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My mother and I

Well ive never been on this site before but it seems really cool especially considering ive had some really weird random dreams i would love to have interpreted, but ill just start out with one i had last night for now.

Well first i was with my friend wayne in his bed sleeping. But he was a wild sleeper i guess because he kept rolling over on me but i didnt mind too much. Next thing i know my mom arrives and its time for me to go home. Before we head home she stops at mcdonalds, and in the drive through there is a tree and inside it is a sign that looks like a road sign but with the mcdonalds m. Then the sign starts shooting sparks and my mom said "oh no its a surge!" and the car started being pumped with electricity and we were. I stopped getting shocked before her, so i grabbed on to her so the electricity could pass through the both of us, (i guess i thought it would lessen the blow on her).
We continue driving home and she falls asleep out of nowhere so i have to jump from the passenger seat and grab the wheel. Then we end up going off the road with the car flipping four times. My mom leaves and i wait with my sister(who appeared out of nowhere). My mom showed up driving another car and almost hits me picking us up. I yell at her for almost killing me so many times in one day, then when i get home i want to tell my dad but my mom says "shh" so i decide not too.

sorry for the length. Im guessing it has something to do with my mom always worrying about everything going on in my life when she really doesnt have to stress out so much. What do you think it means?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, North Dakota

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: My mother and I

Since your mother is so prominent in your dream it must be addressing some type of issue with her. You are trying to protect her from 'the surge'. Could that be an emotional surge that is related to some type of actions on your part? And does the fact you are in bed with Wayne have anything to do with that? If not what in your waking life could you be wanting to protect her from?
Also, there may be something the two of you share that may be involved. The 'family tree' may be involved.

Then there is the element of her losing control. Could that also apply to some actions on your part? It may have been something that caused some real conflicts.

Instead of you protecting her it is she who is wanting to protect you. Since she is in the drivers seat that would equate to her controlling your life. Even she knows better she continues to do so {mom showed up driving another car}.

Now that I come to the end of your post I see where the dream fits with your suggestion 'my mom always worrying about everything going on in my life'. I believe you have correctly interpreted your own dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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