LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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One way the Secret Alliance use to 'break' people into submission

One way the Secret Alliance use to 'break' people into submission

First, they would make that person unconscious, usually by radio means. Then they would steal into the house, and cut a slit in the gum of a tooth, and inject germs, and most probably, pull out the nerve below the tooth.

(Note : I make this conclusion because the cut is usually 2 ~ 2.5 mm long. If they are to inject germs only, a needle would do.

Or, they make the cut for reasons I do not know, other than pulling out the nerves).

There will be inflammation in the gum the following day, and the person would usually fall ill for several days, with temperature, accompanied by great pain in gum and tooth.

They would repeat the same procedure several times, usually with several months in between. At last, the tooth will fall out.

I have lost many teeth because of this. The most recent attack occurred some day before 20 June 2002. I woke up on that day. There was great pain in several parts (points) of my brain, and on the part of the bone below the gum. I had a temperature.

On past occasions, the cuts in the gum were visible, and contained pus. But this time, as it was the part of the gum deepest inside the mouth, I couldn't see the cut, but could feel the cut.

The feeling of the cut on the gum is usually the same, a hollow feeling of flesh/tissue being extracted away.

They are extremely patience. They are in no hurry to destroy my teeth in one day. I lost 5 (?) teeth over a period of 10 years ! (I cannot remember how many teeth I have lost, as it occurred over several years. There is a high probability that I will lose all my teeth.)

Also, they can inject chemicals into the gum, causing abnormal growth of teeth. The teeth on my lower jaw were regular, but now they are irregular, and teeth grow into different lengths.

My mother also lost all her teeth. At the time when her teeth were losing away gradually, I could only think of misfortune on her part, as she rarely talked. But when I myself was attacked, I began to understand that her losing of her teeth, one by one, was not an accident. It is my belief that my mother was broken into submission, and then brain-washed by them ("Bad guy, Good guy" technique) because of this. It is really frightening when people begin to think that they are unable to eat/chew in times to come. Perhaps, this is the reason why they submit to the Secret Alliance (Threat of death steadily and slowly).

I am the second generation (first my mother, now me) to experience this. It is really sad that evil people can go on carrying out extreme evils year after year for so many many years.

One last thing, they have implanted many micro-chips into my brain.

Wu Siu Yan

26 June 2002

(*) Secret Alliance

(*) Link to the book "Physical Control of the Mind", by Jose Degado.
"Physical Control of the Mind" was published in 1969 (?), and in that book, are many photos of monkeys implanted with transceivers on the brain. They can monitor brain-waves remotely, and they can transmit signal right into the brain. That was technology 30 years ago. Several days ago, I watched a TV program about brain research of monkeys in UK (some people succeeded in filming those monkeys with brain cuts secretly, and expose the film). The reason of that type of research is claimed to be for medical reason. Believe them not. Jose Degado plainly said that his research was for physical control of the mind, and the reason for this 21st century research could not be different. This is great tragedy for the human race to be so cruel.

(*) My experience under the Secret Agents. I recorded down the places of the brain that I felt pain as well as gums inflammation over some years (unfortunately, the record books are all stolen today)

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn
