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Tree of Life

This is Abi from India. I had a strange dream today morning. Beginning of this dream is not clear for me now. But i heard a voice at that same time i saw some builings rise suddenly.. that voice said that i'll not find my way inside the building. But i was not scared, but boldly entered that building. When i enter it i instinctly know that its life of tree in a form of building. I dont knw why that voice led me inside that building. I saw many people from various countries as i move. Their face was clear to me but none was familiar. But that place is very much similar to a shopping mall. It was busy and with a lot of shops.. entertaining places etc.. But im not interested in going to shops or those places. On the way i saw a middle aged Indian woman with red saree (saree is traditional indian dress) i was happy to see a indian woman there. I tried to talk to her. But she tried to hide and i read her thought telepathically. She thought All indian peolpe do try to talk to another indian when they meet in some foreign places. I left her because she was not intersted. when all these things happen im aware that this is jus mundane part and my destination is to reach spiritual realm. So, i dont felt like enjoying the worldly happiness what other people seems to enjoy in that place.. I didnt waste my time there and i was continuously moving without stoping at any place
That building has few floors of this mundane apperance. then i entered a small room. None was there except few photos of indian deities. I was adjusting my dress coz i felt that it became loose suddenly. next i saw 2 middle aged indian women in that room. It was like an interview 4 me. We were sitting facing each other. Inbetween there was a small table. To their right there was a fern that was climibing on the wall. They showed that to me. i didnt saw that be4. It appeared suddenly. Its leaves were heart shaped. I saw some viscous fluid flowing from its pedicel to tip of the leaf. I touched it and felt the viscosity. they were asking some questions to me. I dont remember their questions. But i answered them correctly and im holding that fern in my hand. They were related to spirituality. They r happy and satisfied with my answer.
Then after some time i didnt saw any fern there but i saw a tap. That same viscous fluid was flowing out of it with full velocity. I tried to stop it but it didnt worked. Now i knw this interview session is in an important part of it. They threw me their final and very important question. At i same time i heard some clues. I recalled one of my relative said that we can utilise the information from that voice to get correct ans. those women also same some clues. I answered it.. I said "KNOWING THYSELF IS THE LESSON". When i answer again i was holding that tap in my hand trying to stop the flow from it. When i tell the correct answer that flow stopped suddenly. they were very much happy with my performance. My mom came there. Now those 2 women were very friendly to us. One of them came near me and sat by my side and talked with my mom and me. We said her that im interested in learning music. She said that she'll help me in learning that. She also informed me about a near by place were music class is going on. When i enter that building that voice said that i'll not find my way inside it but i found it and and did my exam very successfully.. so i felt very happy and i left that room with full happiness

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tree of Life

I will look at your dream in the morning {Tennessee time} and give my interpretation. A long dream needs a lot of attention. My best intuitive mind is during the early hours, before I have to face the social dragon {work and social expectations}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tree of Life

I had a full breakdown of your dream but abandoned it because I believe your dream is apparent in its message. It does involve spirituality, and perhaps creativity {music}, and the conflicts of choosing spiritual possibilities. Unless I am thinking of someone else, is it not true you are not Hindu, and perhaps are christian? {I can't locate your last post. was it under another name?}. The Tree of Life is most likely the spiritual tree of life {compare to the tree from which Eve partook in the garden}.

Have you recently given thought to new possibilities in your search? Or has that search expanded to your creative self? {Jung says that both are aspects of the feminine, the higher feminine SELF}. You may have discovered something recently that fits who you are. Since the dream was so positive at the end I believe you may want to pursue this course. It may lead you to that place you have been looking for.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tree of Life

Thank u gerard.. Thanks 4 ur kind reply. Im hindu.. not christian. ive posted all my dreams under the same name Abi. I'll think over this dream again... thanks a lot

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: India

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tree of Life

My mistake about your religion. It does make some difference in interpreting your dream. Let me look at it in that context to see what difference there may be.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tree of Life

I finally located your last post. My thinking about your religious affiliation actually applied to your having at one time studied bibliomancy {My parents know i used to do bibliomancy...from your dream post on Oct 17th, 2006}. Of course bibliomancy, or Divination, can have to do with any religion and not just Christianity. Not that it has do with the interpretation. I had vaguely remembered that particular post, and got it backwards.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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