LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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中國聖詩 (Hymns that belong to Chinese)

中國聖詩 (Hymns that belong to Chinese)

一直以多, 聖詩多是由外國來的, 很少有中國特色的聖詩.

但在 90 年代, 聖靈感動一位名叫 "小敏" 的中國姑娘, 寫了很多有中國風味的聖歌.

她是極謙卑愛主的信徒, 故雖然她受教育不多, 上帝也用她, 使她寫出很多很好的詩歌.

有很多首詩歌是她在獄中寫的 (因 "家庭教會" 在中國是不合法的, 而中國官方許可的教會, 領導人是聽命共產黨的, 而不是聽命上帝的, 故真正愛主的基督徒大多數參加 "家庭教會", 而不參加官方教會. 故他們多人被捕入獄.

若你想知道中國信徒的遭遇, Click 以下的網站, (4) 迦南詩歌, (3) 苦杯, (2) 血種, (1) 生命泉,


她的歌被收集在 "迦南詩歌" 裡. 而 "迦南詩歌" 在網上可以聽到 -- 可 click 上面網站, 再 click 左面的“去唱歌讚美主”區, 便可找到 "小敏" 作的歌.

願 "小敏" 的歌, 成為中國人的詩歌.
