LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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In the beginning -- (elders, churches, systems)

In the beginning -- (elders, churches, systems)


In the beginning, Adam and his children, and his children's children, lived as a big family.

From the books of Enoch, we can get an idea of the intimacy of such big family.


Even in the times of Exodus, each of the twelve tribes of Israel existed as a collection of big families.

There was no social welfare, nor homes for the elderly. Helping the poor/widow/orphan was a family obligation, as well as caring for the elderly. In fact, elders were respected and feared. They sat as judges in the gates (fortification was necessary in the past, and people must pass through gates to the fields or pastures).


During Exodus, LORD gave Moses His complete laws/commandments/ordinances/statutes, which was in fact a political system where LORD is king, a truly "Rule of Law" society.

Moses cared for the physical well-being of the people, and Aaron, his brother, cared for the spiritual welfare of the people. Moses set up commanders of 100, of 50, of 10, who judged the people at all times. Those commanders would arrange help among families in their charge who were in need. And Aaron was in charge of educating the people of the laws/commandments of LORD.

These two persons, Moses and Aaron (or their parallel), are extremely important in GOD's political system, they each shoulder their responsibilities. There must be good understanding between them, one helping the other to make the system work, with Aaron subject to Moses, and Moses subject to GOD.

Justice was free and quick; and moral education was put in the foremost. Everyone can be judge to settle disputes, if only the people came to you (see Book of Judges). People went to elders/experienced-persons/commanders (of 10,50,100) for minor disputes, went to the Levites/priests/Moses for more difficult cases. The right to judge is in the hands of the people.

No one was king except GOD.


In the time of Saul, the Israelites asked for a king, and from that moment onwards, LORD was no longer king.


King's system evolved.

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, ruled with the laws of Babylon. It was a "Rule of (Babylonian) Law" society. The king appointed judges/magistrates in all provinces within his empire.

Kings of Persia/Medes overthrew Babylon, now the king exercised more control, and "Rule of Law" was eroded. King exercised more control in the form of "pyramid power structure". Darius had 3 presidents reporting to him, and the 3 presidents oversaw 120 satraps who managed everything throughout the empire (see [Daniel 6]).

This "Rule of king in pyramid power structure" suffered many short-comings, and was overthrown by the Greeks who favored collective discussion. But Greece's system was also a king's system.

The Roman's king's system, plus legislature and senate, was practically preserved even to today.

(Note : if I am wrong in history, please correct me.)


Let us take England as an example. When England was invaded by kings from Europe, the king parcelled out the land into districts. He appointed people of his choice to control each district. They were "strong supporters" of the king, collecting taxes from the people for the king, and supplied the king with money and army. These "governors" parcelled out the land to people under him, and dealt with them as the king dealt with them --- asking them to collect taxes and to supply fighting men.

However, those "governors" had to settle disputes among the people. So they set up courts. But those courts of law were not free, and people had to pay for justice.

Elders, experienced persons, who previously settled disputes in the neighborhood, among families, were robbed of their judicial power. No one was allowed to administer justice for his neighbours. And only the king, and the "governors" under him, could settle disputes, in the courts of their choice, and to collect legal fees.

Those "governors" rarely cared for the people, what they cared were the taxes to be collected. But they had to provide this judicial service, or else peace and stability would be destroyed. They didn't want people to trouble them with disputes, so they raised the legal/court fees, and made many artificial rules. Many even took bribes and showed partiality.

(For those interested, I recommend the book "The Background of The Common Law", by Derek Roebuck, Oxford University Press.)


You may say, today is a democratic system, and there is no king. You are wrong. George Bush is not the real power holder, nor those political leaders in China, nor Tony Blair, nor ....

This is because of Secret Alliance.


Secret Alliance usually originates from one person (or a group of persons) who lusts for power. Members who join Secret Alliance must swear an Oath of Silence