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Sgt James G. Clark "Pap" 440 B Sq 319 B GP 7th AF

To whom it may concern,
I am an Iraq vet looking into my grandpa's WWII service. I have his DD Form 214 and thats it. I was wondering if anyone on here may know of him or his crew that flew the Douglas A-26 and if god willing had some historical pictures. His info is as follows. SGT. James G. Clark, 440 B Sq 319 B Gp 7th AF. Battles and Campaigns: GO 33 & 40 45 AIF Off Japan China Pyukyus. Awarded The Purple Heart on 18 July 1945 China. He had a nickname, his crew called him "pap" because he was the oldest in his crew. His MOS was 2750. I know he went to gunnery school at Ft. Meyers Fl and went to a Douglas School in Long Beach Ca but Im not sure which one as it is hard to make out on the copy I have. Any and all help would be very appreciated.
Thank you, Bryan C. Burnette