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Universal Mind and the Number ?

Can anyone recognize the relevance of this number
4417749? It is from an article I saw in the NY Times this morning {the article may have little relevance if any}. The occurrence of this number at this particular time seems to fit a pattern {at least in my estimation}. Could it be linked to a new paradigm that may be upon us? Changes are in the air, perhaps hugh changes. The patterns that I am thinking of may be a part of the universal mind that Jung tapped into with his discoveries of the psyche. Is this a symbol, a sign, or am I just imagining things?


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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

what does the number mean to u Gerard?

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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

Clue. Do a little math and then go back to this time of the year and research my posts.


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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?


No sleep disturbances here.

Does it 'feel' the same or slightly different?

The record heat could be an indicator but I suspect [intuit] a different physical form this cycle. As though there is some element we have yet to know exists that is a crucial part of the equation, is a factor in creating the different form. She will make her wishes known. Perhaps this is Justin's 'blank canvass'...

Kind regards,

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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

Hi Gerard
oh dear maths - never my favourite thing, never mind this is what I came up with, but I know its going to be completely different to what you're thinking about!


4 divided by 4 = 1
1+7 = 8
7-4 = 3
= 1839

A New Home, Who'll Follow? or, Glimpses of Western Life. Published under the pseudonym Mrs. Mary Clavers, an actual settler. New York: C. S. Francis, 1839.
Caroline Matilda (Stansbury) Kirkland (1801-1864) was a middle-class white woman with a literary bent who moved with her husband and children to the woods of Michigan in the mid-1830s to settle a newly-planned village. In A New Home--Who'll Follow?(1855), first published in 1839, she offers what she claims to be "an honest portraiture of rural life in a new country" (p. 5). Through a series of vignettes and anecdotes strung loosely into a narrative, Kirkland brings to life the social and material culture of a community on what was perceived as the frontier, presenting her experiences with a sense of ironic amusement. She reveals much about social life, social roles and behavior, especially among women. She describes the business of settlement, including how land was purchased and towns planned, and the haste, confusion, speculation and fraud attendant on such transactions. She comments on the social shifts pioneer life made possible, especially the egalitarianism which poorer migrants claimed as their right in new settlements, and the tensions that resulted as migrants from wealthier classes struggled to maintain and adapt the ways of status and culture they had formerly known. Her narrative also dwells on the details of domestic life, showing how houses were constructed and furnished, depicting the difficulties of housekeeping in crudely-built settlements, and the physical challenges of disease, accidents, bad roads, and the exhausting labor of deforestation and new farming. For all its light-hearted tone, Kirkland's book suggests much about how human communities bound together by neighborhood and necessity began to coalesce in a challenging and drastically changing land.

However, I think this may be yet another example of a feminine mind fixated on moving house!!!! lol

Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

Intriguing question here Gerard,

I just popped in for a quick visit but I have to give my two cents:

4417749. At first blush, looked like a phone number. I'll leave that to the area code experts.

Now, seriously, 4; Jung's number for wholeness, 4 again; wholeness again, the doubling theme appears again.

Now, 1; wholeness, divine unity, etc.

And 7; perfection, and I'm sure it has other esoteric meanings....doubled again.

4 again; wholeness and the grand finale

9; number of the goddess.

So all together now we have wholeness + wholeness (anima plus soul, animus plus soul or ego surrendering to soul and to divine= divinity...+ perfection multiplied by itself or added to itself, perhaps 7x7=49 = 4+9 = 14= 1+4=5. or 7 +7 =14= 1+4= 5, the number of natural man.....we contain the portal and the keys to reach the divine we enter into consciousness of our wholeness....we enter into communion with 9, the divine mother, the eternal feminine...the goddess...isis, hathor, sophia, mary......... especially when you add all the digits again, and then add their get 9, again, The Goddess.

The eternal feminine is making a comeback. Yeah!!!!!

What do you think?


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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

Yes, I too believe it may be a different physical form. It may include various forms coming together. There has been a constant drumbeat of signs {for me} every since Katrina. The war in the Middle East, the disastrous war in Iraq, the overall turmoil worldwide may be lending itself to the natural disasters. Whatever it is the prime number that keeps appearing is 27. That has been a constant also over the past year.

The number 4417749

of course the root is 9, indeed the feminine, the goddess, creator and destroyer. Is the eternal feminine trying to tell us something?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56

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Re: Universal Mind and the Number ?

lol knew I was simply fixated on homebuilding lol
How self absorbed LOL!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: England 37

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stats from 7-14-10 to the present