LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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Individual Value - Gift of Y'shua Jesus

James Fletcher Baxter

The Old World method of measuring human value

was, and still is, by the group. Whether tribe, clan,

city-state, color, ethnic, or gender, the Old World,

ancient and modern, measures human value by

the plural-unit. Individuals had and have no value

of themselves but only as they were and are part

of a collective.

When Y'shua Jesus died on the cross, the veil of

the Temple at the Holy of Holies parted from the

top down. The individual believer in the

congregation had, for the first time, a

face-to-face, one-on-one relation with his

Creator. The Creator, Himself, had validated The

Individual for the first time. Thus, The Individual

became the cornerstone for later human value

measuring systems: socio-political,

philosophical, religious, educational, economic,

etc., henceforth and forever. Western Civilization,

America, civil Rights, Law, the 'democratic'

process, etc., all sprang from that single event.

(Greco-Roman 'democracies' were 95% slave

throughout their entire histories.) Biblical

principles are still today the foundation of

Western Civilization and The American Way of


Many social systems attempt to borrow ideas of

"democracy" without the basic premise in The

Individual. Such a system is only superficially and

temporarily 'democratic.' The cornerstone of the

'democratic' process is The Individual, and the

cornerstone of the value of The Individual is

Y'shua Jesus! It is not possible to have one

without the other. There is only One Source -

there is no other.

[ It is interesting to note that all value measuring

systems are based on the Single Unit of the

system. (Ex: Number, Time, Distance, Weight,

Heat, Money, Angle, Volume, etc.) ]

Only humanism makes the abusive error of

measuring human value by the plural unit and

building social structures, relations, and

institutions thereon. Such man-made systems

can only be abusive and oppresive because in

reality there are ONLY individual persons!

Groups or collectives are merely convenient

verbalizations about individuals - they are not


I have yet to see a 'group.' All I have ever seen

are individuals.Have you ever seen a group, or is

it a verbalization; a verbal convenience? Reality

is only in the individual. And, such a validation

never derived from a human source without the

initiative of the Creator. [The French Rationalists

of the 18th Century favored the fruit - but rejected

the branch, tree, and root.]

Today, wherever Y'shua Jesus is rejected, the

group or plural-unit is still the basic way of

measuring human value - and human non-value!

We thank the Lord God for revealing His

validation of each individual person. We thank

Him for creating each person uniquely, in His

image, and calling each one to a courageous

ascension by Y'shua Jesus, who said,"I AM the


Never again need a person lack self-worth, feel

inferior, or envy another person - and join a

'group' to feel valuable. YOU are the only YOU in

the history of the planet!

Praise the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

and His 'Son of Man' Y'shua Jesus.

Ref: Exodus 25:30, 40 Hebrews 9 Matthew

27:51 Mark 15:38 Luke 23:45 KJV

