LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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Marcel Roy Bendshadler - the person arrested in Klamath, Oregon

Marcel Roy Bendshadler - the person arrested in Klamath, Oregon

Marcel Roy Bendshadler - the person arrested in Klamath, Oregon

Wu Siu Yan

20 May 2002

Marcel Bendshadler was arrested on August, 2001, when he went to Klamath Basin, where there was a demonstration for water rights.

I did a little Internet search, and find the following facts about Marcel Bendshadler, ( you may do a Google search with keywords "Marcel Bendshadler" )

  1. He is an amateur radio operator, his call number is "AQK KC7AQK"


  2. He operated a BBS (Bulletin Board Service) in the 503 Area Code


  3. He is a member of an organization that advocates "Common Law" in Multnomah County


  4. He volunteered himself as an defence attorney for a mining case in Oregon


  5. He appeared in a "Constitutional Crusader Show"


  6. He is a supporter of "Liberty Money"


  7. On one occasion, his daughter was taken away from him. He accidentally hurt his daughter when he was boiling pasta, but the hurt was not serious, yet the authority accused him of "child abuse" and took his daughter away.


  8. He is an advocate of gun-rights.


I feel sorry of what had fallen on him (and I do not know what is happening to him now, or to his family. Since his arrest last August, the Internet seems to have no news of him. I failed to find more information about him with Google search).

LORD is GOD of JUSTICE. LORD dispenses real justice

Very often we see our rights eroded, and oppressors coming to harass and oppress us, but DO NOT SEE WHO REALLY brings about all these.

Mostly, it is our iniquities that bring about all these. LORD is using cruel oppressors to execute justice on us.

Therefore our first task is to search our hearts deeply, humble ourselves, repent and return to LORD, and make amends if possible.

When LORD finds that we have corrected ourselves, then LORD will make way to ease our oppression.

If we try to resist oppression, but do not correct ourselves, all our efforts would be in vain, and worse, would bring even more calamities onto ourselves.

It seems to me that Mr. Bendshadler used his effort in the wrong direction. When divorce rate is 50%, sodomy, lesbian, adultery, drugs, .... abound, it is not a time to insist upon getting our "rights".

Most of us want to correct the ills of a society, but the problem is far from simple.

No one wants to see civil wars, no one wants to see people suffer, no one wants to see dictator ruling a country ruthlessly.

But how are we going to help ?

Let us consider some examples.

When Russia invaded Afghanistan, many Western powers aided the Afghan guerrillas. Even Singapore, that very little island country, gave money to the guerrillas to buy arms, not to mention USA and other Western countries.

What happened after the Russians left, and Northern Alliance assumed power ? It became a cruel oppressor. What the West has achieved is replacing one oppressor by another. And Afghanistan remained in turmoil for years.

Take another example of Cambodia. The communists were ruthless. They killed all whom they considered would oppose them, (much like what the Leninists did to many Chinese during the Cultural Revolution). The West aided Hun Sen and Hun Sen won. Now the people accused Hun Sen and his military subordinates of corruption. "No social justice" - people now fear Hun Sen and his military men.

Consider the invasion of Chechen by Russia. Could you see the consequences if other countries aid the guerrillas and the guerrillas obtain power ?

There is civil war in Colombia - landlords and the governing people against the Communists. Shall other countries aid the landlords and the government ? Shall other countries aid the communists ? What if the government kills all communists ? What if the communists win ?

There is also civil war in Nepal. Shall other countries aid the government ? Shall other countries aid the Maoists ? What will happen when the government kills all Maoists ? What will happen when the Maoists win ?

In ancient times, there often happened "blood feud" between different groups. Which side shall aid be given ?

One must ask - why is there civil war and bloodshed ? The answer is plain. The people there must have broken LORD's Laws and Commandments. There must have been years of moral decline, years of increasing lawlessness, then comes this death and killing. LORD would not have started killing the people without giving them years to search their hearts and to repent.

In the Book of Mormon, which contains the history of Mayans and ancient Americans, there was recorded two kings engaged in fierce civil war. The final outcome ? They warred themselves to total destruction. It was LORD's will that they should all perish.

Therefore, before trying to intervene in any situation, study the moral of the people - do they keep LORD's Laws ? are they willing to live a lawful life ? and try to understand LORD's will.

What is the best way to help ?

There are many relief organizations in the world, some provide food/tent to refugees. Do you think it is a long term solution to the problem ? Do you think helping them set up some form of democratic government with election would solve the problem ?

Didn't the former Chechen Government have some form of election ? Is not the Cambodia government elected ?

If people do not realize the BASIC PRINCIPLE with which LORD rules the earth, namely,



and are not willing to amend their behaviour and break not LORD's Laws, there is no way to help them. Do you think you can help a morally corrupt people without first improving their moral standards ?

But how are they to know LORD's Laws and Commandments if there is no one to teach them.

Instead of giving them guns to kill each other, we should educate them in LORD's Laws and Commandments. Give them food and at the same time, teach them Laws and Commandments. Also tell them that Jesus was GOD condescending in human form, and therefore Jesus' teachings are the teachings of LORD. Also one should pattern one's life after Jesus - doing only that is right in the sight of LORD, even at the peril of death and torture.

We may not alleviate their hunger, may not prevent them from being killed in cross-fires, but we can give them rest of soul in their Creator, give them hope in eternal life.

When many of them have repented and turned to LORD, then, who knows, perhaps one day, LORD would raise someone among them to be a "Moses", who would install LORD's political system among them, and lead them to peace and prosperity in the future ?

LORD's political system, which LORD designed and gave to Moses, and practiced by the Israelites until the time of King Saul, is a very good political system. DO NOT DESPISE LORD'S POLITICAL SYSTEM BECAUSE OF ITS SIMPLICITY.

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn
