LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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Youth Problem, elder suicide problem in Hong Kong




(Youths that are out of school and out of work in Hong Kong, and

the high number of suicides among the elderly in Hong Kong.)


Wu Siu Yan

14 August 2002

A lot of youths are out of school, and out of work in Hong Kong. Moreover, the number of suicides among the elderly is very high in Hong Kong. What has gone wrong ? Why is it difficult for the youths to get jobs ?

If you were an employer, what kind of person would you hire ? What qualities are you looking forward to in your employees ?

Punctual, honest, hard-working, responsible, obedient, loyal, ... ?

How many of our youths possess these qualities ? Rather you find youths who are keen on drugs (Ecstasy, ... ), keen on dance (rave parties) and sex (free sex), computer games, good food, pleasures, ...

The following is taken from a book "Office Practice" published in 1930, Toronto, Canada, of the desired qualities of employees.


Honesty, sincerity, loyalty in thought, word and deed; dependability and trustworthiness under all circumstances; courage and determination to do right, regardless of consequences.


Consideration for and unselfish behaviour towards others; spirit of service and co-operation; capacity for leadership; obedience, respect for those in authority; courtesy, tact, cheerfulness; kindliness, friendliness, generosity; patience; sympathy; tolerance; goodwill towards men.


Intelligence; keen observation; retentive memory; constructive imagination; ability to concentrate; application to work; orderliness; ability to analyze; accuracy; quickness, carefulness, thoroughness; neatness; promptness; punctuality; common sense; good judgement; foresight; initiative; originality; resourcefulness; versatility; enthusiasm; perseverance; self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; modesty; good expression and use of the English language; ability to decide intelligently and quickly; a sense of responsibility; a high regard for justice, fairness; firmness with others for their own good.


Manner; good health; energy; bearing.

(Note : as a Christian, I cherish Bible qualities, qualities pertaining to LORD and of Jesus -- Merciful; Gracious; Slow to Anger; Abounding in Steadfast love; Abounding in Faithfulness; Forgiving; Jealous against evil/iniquity; Pure as a child; Humble as a child; Kindness; Meekness; Lowliness; Servant to all, Slave to all; .... Once we get LORD's and Jesus' qualities right, the above qualities follow naturally. But if we follow the above qualities first and not those of LORD's and of Jesus', we may stray into wrong paths.)

How many of the teachers in Hong Kong teach this ? Are there any elders in Hong Kong who teach these ? Are there any in the Government who teach this ?

No, the schools teach "sex education" and not Moral Education (they NEVER CONDEMN : Pre-marriage sex, adultery, Sodomy, Lesbian, Pedophile, Bestiality, ... They are regarded as "attitudes in sex" that one may do in private! As LORD did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah and Pompeii, LORD will not spare any people who do these.)

What is more important to a man in his lifetime -- moral education or (perverted) sex education ? Why is there no education at all in school teaching youngsters the basic qualities of being a human, of being a responsible citizen, of being a responsible husband or wife ?

People think teaching the "Ten Commandments of LORD" is a "taboo". But the "Ten Commandments" is the most fundamental of LORD's "Laws and Commandments". How could people cultivate good qualities when they keep not the Laws and Commandments (of LORD) ? Keeping the "Laws and Commandments" is the first step towards building desirable qualities. How could they produce worthy youths in a society like this ?

It is of utmost importance that we teach Laws and Commandments of LORD before we place emphasize on "qualities/values". Because without Law and Commandments, the "qualities" will not be WHAT WE EXPECT THEM TO BE. For example, "love" will de-generate into "free sex" if there is no "You Shall not commit adultery".

"Integrity", to us, means "wholesomeness in character"; but to the people in Secret Alliance, it means "never betray the secrets of the Organization to outsider; never betray your comrades even if he has broken laws, committed murders; never testify against your comrades nor tell the truth in courts, ..." And people in Secret Alliance cherish these qualities ! (Cf. LORD : "One Law for All.")

On the elderly who committed suicide

The number of suicides among the elderly is high in Hong Kong. The main reason is : people are not taught LORD's commandment : "You shall rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God." [Lev. 19:32] So, the attitude in the society towards the elderly is far from wanting.

There are few people in the society who devote themselves to the work of LORD -- educating the people in moral. When people lose hope, because they know not LORD, or because they get into difficulties and sicknesses (a result of wrong attitudes, breaking of LORD's Laws, ...), they choose to end their own life.

(For myself, I cherish Bible teachings, including those teachings about cleanliness --

  1. Take a bathe before sunset if touched some unclean thing;

  2. Rest one day every 7 days, one week every half-year, 1 year every 7 years, ... ;

  3. Eat not unclean animals (oyster, snails, pig meat, dog's meat, ... )

    [Lev 11]

  4. ....

I value them more than GOLD, more than DIAMOND. The teachings of LORD and of Jesus are more than gold to be bequeathed to our children.)

People should realize that breaking Laws and Commandments of LORD is the ROOT of all social problems as well as personal problems. How could people be good engineers, good scientists, good civil servants, good husbands/good wives, .... if they keep not LORD's Laws ?


(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn loved by Chinese
