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Buddha's tooth

Well.. this is a long story. I happened on this forum accidentally.. and figured now must be the time for some input on a sort of baffling unfolding.

At 23 I got a tatoo on my left hand middle finger. 3 little flowers, seven small dots around.., one in center. Sort of like a daisy. Occassionally someone had mentioned I seemed buddhist.., but I had absolutely no experience, or knowledge of buddhism (still not soo familiar). Few years after tattoo.., someone I knew had a symbol book. There was my tattoo!.. It said the symbol meant "buddha's footprints"- I thought "Hmm.. that's interesting"-
Few years later.., I had a dream. I was in the bathroom where I grew up. I hear commotion outside. "We found the Buddha's tooth in her room! She has to marry the Buddha!" In the dream.., I thought "what is going on out there?" I open the door. Several middle aged.., East Indian women.., one or two men.., have their heads looking in the door.. waiting for me to come out. < Mind you.. I am not East Indian.. Im Irish Italian- Also.. at this time in waking life.. I had no idea Buddhism was in India.., believe it or not.. or anything about some tooth> Anyways.., these people are there & they seem to be my in-laws in the dream. I go to walk past them.., they say "We found the Buddha's tooth in your room! You have to marry the Buddha!" Im like "What? What are you talking about?" and I ignore them & walk away. They also.. ignore me.., as if I hadnt said that.. and run around all busy, getting ready for the "wedding." I walk downstairs to the den.. there is a teenage boy East Indian cousin (not my cousin in real life)- he is lounging back in a chair.. all casual. He says "So.. you have to marry the Buddha" I said "I am not marrying the Buddha"- He ignores me & says "It's true.., you wont be able to do whatever you want.. and you won't have all the things you want." Because he & everyonelse seems to be ignoring me.. and just proceeding believing I am marrying the Buddha.. I start to get frustrated & angry. I say "I am not marrying the Buddha! He is an old man! I am not Indian! I am American!" The "cousin" said.. "It's true.. you are American"- And then I woke up from the dream. I remember thinking when I woke "Is it true I am American? Or true I do not have to marry the Buddha"- I had no idea about a tooth.. or India.., or whatnot in real life. I went the the library.. and tried to look up a tooth. I couldnt find one. I forgot about it. Several years later.. I decided I wanted to read atleast one book by Carl Jung. It was the biography. It was midnite, I was reading by candle lite at a friends. I was half-way through the book.. Carl Jung wrote .. "And then.. I went to 'The Temple of the Holy Tooth' in Dalamiladwa India" (or some name like that)- I swear.. I almost dropped the book. My mouth gasped. I never knew before then.. that Buddhism was in India.. and that........ there was actually a temple built around the Buddha's tooth! I kinda freaked out. Anyways.. there's even more to the story.., but.. maybe someone has ideas on some of this. It's a pretty long story.. and there's even more. For information.. I am a waitress.., I really didnt & still dont know a whole bunch about Buddhism.. It's almost like.. I havent sought it out, but it seems to be seeking me out. Any ideas are appreciated.. also interpretation or ideas on dream. Thanks .. -Nancy

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 ny

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Buddha's tooth

Facinating story and dream. Especially since you are not familiar with the Buddha. At least not consciously. Unconsciously, that may be another story in itself. I don't know if I can fully explain why but there must be a connection between your life and the Buddha of your dreams.

The first thing I look to is the beginning of the dream, the location. Bathrooms are where you want to eliminate those things that have been digested. It is a form of purification. Buddhism is a form of spiritual purification. Because the bathroom is in the place where you grew up the dream may be addressing something about that part of your life. My 'guess' would be it has to do with spiritual aspects. What is your religion and what experiences from childhood may have an influence on the dream and your life?

Perhaps we should look to the collective unconscious for answers to why these images of the Buddha and India. If there are no personal experiences with Buddhism it may be an unconscious experience that is now willing to show you the 'way' to inner answers. Buddhism is not really a religion, it is a psychological map to the soul and inner awakening.

The first remarkable experience is your tatoo. Why did you decide to have this particular image tatooed onto your finger? And the left middle finger at that?
{the middle is a symbol of balance, the left is the path of the hero/heroine of mythology}. What at that age {23} was happening in your life? Was this experience something to do with tha period of time or is this whole episode an unconscious event?

What does it mean to marry the Buddha? The Buddha is a spiritual aspect and often represents the same image as that of Jesus.

From Soul Future's Dream Dictionary: The concept of marriage in a dream denotes the blending and balancing of the male (yang) and female (yin) energies within, and as a result, achieving inner harmony and balance

Being an American you would think the images of spiritual balance would be that of Jesus. But yours are of the Buddha. There must be a reason albeit unconscious synchronistic.

Perhaps the dreams are trying to communicate the need for inclusion of the spiritual in your life {Buddhism is more a spiritual concept and not a religious one}. There also may be a need to find a balance of the inner masculine aspects. In your dream there are several Eastern women but only a few men. Perhaps there is an imbalance between these two aspects.

But all that aside, the fact that as a young woman you had images tatooed on your hand that are related to the Eastern philosophy of Buddhism is very strange. And not easily explained. Perhaps we need to look beyond the logical and look to other possibilities. Do you have any experiences with past lives? Perhaps other forum contributors will be able to shed light on the possibilities. I will also give further thought to your post.

In the meantime I suggest you look into the philosophy of Buddhism. You seem to already have inner connection to this great spiritual concept, why not go beyond the norm {Western religions are not the only truths} and seek enlightenment on a higher level.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Buddha's tooth

Hi Nancy,
I’m Abi from India. As a Indian I can give u some information about ur dream. Buddha was born in royal family as a prince. His birth name is Siddharth. He became a saint after is marriage, leaving his wife, children and his friends. Some says he was the reincarnation of lord Krishna(A Hindu god). In Buddha’s Previous incarnation he was born as a poisonous snake, Thittevedam, which has the ability to kill any living thing by its’ mere sight. Knowing this he spent that whole life with his eyes closed. Have u ever dreamt snakes in ur dream. Do u have any idea about past life /reincarnation. I think this dream is trying to reveal some thing important about ur past life. Usually our inner psyche know when to reveal a news.

A guess –In ur past incarnation u might be a follower of Buddhism. Marrying Buddha sounds strange. It may be due ur strong devotion to Buddha in ur past incarnation .I’ve some Knowledge about past life. In few weeks I’ll start doing my Diploma in Past life regression therapy(THIS IS NOT AN ADD just an information) If u have any idea/questions contact me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17yrs India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Buddha's tooth

I am just checking if my response works. I haven't been able to access the sight. Sorry I have not responded. Thanks for all thoughts.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 ny

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Buddha's tooth

=) Oh.. It worked! The other nite.., I typed .. well.. quite a response.., to Gerard, and I wasnt able to access for some reason.., and lost the response. I want to say thank you for all thoughts. I read several highlighted areas Gerard suggested.
Gerard.., what I wrote the other nite. I realized.. I got the tatoo at the age of 24.. I believe I was a year off. I had no idea.. that the left middle finger symbolized what you had mentioned. Most of the episode was unconscious. However.. I definitely felt the necessity to do it. I just had in my mind.., a few years before getting tatoo.., (quite non-chalantly)- I felt.. "I want a tatoo on my finger.., Im not sure why.., but I really want it. The time will come.., and the design will come"- I just waited. One day.., I met a girl with a tatoo gun. To myself.., I thought "well .. nows the time"- I had seen designs. I decided to pick on (basically on the spot)- where the dots don't touch.., because I had already observed small designs blend & blur over time.., and since it would be small.. I should make up a design where there is space.., so the dot's dont touch. It's 3 flowers across. 7dots around each w/one in the center.., sort of daisy like. Well.., Gerard.., even the other day.. something sort of strange happened. I lived in Alaska for 12yrs.. and am temporarily with my mother here.., at a Senior Community. I decided to take Yoga with the ladies. The teacher is from India. I don't know a bunch about Yoga. Her teacher recently came for a 3day visit. I guess he's a well known guru. He's.. "82 plus" he says =). Anyway.., this sounds crazy.., but he wants me to come to India. Not because Im particularly great at any postures, but because some other reason. This is pretty kookie. It happened out of nowhere.., at this little Senior Center.., Im a nanny & a waitress.., and.. these little wierd things happen. Sorry.., Im talking so much!
On another note.., thank you also, Abi. You said to contact you, whatnot.., but I didnt see any means to do that.
I have had a snake related dream. I have.. actually had.. um.. many.. sort of unusual dreams over the years. It doesnt seem like a lot, but when I go to think about it.., it is. The snake dream I had.. was.. I was bit by.., what I think was a rattle snake. I dont recall seeing the snake., but.. I had a bite on each arm. On the top part of the lower part of my arm (bicep?). The bite.. was.. a circle with a dot in it (have seen this in symbol book.., similar to Great Spirit symbol, or sun)- Here's the funny thing.., this wasnt the first dream I was bit in that place.., and that mark was on me.., just a different animal. Anyways.., I had these bites.., I was in a market.., in what seemed something like old Mexico. Dirt road.., and people all in a market. I was looking for a remedy. I asked someone (for a remedy). They said "You were not bitten"- I said "Yes I was"- I knew I was. I didnt know what to do because this person denied that I was bitten. I knew I needed a remedy. I said it again.., or asked around.., but I wasnt believed.., or dismissed. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was an old Indian/Mexican type man., in a straw hat.. with sort of white clothes. He said "Yes.., you were bitten. Follow me" and I just followed him, and the dream ended. Here's the funny thing with that dream. Shortly after.. I had this dream about this maroon type circular, flat stone.., maybe the size of a silver dollar. It was like buzzing with energy. When I woke up.., I thought "I need to look for a "rock" like that. Anyways.., Somewhere shortly afterwards.. along the way.. I looked up what looked like that rock (Jasper)- in a rock book.., and it said "Cures snake bites"- Anyway.., that's almost .. another dream.., and another story. I kind of have a few. Thanks again everyone

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 ny

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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