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Walking through a no go area

I have also had many dreams where I have been hit/hurt or am hurting/hitting someone else.

This is the most recent of the four dreams (a couple months ago).

In this dream I have been asked to take something to a cetrain place but I have to walk through this park which is a no go area as lots of people have been attacked (beatings to rape). I don't want to but I do. As I'm walking through the park I'm paronoid that I'm going to be attacked, so I walk as fast as I can when suddenly I'm hit in the face. It's my front teeth and nose that are hit. As I fall to my hands and knees I'm clutching my mouth with my right hand. Whilst on my left hand and knees I become aware of two people stood infront of me. All I can see are their legs from the knees downwards and one of them is holding a long flashlight, I know they are men. The words that came into my mind were 'O'h crap I've been caught' and thats when I wake up.

I did also have the sleep paralysis.

From the dreams I have wrtten about there does seem to be the common link of being chased, dying or being hurt, and yes I have had all the common dreams, but it's the actual emotions that I have after waking which have affected me. More so when I have the sleep paralysis and the out of body experience and thats what makes them horrendous to me.

Thank you Gerad.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Huddersfield

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Re: Walking through a no go area

See the I have to turn the lights on post.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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