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11 July 1943

On 11 July 1943 Gerbini airfield was attacked by the 391th Bomb Group, 440th Bomb Squadron. At least one bomber was shot down, do you have information what happened, pictures of the crew and plane.
B-26 # 41-18273
1Lt Thomas G. Masters -pilot
2Lt Ivan H. Rice
2Lt Jack F. Thomas
S/Sgt William R. Neville
S/Sgt Arthur M. Raines
the plane was hit by flak and crashed, the men were taken to GELA cemetery [Sicily] and buried there
any help is welcome

Jan Bos
Nijmegen, Holland

Re: 11 July 1943

B-26 #41-18273 (Martin B-26B-10-MA Marauder), Show Me, was in the:

I have them being attacked by one or two Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter aircraft. According to the MACR.

Not hit by flack.

(Oh, it should be 319th, not 391th).