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dissapointments, betrayed and knowledge

Todays dream: It was me and my mom and dad my two sisters and my sisters husband..We were at a hotel and my sister wanted to go shopping or look around my mom and dad said they were busy so they make it until later..So they were getting ready but my sister asked me to go with her to walk around..So we walked it was all green with trees it looks like a park but there was flags so it maybe a golf course.Next thing I know it was getting dark a bit and my sister was gone and notice she had left me and I didn't know my way back..I walked and past some people that came out of no where..Some were families playing a kite and some laying down next to their tents..I was passing them trying to find my way back and suddenly I was in the room everyone was all ready to leave..I was upset and told them thanks for leaving me and for not letting me know where you were going..My older sister was upset at my sister for leaving me and my mom said you can come with us and I was like no just go since everyone else is ready to leave me and nobody even bothered looking for me.

The night before I had this dream of my husband.He had a text and he looked at it and I saw a little bit of the message.It was from a girl and it said 'Im leaving him' and I was like who was that and he said oh nobody..Somehow I found out it was from a girl that he was inlove with long time ago.I said was that message about I saw it, who is she leaving? Why is letting you know so you can leave with her? If your so inlove with her why didn't you be with her and he said I never follow my heart..I said,so you don't even love me if you never follow your heart..That was the last thing I remember..

Another dream I had today, was I somehow got this message from a robot that he transferred me everything he knew..I knew everything he knew about life..That was the end of it..

Oh and this morning my husband told me he had a weird dream.He said he was heading to work and saw his boss and said so whats my raise? His boss said no one got a raise because the economy is so bad..

My husband asked me what did that meant?
In real life today he was getting ready for work telling me that its the end of the month and he said he knows his boss is gonna tell everyone what raise they got..They get a raise every end of june..

Thanks Gerard

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: dissapointments, betrayed and knowledge

I am going to reverse the question and ask you to interpret your dream. We have looked at enough of your dreams to expose a pattern. Interpret the dreams and I will give my take on that.

As for your husband's dream. Did he get the raise or did his boss state what was said in the dream? It may have been a 'fear' of not getting a raise that prompted the dream. Such emotional concerns are normal in dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: dissapointments, betrayed and knowledge

These dreams are things that Ive felt in the past.. Betrayed by the ones you count on in life. The dissapointments that I felt and the outcome of learning from it all, which gave me knowledge.

But my dreams are obviously letting me know that these feelings are still lingering on my mind.
I've learned that dreams are more than just regular dreams.No matter how short your dream maybe it shows many hidden meanings to them.

I know what my dream is telling me.Its telling me to stand up for myself.
I know deep down its what I need to do is break out of my shell..I am a cancer (lol) I am very tough but my family is where I am weak.My family has thought me to never talk back to elders.

The broblem is that they took advantage of that, no matter how wrong they are, if Ive said something its like fighting a war that is a never ending battle..

My husbands dream is about keeping things to himself.His feelings of anger is so weird to me that sometimes I feel like this is not love.Sometimes the thought of leaving him comes to mind. Most of the the time they are just to scare him so maybe he will change.After dreaming and waking up from feeling of being scared is the feeling of not wanting to leave him because I love him..I know he loves me very much I just wish he could follow his heart to be better.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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