LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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(Cont.) The sins of the Communist Party of China] 共產黨的罪

6. 天堂, 地獄.

人人都有一死, 死後有審判.

那些死守(上帝)法律誡命的, 和耶穌教導的, 以及像耶穌不怕死, (孔子:"志士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺身以成仁"), 都會去天堂, 去 "新天新地".

(*) 耶穌的教導

那些不理上帝法律誡命的 (但自以為 "為國家, 為人民"), 及不理耶穌教導的 (耶穌是上帝肉身顯現 God in human form, condescension of GOD), 或怕死以致不敢脫離黑聯盟的, 或只聽黨的命令而完全不理良心, 不理上帝法律誡命的, 會去地獄受足法定的刑罰, 甚至永永遠遠受刑罰 (eternal punishment). 因上帝是公正的神 (GOD is GOD of Justice).

7. 上帝不會容忍 黑聯盟 持久的惡行. 上帝對付 黑聯盟 的日子是不會遠的.

快快悔改吧! 你悔改受浸歸信耶穌, 你過往的罪可被赦免, 可 "重生" 做人. 上帝還會給你一個新心, 使你可以行上帝的法律誡命. 若你持守上帝的教導和耶穌的教導到底, 忍耐到底, 天天背起十字架跟從耶穌 (以耶穌為榜樣), 你會有永生 (repent, get baptised [which you can do yourself by immersing completely in water and praying to GOD for forgiveness], and believe Jesus to be the condescension of GOD and therefore Jesus' teachings ARE the teachings of GOD, then GOD will give you a new heart, so that you may be able to keep the laws and commandments of GOD. Moreover, if you are resolute in keeping the teachings of GOD, the teachings of Jesus unto the end, and endure to the end, bearing the cross to follow the foot-path of Jesus everyday, modelling yourself after Jesus, then you will have eternal life, a life never ending, a life like that of an angel).


(*) 聖經