LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system

Our present day political system is inherited from the Romans. LORD's political system is described in Judges, Old Testament. The present day system cannot dispense justice promptly, and suffers many shortcomings. I hope we will discuss various aspects of LORD's system (Vs. Roman's system) and the feasibility of its implementation. But any topics of interests to Christians are also welcome.

LORD's political system Vs. Roman's system
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To all Chinese Christians who have left Hong Kong


Many Hong-Kong-ites have emigrated abroad, how about the fate of the remaining Hong-Kong-ites ?


Wu Siu Yan

15 August 2002

(This is my personal opinion, any other opinion are welcome.)

In the years before 1997, the year of hand-over, nearly 600,000 Hong-Kong-ites emigrated abroad, mostly to Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.

There still remain a lot of people in Hong Kong where the place is too small for them (area of Hong Kong is 410 square miles = 20 miles x 20.5 miles).

Reasons why LORD allowed Hong Kong to be ceded to Britain 150 years ago

LORD must have forseen the coming of the Communists who uphold the teachings of Marx and Lenin, godless teachings. Whereas the cultural root of Chinese is rooted on the teachings of Confucius and Mencius.

The "Cultural Revolution" was an attempt of enormous scale to throw away all teachings of Confucius and Mencius and put in place the teachings of Marx and Lenin, and it succeeded to a great extent. The Chinese after the Cultural Revolution bore no resemblence to our ancient fore-fathers, they had lost all cherished "values".

LORD must have forseen this and LORD must have had pity on our race that LORD plucked away a shoot from the old tree and planted them in Hong Kong. Therefore Hong Kong was a place used by LORD to preserve the best of our culture. The cultural thinking in Hong Kong has always been of Confucius and Mencius, and that forsakes communists' godless precepts, nor accepts the precepts of Nationalists who inherited many of the bad habits of the Ching Dynasty.

The effect of this can be seen today. Because Hong Kong accepted 150 Chinese immigrants a day for the past tens of years, many of the Chinese in Hong Kong were former Chinese under the Communist rule. During the holidays, thousands of them went back to visit their relatives in China, and they bring the Hong Kong attitudes back to China. If you observe carefully, the thinking of the people in Canton is not very much different from that of Hong Kong. The Leninist thinking among the people in Canton, has been much reduced because of this. It is my hope that the Leninist thinking in the other provinces will decrease too.

Possibility of the people of Hong Kong being absorbed back into China ?

Many Hong Kong people have already purchased flats in Canton, and many have set up factories there. But will China accept the whole of Hong Kong, or Hong-Kong-ites will find their place back in China, the place of their ancestors ?

Sadly, my observation is NO.

, the female Chinese Scholar in USA who visited Beijing with her husband and son, originally thought to go back to work for China, to help her motherland. But she and her family were arrested in Beijing. On her release several months later, she said sadly that she found out that China did not like them.

The question is, who gave the order to arrest ?

If you understand the working of Secret Alliance, the political form of communism, you will know that real power is not in the hands of the "leaders" who appear in public, but in some unknown persons (most probably, in just one person, the King) who never show their faces (or his face).

This "king" did not like , and therefore will also dislike all whose thinking are as free as , who has received the Western type of education and has lived in the West. How would you expect him to like the people of Hong Kong, and accept them into his Kingdom?

The King guards his power, and I don't think anyone in China will replace him in the near future. He will certainly kill all who attempt to take away his throne.

From the mass arrests (up to thousands) without trial, without any legal proceedings, of the Falon Gong members, you should know that China is not ruled by the leaders who appear in public, but by a King.

I have tasted, and is tasting, the ruthlessness and mercilessness of the Secret Agents from China, which is the arm of the King. If his arm is so "hard", how would you expect him to have a "soft heart" ?

Where will the Hong-Kong-ites go ?

An area of 410 square miles to too small for a population of 6.5 millions. Should any disasters (e.g. earthquake) happen and large number of buildings were destroyed, where would the people of Hong Kong go ?

It is my personal wish that they go to Australia. (You must use your own mind, to think critically, whether you agree with me or not.)

How LORD brought people to the America continent, to Australia, to New Zealand, to Canada, ... will also be the way LORD bring people to Australia.

First of all, I must say that I am not a Mormon, but I believe the Book of Mormon to be true history (600 B.C. - 420 A.D.) of the Mayans, who have now all perished from off America; (Note : according to The Book of Mormon, most Mayans were descendants of one man, Lehi, who was of the tribe of Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Issac, son of Abraham. Lehi was led out by LORD and sailed to America before King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem) and the natives in Hawaii, in the Pacific Islands (Polynesians), in New Zealand, in Australia are all descendants of Maya who sailed abroad before their destruction by the "Native Americans" (red Indians) (Mayans and Native Americans were brothers, but they warred among themselves).

An Allegory

The wrong doings of Joseph Smith (founder of Mormon Church) should not make the Maya history false

(Note : The following is taken from my previous post in my FORUM.)


Let me put it this way.

Suppose Confucius buried his writing "Analect of Confucius" under the ground, and many years later, an American found that out.

And suppose he had talents to read Chinese character, and he translated it into English, and also established an organization, called "Confucius Organization" in USA. But because he was tempted into sin and fell later in his life, he introduced many devilish precepts into his "Confucius Organization".

Question : will that falsify Confucius "Analect of Confucius" ?

When we investigate whether "Confucism" is true or false, shall we read the writings of that American or shall we read Confucius book direct ?

Wu Siu Yan

Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you read the First Chapter of Book of Mormon online first, before deciding whether you wish to download the whole book.

WARNING : I recommend the Book of Mormon, not the Mormon Church, you join the Mormon Church at your own risk, I am free of your blood.

However, should you decide to study that book, your study effort should be 85% Bible, 15% Book of Mormon. Many Mormon people do it the other way round, they spend much of their effort on "Doctrines and Covenants", a book written by Joseph Smith, claiming to be words of LORD (just as Mohammed claimed Quran was the words of LORD), and spend much less effort on the Bible. It seems to me that they also spend more effort on the Book of Mormon than on the Bible.

There are no new teachings in Book of Mormon that are not already in the Bible. Bible contains many many teachings of LORD and Jesus that every Christian should read it over and over again.

However, Book of Mormon highlighted the doctrine of Jesus, which was already apparent from the Gospels, though not so explicity,

Jesus : " ... ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

As well as The Eternal Principle, which is amply confirmed by the Bible (History of Israelites), and the Book of Mormon (History of Mayans), that



Book of Mormon contains the history of Mayans, and the historical lessons in it are extremely valuable to Christians, especially in these difficult times when Secret Alliance reigns.

Study hard the Bible, also study the Book of Mormon.

The Australians are jealously guarding their land against immigrants.

Because Australia is a vast land with plenty of mineral reserves, also a land of great agricultural potentials, the politicians today are jealously guarding against immigrants so as not to "dilute" their share of "inherited wealth".

Hong Kong, in the years before Japanese occupation (WWII), took in nearly one million refugees from China, and Hong Kong is only 410 square miles in area ( = 20 miles x 20.5 miles). If Australia has a will, it can certainly set aside areas to take in millions of refugees, and not to practice its extremely cruel policy towards refugee seekers. (Perhaps, they may set aside area to let them be a mini-country within Australia, and lend them money for infra-structure at reasonable interest. In this way, Australians do not have to bear the burden of their welfare. Just let them fend for themselves, and they will survive.)

If they change not this policy, I don't think LORD will allow them to enjoy the "wealth of Australia". They may jealously guard it, but they will not enjoy it, if they harden their hearts against those poor "refugee seekers".

Japan had been a land difficult for Christians, and who knows what persecution they might face in the future ? Then, where is their place of refuge ?

Australia used to be a place for immigrants from Britain, from Europe. But recently, it has taken in Vietnam refugees and many immigrants from South East Asia. Personally, I think LORD will prepare a place for His people in South East Asia, and that place is likely to be Australia, as He has prepared America for the sons of Joseph, and the British and European immigrants.

We must work towards being accepted by the Australians

Acceptance by the Aborigines

Knowing that the aborigines were descendants of Mayans of America, therefore, we must study thoroughly the Book of Mormon in order to understand fully the thinking of Mayans, the ancestors of Australian aborigines. (I myself have read over the Book of Mormon 5 times, and I think I understand the Mayans.)

Sometimes I think that I might preach to the aborigines. But as presently, the Secret Alliance has implanted microchips into my brain and can radio control my bodily functions (even killing me, just "switching me off"), coupled with the fact that the Secret Agents from China are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, after me, isolating me from all contacts (even my emails are intercepted), I don't think I can do that.

But if I were to preach to the aborigines, I would not start with "precepts teaching", but with "songs", using the hymns loved by our fathers when they were first converted. ([see the hymns, from a Chinese Hymn Book, that I would use in my preaching.] Most of the songs are not in "sound file", because I do not know how to play piano, and I prepared the "sound files" with difficulty.) If they accepted the songs, then, I would educate them with the Bible, and to a lesser degree, Book of Mormon. They are to be built up on the best cultures of their fore-fathers which they have forgotten, as well as the best cultures of East and West.

Acceptance by other Australians

If we seek to be acceptable to them, we must first put on ourselves the "name of Jesus", especially the qualities -- "pure as a child, humble as a child, gentle, lowly, humbly." This would not be difficult for Chinese, because Confucism already taught our fathers "to make our heart pure as a new born." Unfortunately, many Chinese Christians are not child-like, nor pure in heart, therefore, they must repent, or else, they would be shut out of the kingdom of GOD. If they have become child-like, with their hearts pure and clean, and without any evil thoughts lodging in their heart, they may try to convert the Australians to the pure teachings of Jesus.

Christian churches are very weak today. They all stumbled on throwing away the "Laws and Commandments of LORD."

True, our salvation is "through grace, not work", that is to say, the "software of Adam" in us was replaced by the "software of Jesus (freeware)" because of the grace of LORD, not on "works" -- money donated to charity, hours given to social service, hours of fasting, ..... but that doesn't mean Laws and Commandments are to be abolished. Anyone who twisted the plain meaning of Jesus' word in [Matthew 5:17-20 ] "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." is unlikely to be saved, nor will he/she escape the many troubles/anguish that await all those who break the Laws and Commandments. LORD wrote for us many laws/commandments pertaining to attitudes as well as our body NOT WITHOUT reasons.

Yet keeping the Laws and Commandments would not be burdensome, as LORD is merciful, would not be fault-finding, nor will He condemn the guiltless (but He will never let go the really guilty). Remember LORD found King David having done only ONE wrong throughout his life ! (murder of Uriah by the sword of the Ammonites). Moreover, only 4 are compulsory today ((1) eat not food sacrificed to idols, (2) eat no blood, (3) eat no strangled animals, (4) no unchastity. [Acts 15:28-29]), the rest we may do as we see fit, e.g. work one whole month without rest, then take 4 days' rest, should the situation do not permit us to rest one day a week.

If we have made our hearts pure as a child, and have thoroughly equipped ourselves with the teachings in Bible, and have read the Book of Mormon, we may preach to the Australians. In the last century, Christians from the West came to preach to us, today, we should preach to them, to repay some of the kindness their forefathers had done to our forefathers.

Appeal to all Hong-Kong-ites (and their children) who have emigrated abroad

Do not forget the Hong-Kong-ites who are left behind. You may have the money, education, working experience that you find acceptance abroad, but you should still remember the Hong-Kong people that are left behind.

As far as I can observe with my own eyes, the King of China is exerting an extremely cruel and severe grip on the people of Hong Kong through his Secret Agents -- every one must obey his orders, and his orders extend even into family relations (order father/mother against their children, or children against their father/mother, all for his control). Although people would not talk, for fear of the Secret Agents, but you can observe it.

You must know it, or else you would not have sought "safe haven" abroad.

However, everything depends on LORD, and we are ignorant towards future happenings (but be prepared, "Watch and Pray"). But at least we can walk in LORD/Jesus' teachings carefully so as to find acceptance by our Creator, and His acceptance involves our taking upon ourselves His name, the name of his son (Jesus), and the Spirit of TRUTH (honesty and uprightness at all times), and also doing our social responsibilities towards everyone on Earth.

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn loved by Chinese


My Grief for China, for Hong Kong

My Grief for China, for Hong Kong


Wu Siu Yan

11 Sept 2002

Recently I saw a TV program about a children choir from Korea. They wore their traditional costumes -- the clothes their ancestors wore in the kingly courts. Their singing deeply moved me.

When I remember that their culture is from China, from Confucius, (in times past, there were lots of Confucius temples in Korea) I cannot but lament for our sorrowful state in China and in Hong Kong. They retain their cultural inheritance even onto today -- their courtly dress would probably be the courtly dress during the time of Confucius in China, but we do not.

How many of the people in China, or in Hong Kong have read Analect of Confucius ? one in one hundred ? one in one thousand ? or one in ten-thousand ?

The teachings of Confucius was the ROOT of our culture. What followed after him, e.g. the teachings of Mencius, and others, were nothing but "shoots" from this old "stump".

Koreans value their cultural heritage coming from Confucius, we, the Chinese in China and in Hong Kong, neglect it.

Although today, I value the teachings of LORD, of Jesus more than anything else, and they over-shadow the teachings of Confucius, of Mencius, but their teachings, e.g.

Do not to others what you don't want others to do to you.

Have the heart of a little child (i.e. pure in heart, without evil thoughts)

were what moulded our society, were what paved the way for my accepting the teachings of LORD and Jesus. Without Confucius, we wouldn't have the Chinese society as we see it today.

Now many Hong-Kong-ites are lost. The youths follow the trend from Japan, the ethics depicted in the comic books. Chinese in China are lost -- they follow the trend from the money-worshipping West, if not Lenin and Marx.

Today is less than one hundred year from the fall of Ching Dynasty, from the time when Confucius was compulsory reading for public office, and our cultural orientation is lost. How many years from now on would the majority of Chinese forget the teachings of Confucius, of Mencius ? A race that forgets its past, forgets its cultural root, has no future.

If I had children, which I do not have, I would definitely have him/her read the book of Confucius. The Analect of Confucius, together with the Bible would be the cultural inheritance to him/her that they have to teach the same to their children, and their children to their children's children.

I dislike the Communists, they destroy our children, destroy the soul of numerous young people, destroy our whole Chinese race, while other nations, like Korea, Japan, cherish their Confucius root.


(*) Analect of Confucius, in English

(*) Analect of Confucius, in Traditional Chinese

(*) Analect of Confucius, in Simplified Chinese

(*) Mencius, in English

(*) Mencius, in Traditional Chinese

(*) Mencius, in Simplified Chinese

(*) 300 Tang Poems, in English and Traditional Chinese

(*) Book of Poetry, (Shijing), in English and Traditional Chinese

(*) The Great Learning, in Traditional Chinese

(*) Doctrine of the Mean, in Traditional Chinese

(*) Law of GOD and His Commandments

(*) Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

(*) Other Teachings of Jesus

(*) Hymn loved by Chinese
