LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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What Should We Do When Conspiracy Abounds

What Should We Do When Conspiracy Abounds

What Should We Do When Conspiracy Abounds

We are heading towards difficult times. According to the prophecy of the Bible, the whole world will be delivered into the hand of "iron beast" for 3.5 years [Daniel 7].

We must search our hearts deeply, why does LORD deliver us into the hand of "iron beast" for this length of time ?

In times of old, LORD delivered Israelites into the hand of cruel oppressors because of iniquities. It is no exception today. Look around the world, we see iniquities abound : sodomy, Lesbian, adultery, drugs, rave parties, sex slaves throughout the world and governments doing nothing, .... Therefore, there must be a time of reckoning from the LORD.

Seeing this, we should spend all our effort to spread the LAWS OF GOD AND HIS COMMANDMENTS, in the hope that people would know that they break LORD's Laws on many counts, and that they must repent and keep the Laws, through faith in Jesus.

But if we do not do this, but spend our effort otherwise, say, organizing resistance, doing clandestine work, then we are only mis-directing the people, drawing their attention to the wrong direction, and making them sin more and more, making them lose sight that LORD is behind every blessing or woe. For example, the Constitution of USA guarantees many rights to the people, making them the free-est people of the world; but as the iniquities of its people are very flagrant nowadays, such as adultery, LORD allows the Secret Alliance to gain control of everything, making them suffer in the hand of the Secret Alliance. It is no use to make people lament for their Constitution, or for their loss of freedom. Rather, we should make them see their sins and iniquities.

Let us take China as an example. During the Ching Dynasty, corruption was everywhere, people were after money, after Government jobs so as to "squeeze" the people to enrich themselves. The King's mother spent much money on building palaces, instead of using the money for the people or buying rifles for the army. China lost nearly all wars with outsiders, swords and muskets could never compete with guns and rifles.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen saw this, and he started a revolution. He succeeded in over-throwing the Government, but at the same time, the people lost restraint, and a period of lawlessness and upheaval followed, and many warlords tried to seize power, and communists began their work of darkness. The situation was similar to that after the French revolution - a period of lawlessness. Dr. Sun Yat-sen lamented : "I wished to save the people from affliction, and I am sorry to see them now in turmoils." When people lose restraint and become reckless, NOT EVEN THE ABLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD CAN REVERT THE SITUATION.

The same situation will repeat if people are directed towards "restoring their constitution, restoring their freedom".

On the other hand, if we spend all our effort in teaching Laws and Commandments, so that more and more people become aware of their sins, and repent and return to LORD, then we will have plenty of righteous people who are capable of doing much good, instead of having people who are accustomed to working havoc.

The ills of this world is so great that no one is able to handle them. Moreover, we should know that we are CREATED by LORD, with all our "hardware", "software" designed and given to us by LORD. Hence we are nothing in the sight of LORD. Only LORD is able to move the hearts and co-ordinate efforts on a global scale. Only LORD is able to manage the billions of events occurring around the world simultaneously. Therefore let us never be conceited.

Therefore, let us use our effort wisely in the correct direction.

Jesus : This is the work of GOD, that you believe in him (note : refers to Jesus) whom he has sent.
[John 6:28-29]

Jesus : Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. [Mt 5:17-20]

LORD to the Israelites : ... seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. [Jer 29:7-8]

Angel of LORD : And from the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he who waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. [Dan 12:11-12]

(*) Social Responsibility

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn
