LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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The separation of "Police, Executive, Judiciary" cannot serve as a check

The separation of "Police, Executive, Judiciary" cannot serve as a check to a run-away government. Voluntary taxation can.

The check to government today is the separation of "Police, Executive, Judiciary".

But if the politicians, judges, police chiefs form Secret Alliance, such a "check" will not work. Justice, social justice simply will not occur.

It will work only if the legislators, law enforcing officials, police, persecutors, lawyers, judges, all act according to their conscience and independently, interpreting the laws in fairness/equity/justice. But it is not so today.

Therefore we find laws enacted with insidious purpose (e.g. tax accusation against political groups, land grab on those independent farmers, fault-finding with parents (accusation of 'child abuse') and taking away their child as a form of blackmail/punishment, education not to "build up" but to corrupt moral). Yet these laws are faithfully executed by the Law enforcing officials and sentenced accordingly by the judges !

Therefore, separation of "Police, Executive, Judiciary" can never form an effective check against run-away government, because people will form secret alliances.

Voluntary taxation can.

If the government does not serve its citizens well -- it is supposed to be, as it is "of the people, by the people, for the people" -- citizens would simply pay less tax, or not at all.

But taxation is compulsory today. Tax rates of 25 ~ 30% is not uncommon, and governments levy these to support itself, the Secret Agents, various security agencies ( whose security? ), secret researches, weaponry, .... When the government has BIG, BIG MONEY, what can an individual citizen do, or even a group of people do ?

This compulsory taxation will ensure that run-away government will continue to operate, even though numerous mis-deeds are carried out and exposed.

But had there been countries in the world with voluntary taxation ?

Yes. When LORD led the Israelites out of Egypt, LORD gave the Israelites a political system through Moses, and Moses used this to rule more than 600,000 Israelites, 40 years in the desert. [You may read about this from the first five books of the Bible, "Genesis" to "Deuteronomy"]. TAXATION WAS ONLY 10%, or "tithe". Moreover, it was voluntary.

The Israelites lived under this system for several hundred years, until the time of King Saul. After King Saul, they paid tax according to the will of the King.

LORD's political system will indeed work today, despite its simplicity.

But as law is based on the "Principles of Justice", not on "detailed legislations/precedents", and taxation is voluntary, such a system will not work if the moral of the people is bad -- who will pay tax if it is not compulsory ? What judge will judge impartially and not take bribes when they are given great freedom and discretionary power in pronouncing judgement ?

Only when the moral of the people is good, and people care for the society he/she lives in other than his/her own enjoyment, have a high sense of social responsibility, and sense of justice/equity/fairness, would such a system work. Therefore moral education should be the first step towards such a form of government.

Wu Siu Yan

(*) LORD's political system in short

(*) What is Secret Alliance?

(*) Judgement Day - Day of Sodom and Gomorrah

(*) Link to Online Bible

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn loved by Chinese
