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a cobra becoming a kitten

in this deram i am younger than i am now , i must be around 7 or 8 ... i am at my home , my room and my balcone , there is a baby cobra who is angry and wants to bite everyone , i am a little afraid especially when my mother passes near the cobra . and then someone ( maybe my boyfriend ) hit the snake with his foot and the cobra is now a white kitten who is angry and starts klimbing the walls of my balconie to go away . but it fell down ( 2 floors ) on the ground and i am the only one who looked and i start crying because i saw the kitten dead lying with blue blood . i am the only one upset about this...
then everything is normal again .. i am my actual age and there is my boss ( i am a babysitter and he is the father of the little girl i am babysitting ) and he is asking me to be with him like in a relationship but i tell him that i am in love with my boyfriend ... and then he starts undressing and my dad enters and tells him relaxed and with a smile - hey man - what are you doing you 're making a fool of yourself ..
and then i am with some friends i only know one - maria , and my mother enters and i introduce her to ' my assosiets ' and she is all happy about it . and there is also the little girl i am babysitting and i ask her if she wants to go to maria s house to pick up some strawberryes from her garden ....

so - this i s my dream - i have posted i think one year ago a dream with a snake and a baby tiger and i think it is related somehow ... but i don t know what is it with the cat and the cobra - why are they angry , why are they presented like 'babys' and why does the cobra become a kitten and at the end dies ... and why my boss in my dream and the strowberryes ???

does it make sense to you ? i hope it does in some way - please help me understand this dream i think it is important for me right now cause i am working on understanding my subconsens and how to make it work for me so ....

help :)

thank you :)))

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 beograd srbija

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Re: a cobra becoming a kitten

I have only read the first line of your post and want to make a comment before going further. I want to see if the conclusions I have formed are correct. They are as follow:

Most often when a dream opens with {or even includes else where in the dream} language about childhood homes or experiences at a younger age, those dreams are actually addressing true experiences from that period of time of the dreamer's life.

Let's see if this dream fits that pattern.

The angry cobra may actually represent two, even three things, one of which takes place in the dream. The first is a transformation {snakes loose their skin and grow new skin-a transformation that represents some relationship to the dreamer}. The second is the angry cobra represents Aleks, some angry part of her that needs to be transformed.
The other possible metaphor for the cobra is 'feeling controlled', either by someone or some forces beyond the control of the dreamer {Aleks}. That may be where the anger enters into the picture.

The age time line would most likely be addressing when this 'anger' began, the causation of possible internal if not external anger later in her life. The cobra is a ' baby' also which coincides with the childhood suggestion. The actions of the baby cobra wanting to bite everyone would more likely represent a 'natural' defensive reaction {snakes naturally strike in elf defense}. The mother probably represents her true self and the actions may be in fear for her or anger against her. The dream seems to accent the first possibility, fear for her safety from some form of anger.

A transformation takes place when a masculine aspect {may be actual person, her bf, in Aleks current waking life} makes her realize something about herself {the hit in the head is a jolt of realization that affects her 'foundations'}. The kitten may represent her feminine self, perhaps the lost purity and innocence of childhood and wanting to get away from those past painful experiences. The dead kitten is that childhood childhood experiences that have transformed her forever. Blue blood, blue feelings, perhaps even depression that affects her energy {blood} in her current adult life.

To the present day. And reflections/associations to the past. The father may be Aleks' actual father, her boss in childhood. The action from there may be actual experiences, perhaps not sexually, perhaps so. These actions persist to the present day and affect her actions, personality, attitudes.

Maria seems to represent something positive in Aleks' life. Aleks may be the only one who can expand on that. And her mother once again enters the dream, and that happy place. The associations to Maria may provide clues to how Aleks is coping with her past experiences. And hr mother having shared some of those experiences is now also included in that experience of coping.

The strawberries in her garden? A refreshment or replacement of that sexuality that may have been stolen as a child. Maria offers a happy place and perhaps even a sanctuary from past memories/experiences.

Aleks. Were there a traumatic experiences in your childhood that still linger to the present day? Does it involve your father? And does your current relationship with your bf bring back memories of your past {this may indicate associations to your bf to your father}.
Let me know your response and perhaps we will gain insights to the unconscious contents that offer relief to some of the internal anger in your life. And also verify my opening statement about childhood homes/experiences in dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: a cobra becoming a kitten

wow Gerard you are really an expert :))

well all of what you said make sense ...
i had really bad experience with my father during all my life mostly - started when i was 6 or 7 ... he changed towards me .. he was always yelling at me and sometimes bitting me and it was really acts of great anger like hate - all those things he was saying to me when he was yelling aren't somethings i want to write here ... but it all was like a storm a big storm which when it s gone all was " back to normal " . and i really suffered because of that because it was some kind of abuse mostly psychological .. and it lasted until i met my bf 2 years ago - then all of that changed - i think i got some kind of confidence to stand up against all that for good ( cause believe me i have been tored apart trying to first stop my father doing all that and then i had some minor breaks down )
now i live with my bf for 6 months now and my relationship with my father is all i ever wanted it to be - i know he loves me more than everything and i love him cause i understood that my father wasn't really aware of what he was doing .. he is someone who projects his fears ( were they are real or not ) and acts like they are really real ,. i don't know really how to explain it in english i hope you understood somehow :)

so - all in all - is it a good dream or a bad dream :)

i told you i am practicing my connection with my inner me and i want to know if i am in the right train :))

thanks :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 beograd srbija

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Re: a cobra becoming a kitten

I truly appreciate your response. It once again verifies the association of age in dreams to actual life experiences.

As for the dream being good or bad. all dreams are good but some dreams contain 'bad' information. That is it is bad in that there were experiences in the dreamer's life that were negative. But the fact that all dreams reflect what is true about the dreamer's emotional life is why there are 'bad' things in dreams. Dreams attempt the inform the dreamer of those truths.

You are on the right train. The fact you are exploring that inner world is what makes it right. Knowing what causes your emotional attitudes is very important if there is to be a healing of the negative aspects. Repressing or ignoring what troubles you only makes it worse. Eventually there has to be a reconciliation of those negatives or life will be nothing but a living hell. That applies to everyone. So stay on track and your train will arrive at that station you wish for in life. The inner search is psychological and nothing says more about the unconscious than do dreams.

Have you begun to read Jung's Individuation Process. By going 'inward' you are engaged in that psychological process. Consciously engaging in that process is a big step in personal development and says a lot about your psyche maturity. You have begun the process early in your life and you will reap many rewards later, especially at mid-lif, because of dconscious decision at this satge in life. Just stay on course and it will all come together.
{I was 42 before I began my conscious psychological journey}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: a cobra becoming a kitten

well - i try to jsut take control over my life :) and i am doing that through meditation or some kind of auto suggestion cause i once spoke to a professional pshycologist and she told me that i am a pretty mind but i have to leave all that to the professional since it isn t my thing ( i am a future lawyer ) so .. i prefer not to read much about all the things there is cause i wont believe only what one says i would have to read all of those minds and then find my thing :)
well - thank you a lot for this explication :) it really
helped me :)

best wishes - i am going to pack my bags now i have a plane waiting for me :)

bye : )

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 beograd srbija

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