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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

I searched the web for 'Ray Mears Bushcraft'. I as curious because being a Tennessean the one time basketball coach at the University of Tennessee was named Ray Mears. Not the same person of course but both undoubtly have the ability to inspire.

Most people are out of touch with nature. Especially Americans. We tend to talk a good game about how much we care about the environment but our actions are less than admirable. Europeans have a better grasp of the reality of the dire condition of the planet. And with a lowlife like George W. Bush {nature's anti-christ} you can see why. I don't believe nature has a good/bad mentality but she does respond to the abuse humans cause. Global warming is a fact and the number and intensity of hurricanes reflect that. 60% of Americans live near the coast and with every destructive storm more and bigger construction is made. We bring much of the suffering upon ourselves with our attitudes.

In a response to a question you possed about my interest in numerology. I really don't consider myself an expert or even well versed in numerology. My interest is in those things that influence the psyche. Perhaps the biggest influence is the primitive mind, those influences that all humans possess. Mythology is a blueprint of those influences and from Greek mythology you have the numerical value assigned to the feminine, or Goddess. That number is 9. The vibes I mention in my posts concerning what I deem as intuitive connectiveness to nature center on the number 9. Those vibes have been uncharacteristically strong for almost a month and began prior to Katrina. The number 3 also has been prominent. The last several days has seen an increase of those vibrations. Rita must be the reason. The Great Mother {link} is calling out and those in tune with her consciousness feel the vibrations. At least that is my explaination to the vibes I feel.

One last thing about the number 9 and 3. If in fact there is that perceived connection to earth's consciousness then I fear that number 3 has dire consequences. There is Katrina and Rita. Both are feminine names and nature's doing. Is there a third natural disaster yet to be realized?

2005 Hurricane Names




Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

Consider this. If you add the total of the latitude/longitude of Galveston, Tx

29n18 94w48 click here for chart

you get 45. In dreams it is often the case the totality of the numbers have meaning to the dreamer's life. 4+5=9

is there meaning in Galveston being at this latitude/longitude? Inquiring minds need to know

Nine is the number of the universe {The Cycle of Time Number 432}. The influence of nine is part of the psyche. If what is true at one level of consciousness, is it true at all levels of consciousness. Is there a link to the consciousness of the mind to the universal? In dreams it is.Archetypes . How else can we experience the link. In dreams we have myth. The earth is measured in latitude/longitude. Physical and metaphyiscal. Two different levels of the one psyche.

Question to the regular at the 'Dream Forum'? Am I confusing some of you with this dialog about the hurricanes? Part of it has to do with .synchronicity.
This gets to the depths of Jungian thought. The relationship of the individual psyche to the universal is most important to understand. It is probably the most controversal aspect of Jungian thought. But it is most important to understand because it gives speech to what can not be explained because of the mystery it holds. Science is at a lose because it requires more than ordinary thinking. It is also most important if you ever hope to know how to read dreams. It is one thing to interpret a dream, and another to read see into the dream.

The Left Hand Path of the Hero Myth

If Rita takes a left jog where it hits land it will hit Galveston and Houston 29n46 95w22.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced....Obi-Wan Kenobi

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Holy Sh*t

Talk of synchronicity

Just as I made my last post the CNN weather guy changed the direction, said Rita just took a jog to the left, west back toward Galveston.
8:30 cst Thursday

Someone explain that!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

A quick quote may befit this thread. (Possessing no original thoughts of my own so must follow those that have gone before me...)

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

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Re: Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

Great insights. And more related to this thread than you may think. This is a quote Campbell often repeated. It suggests we are as much metaphysical beings as much as if not more so as we are physical beings.

And it goes to the crux of what I am trying to get across. If indeed there is a true spiritual {metaphysical} aspect that Jung so aggressively argued {spirituality being a metaphysical aspect beyond a physical understanding, but not necessarily something that is miraculous} then what I propose in my suggestion is we as humans have access to the realm of nature that is capable of informing the human senses. It is all within nature {which of course is counter to Western religions} which has a basis of relativity to human nature. If other animals can sense earthquakes, tsunamies and other natural events then is it not possible humans can also sense certain events. The Force that is alluded to in Star Wars is exactly that force within nature.

In Darwin's Origin of Species Natural Selection provides nature with the tools to survive, or become extinct. Campbell offers up how new born turtles instinctively know to run to the ocean upon birth. This is imprinted within their psyche. This imprintation in humans is called Archeypes.

More on Campbell's turtles
Campbell was also making another point when giving his story about turtles instinctive nature at birth {borrowed from Leo Frobenius}. He states that the turtles look like small tanks making a dash to the sea, being picked off by gulls, dive bombers striking at the new borns. And just when the infant turtles reach the ocean and what seems to be safety and freedom, they are eaten by the large fish in the water.
Life is tough!

How true.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}


Agreed. Nature is human nature, human nature is Nature. Everything is one and the same. I think it is our, (human), fallacy in trying to separate one from another. Nature is Nature however experienced whether it be as "animal, vegtable or mineral" or celestial (Gai, the sun or other universal bodies). I feel this sense, intuition, to danger is expressed as the fight or flight instinct innate to All sentient existences, including Gai in the definition of both sentient and being a spiritual being. Can not Darwin’s Natural Selection then also be applied to Gai? Or for that matter, the Sun, or the whole host of forms in physical existence? Life, death, rebirth. It's displayed and reinforced in all of Nature, in all of physical existence. Where would Nature conceptualize of this cycle? Possibly from it’s own experience of life, death and rebirth. Gai has sensed, intuited, the advancing danger to it’s Self. Therefore it reacts. It’s energy pattern, (it’s thoughts & emotions), even before the slightest development of ‘physical’ reaction could be the cause of these vibrations as it’s energy emanates throughout. Different forms receive different ‘wave lengths’. The animals just prior to the incident. Some select humans, those with highly developed intuition, before a storm is even a single piece of dust in the air. This whole series of events could be viewed as a demonstration of intuition. Including Nature’s intuition and Natural Selection self survival instinct.

(And you’re first thought will probably be ‘where’s the empirical thought/evidence in this statement?” You’re right, there is none present. I remain on the plane of the lowly and inferior so have yet to make progress in developing rational thought.)


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

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Re: Tropical Depression 18 {9}

A quick update on Rita. I ventured out only for a while and that was to watch my grandson practice soccer. The vibes are still constant but more in an ebb and flow. Hopefully that is a position sign that Galveston and Houston will avoid a direct hit. Displacing another 2.5 million people would a real catastrophe for us all, not to speak of the deaths and suffering the storm will/has caused.
Perhaps our meditations and prayers will have a positive effect also.

Rita is predicted to hit Texas early tomorrow morning {around 4AM cst}. If it comes ashore as predicted it will hit Beaumont, Tx. She will be a catagory 3, a major hurricane.
The latitude/longitude of Beaumont, Tx. is
30n05 94w06
Yep! 135

The storm is predicted to stall out over Texas for several days after it comes ashore and could cause up to 2 feet of rain. I don't see this hurricane dying out without leaving some real damage. There could be as much damage from the rain afterwards as the storm arriving onshore. If the damage is to property and not to people, Mother Nature will have been mercifull.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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stats from 7-14-10 to the present