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T/Sgt Michael Milach

I am searching for any information regarding T/Sgt Michael Milach who served with the 319rh BG, 440th Squadron during mid 1944. We have several mementos (12th over thae Med, Criox de Geurre letter, numerous photos, currency, etc) from his time in the Med, but have no idea which aircraft he flew. One of his mementos is a handwritten list of crew members, included on this list are the following men....

Lt J.W. Klingbeil-Pilot-Van Dyne, Wisc
Lt R.L. Hostetter-Co Pilot-Chicago, Ill
Lt W.W. Teas-Bomber-Birminghamm, Ala
SSgt Wilbert J Brandt-Armorer/Gunner-Globe, Ariz
SSgt W.A. Schmienan-Radio/Gunner-Fort Wayne, Ind

Any information on T/Sgt Milach and his time in the Med will be greatly appreciated. We have scanned all of T/Sgt Milach's mementos and if anyone would like the digitized images please ask.

Thank you for your time and info that you can provide.

Scott G Christine
Maureen Davidow

Re: T/Sgt Michael Milach

My name is Ted Baker and I'm the editor of the 17th/319th Bomb Groups newsletter "The Sortie."

If you'll send me your e-mail and postal address I'll post your request in the next issue of "Thye Sortie."

Perhaps someone of our memebership can furnish you with the information you desire.

Of the crewmembers listed we only have Bill Schmieman still with us.

Ted Baker