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Re: Re: Ocean Cove Holiday Park Update

I would love a copy of the document you have. My family first came to Oceancove when i was about 4yrs old. We have had many a family holiday here. I then brought my then to be husband and even though it rained for 11 days out of 14, he loved the place. We then started to bring our 3 children here in the ninties and had brillient holidays they will always cherish. Two other friends and their families started comming down with us, we all had caravns next to each other and had loads of fun. We were all devastated when we knew what was going on at oceancove..i went to take a look last year and we drove round the park and i wish i hadn't it was so sad to see..end of an era. no more tow bar!Friends that we made and our children made we would not see again.
I have never seen any of the behaviour described and we always came in the height of the season.
will the yuppies appreciate it like we all did?