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Harry M. Graham - 319th - 437th

My Grandfather Lt. Harry Graham flew his first mission out of England on enemy shipping off the coast of Sicily. This particular mission was a skip-bombing raid led by then Captain Holzapple. Members of his crew were Sgt Leo C. Akridge, Sgt. Tom Meluskey, Lt. Robert "Bob" Baker, and Staff Sgt. Abraham Siminowitz. After a successful bombing run, they were hit hard by anti-aircraft fire, and forced to crash land at a small British port named Bone. The plane ended up gong over a cliff and landing on its top in the sea. All on board survived.
I'm looking for any photographs, a battle number, serial number, etc. for this plane. This was my Grandfather's first B-26 which he affectionately named "Graham's Crackers". He flew 50 successful missions without losing a single crew member.
My email is
Thank you.

Re: Harry M. Graham - 319th - 437th

Mark, send me your postal address and I'll put your request in the next issue of the "Sortie" newsletter.
Ted Baker - Editor