistry, pointless dream?
My Dream :
My childhood best friend calls, a family member has died and an unknown brother is requesting she come and help go through property. She asks me to go with her. My husband, son and daughter all go with her to an abandoned theme park somewhere in Florida....
Wedding/Bride Dream
Yesterday, I had a flurry of dreams and visions in my mind while I was sleeping, I felt like I was having an attack with my body moving around and a strong pressure in my heart while the visions/dreams were quickly changing.
There was only one vision I remember cl...
Jail + Life w/out parole
So I had a dream that a man, I believe he was my brother was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
I was walking with him in jail, and my dream would flash to the moments where he did the actions that caused him this sentence.
Basically, he was the j...
Dream of giving birth
I am pregnant and about to give birth. The father is One of three people, but they have no idea. I was wondering if I should let them know I’m pregnant or wait til I had the baby to see who it looked like. I have a lot of questions because I’ve never had...
Dream of cheating and mice.
I have posted on this thread twice before in the last couple of years. Both of them have been themed around my sexuality and deep mother wounds ie. A narcissistic mother. I am in a relationship with the same man I was during those posts and we are going on two years....
Animus Dream
This was exactly what I wrote upon waking
"I was dating this guy. I think he was the man of dreams, but in the dream at first I had no idea who he was and he explained to me we have been dating a year. His sister said she had put a spell on me. I have really bad a...
Views: 702 Replies: 5
Last Post: Feb 12, 2019 11:11pm by nm13
I was given a HUGE diamond ring. It was actually 2 rings an engagement ring and wedding ring. The engagement ring had 4 smaller square diamonds and I knew they were 1/4 each. Not sure how I knew. The wedding diamond was HUGE and square cut. They were all square. The...
Sharp pains in head
In my house, walking into open area, holding my phone. I feel sharp pains through the top of my head, get dizzy, and fall to the floor, with phone sliding out of reach. I think I must be having a stroke. Lying on the floor, I am semi-conscious. I can see things aroun...
Views: 587 Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 3, 2019 12:20pm by Peggy J
the invisible wall and a cyst
In my dream........
I was standing with a group of people facing a room. The front wall of this room was "invisible" but the side walls and back wall of this room were normal/solid walls. I remember knowing that we (me and the people in the group) were not "normal...
I see a rooster perched on a power line at the edge of my property. A large hawk swoops down and grabs the rooster. It holds the rooster's head with one claw and its back with another. It flies in a wide circle over to the neighbor's yard opposite side of my property...
climbing a steep hill ?
so basically the dream starts with my family (me, my mom, and my dad) attempting to walk up a steep hill to get to a chapel of sorts. the reason we are trying to get to the chapel is nuclear. however, once we are near the top, it becomes too rocky, I could probably h...
Welcome Back-The Dream Forum is Open
After several months of being closed due to locating from Cocoa, Fl to Altoona, Fl. and rebuilding Kitty City the Dream Forum is once again open for service. As always I provide free analysis/interpretation of dreams. The Dream Forum has been on-line since 2005 and u...
Forest monster's/spirit's
Hi this is my first time posting here
I'm from Germany, English is not my mother language so please excuse spelling or grammatical mistakes.
Let me begin to explain my dream. I was alone in a forest, it was bright outside and it wasn't getting darker throughout th...
Views: 674 Replies: 6
Last Post: Oct 2, 2018 7:30am by Ahmed
breaking into friend's house
I've had this intro to my dream two different times in different years.
This isn't the dream, but a male friend of mine passed away a few years ago. The intro of my dream starts with me breaking into his house. I don't know if I pick the door lock, find his house...
Views: 697 Replies: 11
Last Post: Oct 2, 2018 7:29am by Ahmed
Greek Gods (?)
Dream Sunday to Monday (based on my memory) – 9/23 – 9/24.
I remember seeing a painting of a woman named Mary that I know - and she was headless, and the painting was dark, with dark colors. Black back ground. She was wearing a maroon colored dress, an...
The Possibility of Tool for Dreaming while Awake
In February of 2013 I had a dream that I remember having many times as a child. In the dream I was using a device that allowed me to see my life's purpose before I had achieved it. I was intimately connected to this device and it provided a sense of confidence in my...
Man came into my bed dream
Wow. I cannot shake this dream.....I hope someone can help. first, I am female, single, live alone.
Here goes. A man walked into my room and crawled into my bed wrapping himself around you would snuggle. I could feel him like it was so real....but I was...
Dream about holding hands what does it mean?? Please help:'(
What does holding hands in a dream means ? I had this dream about a guy staring at me from somewhere behind me (we were at uni in a amphitheatre-kind of room and he was somewhere up behind me) and I felt that he was watching me, then for some reason I went to get som...
He saved me while I was being chased
I had this dream about being at my old school (I'm in uni now) and for some reason I was hiding from something idk what, it felt like something or more likely some people were chasing me. I felt so trapped when suddenly this guy told me to go through the back door an...
beauty salon
I was outside in my bathrobe walking on a street when I saw a guy I liked in real life. I didn’t want him to see me in my bathrobe and I dashed inside a beauty salon where I saw my hair stylist. I changed my bathrobe to a jacket or something else. He also enter...
Last night, I had this dream where I had woken up in some strange institution. Not quite a jail, not quite a mental hospital. Entirely female residents (I will call them/us residents as we were not quite inmates, but were forced to live here) all dressed the same way...
Elephant, dolphins, the color gray
Good morning! It's been a while since I have posted on these forums. I had a dream a few nights ago that seems significant. A little background...Over the past couple of years, I have experienced a lot of depression, stress, and medical issues. This spring/summer...
back to life
My maternal grandparents have been deceased for a decade, but last night I had a dream that they were both alive. I used to live in their home after they passed away and while I was there my grandfather showed up. My grandmother who had alzheimers also showed up a li...
blowing nose
I was blowing my nose, but there was a blockage. I tried to get it out and out came pasta causing blockage underneath my nose. First, I removed several ravioli pasta (without sauce), then some spaghetti noodles.
Kissing someone - then dying
Hi, I had the strangest, most vivid dream. I was not myself, but another, young woman. I was at a dance celebrating some man whom I do not know in my real life, but I did in the dream. Suddenly, the man reached out for me and kissed me on the lips, but right at that...
Dream Sequence 2 - JLO and Mariah Carey
I am in Jennifer Lopez's house. I have no idea why or where this even came from. Anyways, I remember us talking. At some point, I am in her bathroom - I hear singing. I head into the bathroom and see that there are 4 bath tubs. These are stacked tubs. The tubs are...
Views: 716 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 26, 2018 12:07pm by Jackie
Dream Sequence 1 - TJ Miller Dream
I was visiting friends and I believe it was a new home. While I was there, I was helping an Asian woman cook a meal. Attendees that I knew were there were TJ Miller (famous (?) comedian, my dad, myself, my mom, this Asian woman (she is a Chinese actress in a show...
Views: 711 Replies: 6
Last Post: Apr 24, 2018 2:21pm by Jackie
dragon head
In this dream, I was hugging a man I knew in bed. It was a comforting experience. On his back, it looked like a tattoo. Then, I think it was a dragon head that came to life (maybe the tattoo was a dragon and came to life). This dragon head attacked me or bite my hand...
sitting on lawn and staring
I was sitting on the carpet in the family room watching tv with my parents in their house. There was a real neighbor my parents don't get along with who was invading our privacy by sitting on a picnic blanket on our backyard lawn staring at us through the glass door...
Art - and maybe aweird adventure. In color.
I was with an artistic friend from high school, Jaime. He and I are heading to a school bus to take to a street called Parkhurst (?) Not sure- something with “Park” in it. There are a line of school buses that are outside heading to different locations&...
Hi Gerry,
I had the following dream this morning:
I was in Charlotte, NC (I grew up in Charlotte) in my dream, I was visiting there with my mom and we were going to be there for 7-8 days. I remember walking a path with my mom at one point and marveling at how...
In Water- Women asks to hold my head & kiss me
Hi There-
I had a dream we were in rooms with water, like each room was a hot-tub like environment- there was more to that, but I don't quite remember- i believe i was working there. in one of the rooms a woman approached me and said "may i hold your head" i s...
recurring dreams with Iguana (lizards) and water
In the last few months i have had a few dreams where i have an Iguana or some sort of large lizard appear in my dream. Usually when the lizard appears a lot of water will appear at the same time.
I know that water represents the unconscious, but i am quite stumped...
mean childhood friend
In this dream, I was in a room with some males trying to catch a small mouse on the loose. I can't remember if there was another dream with some type of public food banquet before it. I'm not sure if a tv show I watched that night triggered this dream. The tv show fo...
My crush had a picture of me
Hi. Recently I started dreaming a lot of dreams connected with photos and photography. In most of them I am the photographer but yesterday I had a weird really nice dream but I couldn't find the meaning. So I have one boy who I really love and he is my classmate. My...
church seating
I was in a cozy church setting. There was a male from my past who I don't get along with seated somewhere behind me. Then, he was sitting at the front of the church or in front of me looking at me and talking or joking around with me like a friend. Somehow, a male fr...
Interpreting Your Dreams Using A Dream Dictionary
I have almost completed designing the web pages 'Interpreting Your Dreams Using A Dream Dictionary'. The pages for PCs are complete and can be accessed here. I hope to have pages designed for other media completed in a few days {Iphones, tablets and android phones}....
I was driving in a convertible with the top down. it could have been a new convertible. Since I had some personal items near or on the passenger's door, I pressed the button to automatically put the top up. Before this happened, a doctor I;m seeing for some health pr...
Negative Entity attacking while floating/trying to escape.
I have always had vivid dreams but this on was too scary. I was floating on a platform like object while a squad of females and males came to attack me. The males would hit me in my head or in the center of my back as I was floating/trying to escape. It was like I...
Growing extra body parts
Hi. I had a dream the other night where both my feet looked as if they had extra toes and seemed like they were webbed but I started stretching my toes and the extra toes grew into another foot on each side. I was just wondering if this meant anything significant. Ho...
metamorphosis of dream characters and places
Hi, I am trying to work our what it means when a character changes into another person as sometimes the transformation can be into a character with similar traits and sometimes its complete opposite. I have had this happen quite often. in the dream it is as though i...
two recurring dreams
I had these two dreams last night, but I have had both of these dreams repeatedly for years.
In the first dream, I didn't graduate from high school so I had to go back to high school. (In real life, I received a warning from my high school that I wouldn't graduat...
I was in a public building. I'm not sure if I heard or knew there was a serial killer in the building or if it was just someone trying to kill the first person in sight. The killer was coming at me with a sword in his hand. I was cornered or had nowhere to turn to es...
the truth
I was in a public place like a school, but I’m not sure it was a school. But some students from my past school were there. As I was walking across a large space, I ran into a former friend of mine named Tina. Tina told me that she knew the truth about Ryan. An...
My eyes were destroyed
I had a conflict with someone on internet forum and I had following dream.
Dream : A I remember 2 dark figures, one is slim, revengful destroy my eyes.
I am in a bad position for the last 2 days after that event, I fell as I do not have eyes, I can't think, I...
Sequence of 3 dreams last night...
I posted a dream on October 12th under the name "alyssa" that I feel like will give you additional insight into my life..
First Dream: I was at some sort of event in a large room, we were going to watch a movie projected onto a screen in a gymnasium type room. I w...
nightmare about computer virus
I'm browsing the internet on my computer and click a post on a website. The post sends me to a page called: "Everyrootinyourbody.html". The page is mostly blank with a background that is getting redder the more I look at it, I try to go back but my screen becomes fil...
dream of not buying earrings at an auction
I was at an auction house, and there was the most desirable pair of earrings being sold, they were so trendy. The earrings were yellow with a design of a man’s face on it and there was a long gold stem hanging from each earing. I was encouraged to buy it by a...
Giving contact lenses
I graduated college a while ago. A friend that I used to have a crush on was in my dream. It was winter, around Christmas, and I had a present that I had apparently bought him a while ago but forgot to give him. I didn't remember what it was and I was afraid he would...
Crawling Baby
I am currently 15 weeks pregnant & this is my first child. Conceived 3 months earlier than planned but thrilled nonetheless. There is a bit of financial concern but other than than, there are no major concerns in my life.
Last night I dreamt that I could feel the...
For Whom The Bells Toll Themed Dream
Had a dream last night where the words of the poem 'For whom the bells toll' ran through my dream. I remember waking from it with those words repeating...any idea what it could possibly mean? There were no bells ringing literally, it was just a voice saying those wor...
Dreams and Neuroscience: Catching Up With Jung
I have stated time and again in my analysis that dreams are about our emotions. Specifically, dreams reveal the underlying structure of the motivational forces that drive our waking life and choices. A question Quora magazine posed to Paul King, Director of Data Scie...
Child Development and the Emotional Circuits of Mammalian Brains
As a prime postulate {basis} in my theory of dream analysis the psych{ology} of every human is primarily predicated on the earliest years of childhood. What we 'EXPERIENCE' in those first encounters in life become the standards of who we become in adult life. And bec...
First let me borrow from an article some of the wording about the patterns that govern the universe that have associations to my theories on patterns in dreams. The article link is PATTERNS: UNLOCKING THE UNIVERSE and I suggest you read it.
This is a great piece....
The Muse: Our Universe is Made of and Governed by Music
Joseph Campbell often spoke of the muse in mythology {the Muses are the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts in Greek mythology}. But he also expounded on Jungian concept that the muse is a part of the human psyche and we express in music, poe...
Recurring Dream Fragment: Struggle to Walk at a Normal Pace
I'm having a reoccurring fragment in a dream. By fragment I mean that this happens in every dream I've remembered for the past couple months. The dreams have all varied.
In my dreams, as I am trying to walk, some force comes over me and makes it impossible for m...
Woke up with #6 on my arm
So I woke up in the middle of the night about 2 years ago with the number 6 on my bicep with a circle around it. The weird thing is that I wasn't laying on anything and it wasn't indented into my skin but the skin was actually raised. It seemed so clear and odd at th...
Dream that I killed someone to save someone else but felt guilty
I had a dream that I was a completely different person, a man. There was a plane crash and I saved a woman and myself by parachuting off. We landed in a jungle and had to escape from cannibals who ate the remains of all the people who had died in the plane crash. The...
Views: 780 Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 14, 2017 3:14pm by Becky
Was in a terrorist attack and bf didn't care?
So in this dream/nightmare I was with my ex ( was my bf at the time in the dream). It begins with us on these stands outside watching a college art performance or something like that. Then we get up to leave and he looks back at the woman talking to the crowd and the...
Seeing the same dream over and over again , but with a different structure.
I have seen the same dream again and again for five years now, with a frequency of a few months apart. The dreams are different but they have the same structure and elements in them. These dreams are so powerful that they have a psychosomatic effect in me (when I rem...
Views: 759 Replies: 8
Last Post: Dec 14, 2017 4:34am by Maxx
The man came from other side of the border.
I saw that we were in a place which is my grade school's garden. It had many tables like cafeteria in my university. We were sitting with my friend (from university), having dinner and during eating i was arguing with a stranger against communism. I made him in a sit...
Views: 671 Replies: 4
Last Post: Dec 13, 2017 11:06pm by Tugberk
Jung's Theory of Dreaming
G. William Domhoff
Carl Jung lived from 1875-1961. He saw dreams as having the structure of a story or play. He saw many parallels between dreams and myths, and said they sometimes used the same symbols to express their themes. Different kinds of dreams came from...
Jung’s house dream reinterpreted
Jung's House Dream
as re-interpreted by Joe Griffin The expectation fulfillment theory of dreaming.
To read Jung's interpretation of his dream My dream thus constituted a kind of structural diagram of the human psyche
Joe Griffin is a research psychologist with...
Blog: What I Have Learned About Dreams
The Dream Forum Jan 2005/Nov 2017
This is my first blog post at the Dream Forum.
I first placed the Dream Forum on line in 2005 aligned with my website Myths-Dreams -Symbols . It is now 2017 and the Dream Forum has 4500+ posted messages and many more thousands re...
Spirituality vs Religion by WebMaster Gerard
Anyone who has studied Jung long enough has discovered the emphasis he puts on finding the spiritual self. Indeed, in Jung's mind the spiritual identity is one's true identity. Jung stated many times in his life that those patients who found a spiritual identity were...
stats from 7-14-10 to the present