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Re: Re: Re: confusedand need help


Thank you so much!! At this point all I want to do is get rid of the rash secondly and primarily have some comfort. I will certaintly keep in mind the risks of Dapsone and have resumed my gluten free diet. I will keep in touch.

Thank you again,

Ann, by the way, everyone at work calls me Annie

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Replying to:

Hi Ann,

My specialist told me that all DH sufferers have "some gut involvement". Most DH sufferers have a very mild form of, or even latent, coeliac disease. I've read that sometimes partial villous atrophy can be missed under the microscope and sometimes it's just a question of having increased lymphocytes in the intestinal lining rather than villous atrophy.

If you do have DH you should try to go on a strict gluten-free diet because, apart from hopefully ceasing the need to take dapsone, you can lay yourself open to the other complications associated with coeliac disease such as thyroid disease, diabetes and even, in some cases, intestinal lymphoma. The diet gives a certain amount of protection against developing these.

A word of caution about taking dapsone - make sure you have regular blood tests if you take it as there can be some nasty side effects. You can read more about this in the FAQs.

I hope this helps Ann. Do let us know how you go on.


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Replying to:

Hi Ann

I empathise totally with you regarding your embarrasment and discomfort with your skin condition. I suffered with sore wet blistering patches on my buttocks, knees and elbows (typical of DH) for many years, and often found to my horror (and disgust) that blood was seeping through and staining my trousers and shirts.

Luckily the Dermatologist I was finally referred to thought it could be DH (I had never heard of it) and did a skin biopsy there and then. However He also immediatley prescribed me Dapsone until the results were obtained and told me that this prescription itself was diagnostic of DH, in that if it indeed was DH then it would improve dramatically within days. Dapsone treatment apparently used to be used as a diagnostic test for DH.

Two days later (and to me after 20 years, miraculously!) my skin was completely clear.

It is now several months later and my skin remains clear. I cannot express to you in strong enough terms what this has meant to my life, self image and confidence.

If at all possible try to get your GP to prescribe you Dapsone while you await your biopsy results. If you do not have DH, no harm will be done. But if you do have DH (which it does sound like) your suffering really can be eased.

Good luck and best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I need help. For the last 3-4 years, I have had problems with perirectal abscess, diarrhea, and now an incredibly itchy reddened rash. My colon biopsies are negative for Crohns and positive for Collagenous Colitis, a commonality to Celiac disease. My duodenal biopsies are negative although my endomysial antigen is positive through blood work. I am symptomatic with lots of diarrhea. Now, (although I shouldn't say now as I have had this blistery, itchy, patchy, reddened rash for well over a year), this rash is out of control. I am so incredibly uncomfortable as well as embarrassed by it's appearance. I saw the dermatologist today and she says it looks like Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is associated with Celiac disease. My Gastroenterologist said I don't have Celiac Disease because my dueodenal biopsy was negative. Sounds confusing, I am sure as I am confused. I had started to strictly follow a gluten free diet but was lead to believe I need not. I was started on Paxil as I was told that perhaps my stress level was causing my bowel changes. (I was also told my stress level caused my infertility years ago just prior to having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy due to endometriosis.) But , what can you do, physicians label difficult to diagnose cases as crazy often enough. I would welcome any ideas as I await this skin biopsy result that was done today.

Thank you,


Re: Re: Re: confusedand need help


Thank you for replying. As I left the dermatologists office with nothing more than a little hope, I wondered why she didn't precribe some steroid or other medicine to alleviate this incredibly itchy reddened now bleeding skin condition I have. In my worst nightmares I though medicine being as advanced as it could help you in some way. Naive, wasn't I?

Thank you again, I am not due to see the dermatologist for 3 weeks from now, that is clearly not happening as last night, my husband woke me because of the blood on my pajamas and I truely feel like I am going nuts with the incrediable itching and desire to control it, not to mention the appearance.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Ann,

My specialist told me that all DH sufferers have "some gut involvement". Most DH sufferers have a very mild form of, or even latent, coeliac disease. I've read that sometimes partial villous atrophy can be missed under the microscope and sometimes it's just a question of having increased lymphocytes in the intestinal lining rather than villous atrophy.

If you do have DH you should try to go on a strict gluten-free diet because, apart from hopefully ceasing the need to take dapsone, you can lay yourself open to the other complications associated with coeliac disease such as thyroid disease, diabetes and even, in some cases, intestinal lymphoma. The diet gives a certain amount of protection against developing these.

A word of caution about taking dapsone - make sure you have regular blood tests if you take it as there can be some nasty side effects. You can read more about this in the FAQs.

I hope this helps Ann. Do let us know how you go on.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Ann

I empathise totally with you regarding your embarrasment and discomfort with your skin condition. I suffered with sore wet blistering patches on my buttocks, knees and elbows (typical of DH) for many years, and often found to my horror (and disgust) that blood was seeping through and staining my trousers and shirts.

Luckily the Dermatologist I was finally referred to thought it could be DH (I had never heard of it) and did a skin biopsy there and then. However He also immediatley prescribed me Dapsone until the results were obtained and told me that this prescription itself was diagnostic of DH, in that if it indeed was DH then it would improve dramatically within days. Dapsone treatment apparently used to be used as a diagnostic test for DH.

Two days later (and to me after 20 years, miraculously!) my skin was completely clear.

It is now several months later and my skin remains clear. I cannot express to you in strong enough terms what this has meant to my life, self image and confidence.

If at all possible try to get your GP to prescribe you Dapsone while you await your biopsy results. If you do not have DH, no harm will be done. But if you do have DH (which it does sound like) your suffering really can be eased.

Good luck and best wishes


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I need help. For the last 3-4 years, I have had problems with perirectal abscess, diarrhea, and now an incredibly itchy reddened rash. My colon biopsies are negative for Crohns and positive for Collagenous Colitis, a commonality to Celiac disease. My duodenal biopsies are negative although my endomysial antigen is positive through blood work. I am symptomatic with lots of diarrhea. Now, (although I shouldn't say now as I have had this blistery, itchy, patchy, reddened rash for well over a year), this rash is out of control. I am so incredibly uncomfortable as well as embarrassed by it's appearance. I saw the dermatologist today and she says it looks like Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is associated with Celiac disease. My Gastroenterologist said I don't have Celiac Disease because my dueodenal biopsy was negative. Sounds confusing, I am sure as I am confused. I had started to strictly follow a gluten free diet but was lead to believe I need not. I was started on Paxil as I was told that perhaps my stress level was causing my bowel changes. (I was also told my stress level caused my infertility years ago just prior to having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy due to endometriosis.) But , what can you do, physicians label difficult to diagnose cases as crazy often enough. I would welcome any ideas as I await this skin biopsy result that was done today.

Thank you,


Has anyone heard of leaky GUT impermiability?

Hi Ann,

you know, you have the same exact name as my High school librarian- Ann- my friend calls her annie since she is her friend...What a coincidence!same moniker- doppelganger!

I am amidst trying/pleading/begging to get tested for DH- see my gripes/ reception elsewhere.

I also have Autism-asperger's syndrome- the common link is an intolerance for Gluten...

Anyway, there is a new find in autism grps ..It's called Leaky Gut syndrome/gut impermabiliuty..which is why we look so constipated/bloated...

There are many GI studies- one is Dr.Wakefield on 12 children. He has been attacked by other scientist (studies bought by pharmaceutical companies) and was forced to leave UK for the US.

He was one of the few (there are others) that did biopsies/colonscopies on children---he found gluten punches holes in iuntestinal wall- the intolerance floasts upstream- in blood and to brain- neurokillers---this might not be the case for DH/CD....I wish i had more info/links and names of other doctors..There is a doctor in NYC that wanted to study this but his hospital reneged funding.

I am having a GE appointment next week- i better not be treated as usual....

Maybe annie is of kin? How many Armenians have that name?

Maria Rosa


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I need help. For the last 3-4 years, I have had problems with perirectal abscess, diarrhea, and now an incredibly itchy reddened rash. My colon biopsies are negative for Crohns and positive for Collagenous Colitis, a commonality to Celiac disease. My duodenal biopsies are negative although my endomysial antigen is positive through blood work. I am symptomatic with lots of diarrhea. Now, (although I shouldn't say now as I have had this blistery, itchy, patchy, reddened rash for well over a year), this rash is out of control. I am so incredibly uncomfortable as well as embarrassed by it's appearance. I saw the dermatologist today and she says it looks like Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is associated with Celiac disease. My Gastroenterologist said I don't have Celiac Disease because my dueodenal biopsy was negative. Sounds confusing, I am sure as I am confused. I had started to strictly follow a gluten free diet but was lead to believe I need not. I was started on Paxil as I was told that perhaps my stress level was causing my bowel changes. (I was also told my stress level caused my infertility years ago just prior to having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy due to endometriosis.) But , what can you do, physicians label difficult to diagnose cases as crazy often enough. I would welcome any ideas as I await this skin biopsy result that was done today.

Thank you,


Re: Has anyone heard of leaky GUT impermiability?

Dear Maria,

Thank you so much for replying. It is one more option I have available to figure out the name for this whole thing. Good luck with your next ge appt.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Ann,

you know, you have the same exact name as my High school librarian- Ann- my friend calls her annie since she is her friend...What a coincidence!same moniker- doppelganger!

I am amidst trying/pleading/begging to get tested for DH- see my gripes/ reception elsewhere.

I also have Autism-asperger's syndrome- the common link is an intolerance for Gluten...

Anyway, there is a new find in autism grps ..It's called Leaky Gut syndrome/gut impermabiliuty..which is why we look so constipated/bloated...

There are many GI studies- one is Dr.Wakefield on 12 children. He has been attacked by other scientist (studies bought by pharmaceutical companies) and was forced to leave UK for the US.

He was one of the few (there are others) that did biopsies/colonscopies on children---he found gluten punches holes in iuntestinal wall- the intolerance floasts upstream- in blood and to brain- neurokillers---this might not be the case for DH/CD....I wish i had more info/links and names of other doctors..There is a doctor in NYC that wanted to study this but his hospital reneged funding.

I am having a GE appointment next week- i better not be treated as usual....

Maybe annie is of kin? How many Armenians have that name?

Maria Rosa


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I need help. For the last 3-4 years, I have had problems with perirectal abscess, diarrhea, and now an incredibly itchy reddened rash. My colon biopsies are negative for Crohns and positive for Collagenous Colitis, a commonality to Celiac disease. My duodenal biopsies are negative although my endomysial antigen is positive through blood work. I am symptomatic with lots of diarrhea. Now, (although I shouldn't say now as I have had this blistery, itchy, patchy, reddened rash for well over a year), this rash is out of control. I am so incredibly uncomfortable as well as embarrassed by it's appearance. I saw the dermatologist today and she says it looks like Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is associated with Celiac disease. My Gastroenterologist said I don't have Celiac Disease because my dueodenal biopsy was negative. Sounds confusing, I am sure as I am confused. I had started to strictly follow a gluten free diet but was lead to believe I need not. I was started on Paxil as I was told that perhaps my stress level was causing my bowel changes. (I was also told my stress level caused my infertility years ago just prior to having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy due to endometriosis.) But , what can you do, physicians label difficult to diagnose cases as crazy often enough. I would welcome any ideas as I await this skin biopsy result that was done today.

Thank you,


leaky GUT impermability

I tried to post the Autistic colitis vis-a-vis other gastro photos

but it didn't get up here unfortunately.

Remember- not for celiac/Dh but interesting phenomenon/theory-i can't find the leaky gut explained anywhere on autism sites.

Here are the photos of intestinal colonscopies etc...

Esophagitis with Ulceration

Duodenitis with Ulceration

Distal Ileal LNH

Distal Ileal LNH

Colonic LNH

Autistic Colitis

Physical Health in Autism

Woody R. McGinnis M.D.

Irene (Vicky) Colquhoun


Parent Pioneers

Bernard Rimland

Ellen Bolte

Brenda O’Reilly

Victoria Beck

Rik Rollens

The Mercury Team

Autism and ADHD are Symptoms

Multiple underlying problems

Variation and commonality

Gut and nutrition paramount


Suboptimal Nutrition

Food Intolerances

Microbial Overgrowths


Gut Disease Predominates

Esophagitis 69%

Gastritis 42%

Duodenitis 67%

Colitis 88%

Esophagitis with Ulceration

Duodenitis with Ulceration

Distal Ileal LNH

Distal Ileal LNH

Colonic LNH

Autistic Colitis

Autistic Gut Symptoms

Abdominal pain 69%

Chronic diarrhea 58%

Constipation 35%

Night-awakening 42%

Gut Status

Poor digestion and absorption

Leaky gut: proteins out, toxins and antigens in

Microbial overgrowths

Poor enzyme production

Altered signaling to CNS

Gut Dysfunction

Poor Acid Production

Reasons: low zinc, endotoxins,

peptides, acidosis and mercury

Effects: poor digestion and poor

infection control

Autism Viewed from the Gut

Casein/gluten-free diets

The key peptidase (DPPIV) is produced by the intestinal brush border and paneth cells

The Gut and…


Made by intestine

Stimulates digestive enzymes

Increases blood flow to intestine

Increases immune levels in bile

Tightens leaky gut

The Gut and..

IVIG, Transfer Factor and

Anti-viral Agents

May suppress chronic intestinal

infection, or even an intestinal

autoimmune process.

The Gut and…

DMSA / Lipoic Acid

Mercury and cadmium avidly bind intestine

and are highly caustic

Mercury blocks vitamin B6 and DPPIV

in the gut

Antibiotic-altered flora may recirculate mercury

to the gut

The Gut and…


Trophic to intestinal mucosa

Stimulates digestive enzymes and

paneth cells which release defensins

to control overgrowths

Helps acid production and reflux

The Gut and…

Cod liver oil

Vitamin A supports GI membranes and

resistance to infection, especially measles

EPA (a derivative omega-3) is a potent

anti-inflammatory, lowers oxidative


The Gut and…


Protects all membranes from free


Tightens leaky gut

Needed for acid production

Critical protection from infection

DAN Think-Tank 2000

Hallmark Pilot Study: Nutritional Status of Autistic Children

(Audya and Vogelaar)

Sensitive assays

Low Nutrient Levels

Other Key Deficiencies

Magnesium often low by red blood-cell measurement

Calcium low by urinary excretion

Membrane Fatty Acids

Very Low Sulfate

Rosemary Waring discovery

Sulfate only 20%

Poor sulfate production

Greater sulfate utilization

Low Functional Levels

Biotin 14 of 15 children

B12 6 of 15 children

Folate 5 of 13 children

B6 binding low in nearly all

Laboratory Indices of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency in Autism

Defeat Autism Now

27 October 2002

San Diego

Tapan Audhya Ph.D., Vitamin Diagnostics

Emar Vogelaar Ph.D., European Laboratory of Nutrients

Low Nutrient Levels in Autism (187 Autistic, 11-16 y.o vs. 10-17 y.o. controls)

Low Nutrient Levels in Autism

Low Nutrient Levels in Autism 187 Autistics (11-16 y.o.) v. Controls (10-17 y.o.)

Low Nutrient Levels in Autism

Low Minerals in Autism

Environmental Toxins in Autism?

Some Clues:

D-glucaric acid increased in 78%

Low plasma glutathione levels:

lower range in autism (1.2-4.1 micromoles/ml v. 3.8-5.5 in controls)

46% autistics below normal

Elevated Toxins in Autism

(41 autistics, 24 controls)

Toxins in Autism

Organic Toxins in Autism

Organic Toxins in Autism

Oxidative Stress

Low anti-oxidant levels: Vitamin A,

Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Taurine

Weak hepatic detoxification

Greater toxic burdens

Good response to antioxidants

Especially Sensitive to Oxidative Stress

Gut: extreme sensitivity of gastrointestinal mucosa to free-radicals

Brain: high lipid, low GSH, low metallothionein levels

Goal: Lessen Oxidative Stress

Minimize toxins, infections, allergens

Give plenty of anti-oxidants

Support detoxification metabolism:

Vitamins B6, B12, (Folate)

Magnesium, Zn, Selenium (folic acid)


Poor Immunity

Low CD20+ (B-cells) 48%

Low NK-cell function 40%

Low CD4+ (T-cells) 28%

Poor T-cell function p<.001

Low IgG sub and IgA 20%

C4A null allele 57%

Absent vaccine titers 5/13

Autoimmunity in Autism

Familial: mothers X 8

Anti-MBP/NFP/GFAP 58/55/32%

IgM to brain nuclear / endo 36%

Antibody to 7 neuronal proteins

MBP macrophage inhibition 77 v 0%

Basolateral IgG + complement

CD8+ infiltration L.P. and epith.

Anti-MMR, (only measles) 65 v 0%

Nutrients and Autoimmunity

Low Vit A: increased IgM in experimental

murine autoimmunity (PubMed 660997

Experimental T-cell autoimmunity: EFA

deficiency or omega-3 supplementation

increased autoimmunity; omega-6

protective in both T-cell and Ab-

mediated autoimmunity

(PubMed 10096116)



Food avoidance

Suppress overgrowths


Really Key Nutrients




Vitamin B6

Fatty Acids

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin B12



History, physical, lab, empirical

Don’t be deceived: use sensitive measurements

Keep re-checking to confirm

Changing needs and variability


Introduce interventions individually

Smaller doses may be necessary, especially at first

Continue interventions unless reason to stop

If combination nutritional formulations are not well-tolerated, add one-at-a-time


Build sequentially

Zinc, then P5P/Magnesium Glycinate, Calcium, Selenium, C, E, Multi-Vit without Copper, Biotin, B12, Cod liver oil (for Vitamin A)

Really assure zinc

Away from food, minerals and P5P Zinc/Manganese about 3:1

Fatty-Acid Basics

Pre-treat with anti-oxidants

Treat low-normal GLA, DGLA and EPA lab values

Dry hair or skin, allergy: usually need fish oil EPA

Infections, leaky gut: usually need evening primrose GLA

Other Great Nutrients

MSM for elemental sulfur

Taurine for bile and for brain


Preferred energy for the gut

Trophic to bowel and mucin

Improves gut immunity

Careful if high ammonia

Support Digestion

Full digestive enzymes,

including disaccharidases

Frequent feeding, stews, amino acid

formulations, bethanecol

Break the inflammatory cycle: avoid

IgG and IgE foods.

Suppress overgrowths. EPA,

gastrocrom, anti-oxidants

Food Intolerances

Urinary Peptides or empiric trial of


IgG blood-test for food allergies. Add

IgE test if conventional allergies.

Shiners, red cheeks/ears, teeth-

grinding, bed-wetting, ear or

sinus infections, mood swings

Lactose, sugar and phenolic

intolerances by observation

Probiotics Always

Improve overgrowths, digestion, membrane integrity

Refrigeration is vital

O.K to mix-and-match

Lactobacillus GG for clostridia

Could aggravate acidosis

Gut Overgrowths

Get specialized studies: parasites, stool cultures and organic acids

Antifungals, probiotics and colostrum often needed long-term

Low-glycemic diet, digestive enzymes, evening primrose oil, zinc and cod liver oil all help

Promising: IVIG, TF

Urinary Pyrroles

Useful, economical, may be pivotal.

Very toxic. Microbes or Pollution?

Elevation makes zinc and Vitamin B6

a top priority

Careful handling instructions: highly


“Mauve Factor” Means Pyrroles

Measurable in urine as Kryptopyrrole



Pyrroluria is


B6 and Zinc

Mauve Factor

Down Syndrome 70%

Schizophrenia 50-60%

Autism 30-50%

ADHD 30%

Also Mental Retardation, Depression, Alcoholism, and Delinquency

Strong familial tendency

The Mauve Factor

Elevated pyrroles imply:

Zinc and B6 deficits, which vary individually and which fluctuate

Poor stress tolerance

Pfeiffer’s Correlates

Zinc spots

Stretch marks

Pale Skin

Frequent URI’s

Food intolerances

Breath / body odor

Mood swings

Morning nausea

Upper abd. pain

Poor dream recall

Substrate Requirement for Maximal Activity of P5P Dependent Enzymes

Walsh’s Correlates

Zinc spots

Fair complexion

Poor breakfast-eater

Low stress tolerance


Light, sound, odors

Stitch in side

Excessive anxiety or pessimism

Absent or poor dream recall

Explosive temper

Pyrrole Primer

Levels correlate reasonably well with many symptoms

Zinc supplementation lowers measured pyrrole levels (Hoffer)

B6 supplementation lowers measured pyrrole levels (McCabe)

Unstable: ascorbate preservative; avoid light, heat, delays

Sufficient Zn and B6 keep down pyrroles

The Pyrrole Family

Pyrrole-Zn-P5P Complex

P5P-Dependent Enzymes

Pharmacokinetics of Vitamin B6 and P5P in Autistic and Control Children

Pyridoxal Kinase Activity

Substrate Requirement for Maximal Activity of P5P Dependent Enzymes

Mauve Factor Levels and B6 (10mg/kg/day) + Zn (25mg) + Mg (400mg) in Autism


Organic foods, pure water

Clean living environment

No additives or flavor enhancers

Regular bowel movements: fiber, mag-citrate, vitamin C, bethanecol

Plug nutritional holes and suppress overgrowths

DMSA / Lipoic Acid metals protocol

Basic Lab List

Stool parasites, culture, analysis

Organic acids

Urine pyrroles

Hair analysis

Serum IgG / IgE food allergy

RBC minerals

Amino acids


RBC fatty acids

Vitamin levels

Viral and auto- immune titers

PCR for mycopl. and chlamydia

Toxin testing

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hi Ann,

you know, you have the same exact name as my High school librarian- Ann- my friend calls her annie since she is her friend...What a coincidence!same moniker- doppelganger!

I am amidst trying/pleading/begging to get tested for DH- see my gripes/ reception elsewhere.

I also have Autism-asperger's syndrome- the common link is an intolerance for Gluten...

Anyway, there is a new find in autism grps ..It's called Leaky Gut syndrome/gut impermabiliuty..which is why we look so constipated/bloated...

There are many GI studies- one is Dr.Wakefield on 12 children. He has been attacked by other scientist (studies bought by pharmaceutical companies) and was forced to leave UK for the US.

He was one of the few (there are others) that did biopsies/colonscopies on children---he found gluten punches holes in iuntestinal wall- the intolerance floasts upstream- in blood and to brain- neurokillers---this might not be the case for DH/CD....I wish i had more info/links and names of other doctors..There is a doctor in NYC that wanted to study this but his hospital reneged funding.

I am having a GE appointment next week- i better not be treated as usual....

Maybe annie is of kin? How many Armenians have that name?

Maria Rosa


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I need help. For the last 3-4 years, I have had problems with perirectal abscess, diarrhea, and now an incredibly itchy reddened rash. My colon biopsies are negative for Crohns and positive for Collagenous Colitis, a commonality to Celiac disease. My duodenal biopsies are negative although my endomysial antigen is positive through blood work. I am symptomatic with lots of diarrhea. Now, (although I shouldn't say now as I have had this blistery, itchy, patchy, reddened rash for well over a year), this rash is out of control. I am so incredibly uncomfortable as well as embarrassed by it's appearance. I saw the dermatologist today and she says it looks like Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is associated with Celiac disease. My Gastroenterologist said I don't have Celiac Disease because my dueodenal biopsy was negative. Sounds confusing, I am sure as I am confused. I had started to strictly follow a gluten free diet but was lead to believe I need not. I was started on Paxil as I was told that perhaps my stress level was causing my bowel changes. (I was also told my stress level caused my infertility years ago just prior to having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy due to endometriosis.) But , what can you do, physicians label difficult to diagnose cases as crazy often enough. I would welcome any ideas as I await this skin biopsy result that was done today.

Thank you,


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