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sex kitten

Hey Gerard,
This one is kind of short and muddled..

It was raining outside, I was sitting by a window that a branch extended to. I saw a little kitten coming up the branch. I thought "finally, a kitten!" It was all dirty and wet, I had a moment of not wanting to take it in (because it was dirty), it also didn't look the way I wanted my kitten to look, if I were to have one (kind of a weird thing to think about). I took it in and held it close to me. It really wanted to kiss my cheek but I was scared of germs. I started thinking about how I would give this kitten a bath when I was suddenly in the bath, the kitten was gone and was now a womyn. This womyn was my age, and she started to have sex with me. I had really wonderful orgasms.

There was also a moment where someone said that we identify birds with robins more than penguins and then i saw many penguins sitting in the trees around us..
very random.
If you have any insights on these it would be greatly appreciated! After reading it over just now, it kind of parallels my feelings towards my sexuality/sexual identity.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19 & Canada

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Re: sex kitten

Hi Katherine
What do you feel if you consider the cat to represent aspects of yourself? Considering aspects of yourself that you would like to get in touch with, instinctual feminine aspects perhaps ,,, ?
All the best, Justin

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: sex kitten

I will give an interpretation to this dream later today. I need to give some time to the social dragon {work} and to give a quick interpretation without proper consideration of the symbols would be an injustice. I try to give my best with every interpretation. At least that is my desire.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: sex kitten

This dream does to sem have sexual conotations but to what degree is to be detremined. In your previous post Cats & Dogs you mentioned the falling out with a girlfriend {a friend who was female}. The reason being she was only interested in you sexually. Could this dream ahve something to do with that? You mention in your narrative in this post the dream parallels you feelings towards your sexuality/sexual identity.

The kitten may be something that is new to you, something feminine. At first it is dirty and wet. Perhaps there are guilt feelings at first about sexual identity. The falling out with the girlfriend may be the kitten in your dream that doesn't look like the kitten you want. The conotation of cheek could be sexual and if it is then their may be initial feelings of germs {being dirty}.

The rain could be the personal growth that comes when you discover a branch of your true self that you can now finally identify with {branch extending to the window}. "finally, a kitten!". Giving the kitten a bath is a cleanisng toward those attitudes that you once felt were dirty. The kitten suddenly becomes a woman. I think you see the implications to that sentence. The sex with the woman in your dream may be literal in its application but would also symbolize coming together with your true self.

Birds and robins often symbolize growth and freedom. But it is not that simple, not so black and white penguins}. Trees represent growth but it does take time and not a random occurance.

If the above interpretation {which I predicate on the idea of a sexual identification on your part} does not fit then the dream would probably be addressing some inner growth that is taking place, some part of you that was rejected at one time but now feels to be a true part of who you are. Of course all the guys reading this post are betting on the previous and not the former.

Let me know your thoughts. If the interpretation fits then it is important that you accept who you are and not worry about how others feel or think.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Re: sex kitten

Hi Gerard,
Thanks for the great interpretation. I think that's dead on about coming to terms with my sexuality. I've been out to my friends for almost three years now, and I only just came out to my Mom a couple months ago. Despite being "out" I still felt dirty and ashamed of going out with girls. I do feel like now I'm more proud of who I am and it's a non-issue. It's kind of surprising to realise that I've grown and accepted myself. It's been a long time--I remember in grade seven crying because I thought I was a lesbian. So I feel like i've come a long way from that internalised homophobia. And the kitten not looking the way I wanted it to--I tried so hard for so long to be so madly in love with guys! So I guess having a more open concept of sexuality, in that it is constantly fluid, isn't what I always wanted when I was younger.
Thank you again for your words, they were very helpful and uplifting for me

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19 & Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

Re: sex kitten

Go for it all lady. You now can be all that you want to be. Of course you will find those who have small minds out there in this ignorant world. But that is their problem. You have solved yours, have found your true self.

twat twam asi,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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