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Its good to look back at home from overseas.

Well hello there!

My name is Adam Hay and I am 17 years old. I emmigrated to Australia from the UK 4 years ago.

I lived in Bedford, Bedforshire - however my immediate family (fathers side) are from Tintagel, Cornwall. I am currently watching a movie called 'Ladies in Lavender', which was filmed around Cornwall, and It made me realise how much I miss that place.

I used to come down to Cornwall durng Easter and Christmas every year to stay with my Grandparents and visit my cousins. My favorite part about visiting Cornwall would be the walk around Tintagel Castle and just relaxing and enjoying the view and fresh air, as well as visiting Boscastle.

Hope you citizens there realise how lucky you are to experience that every day.


Re: Its good to look back at home from overseas.

Hi Adam,

I grew up in Tintagel and would have to agree, its the most wonderful place. I moved to Sydney in my mid 20s and while I love Australia, I do think back and miss the cliff walks, the drizzle and the bonfire nights!