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YouTube Dream Video

Found a video at YouTube about dream interpretation that I would like some feedback. Besides the interpretation of the one dream I specifically would like to know is the impressions of John Paul Jackson.

Warning: do not google John Paul Johnson. It may give it away.

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Re: YouTube Dream Video-View Only After Posting Comments & Opinion

For some history on John Paul Jackson read this from Wikipedia
John Paul Jackson

Does it change anything?


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Re: YouTube Dream Video_View Last

Ok. Look at this interview with John Paul Jackson at

Face to Face With John Paul Jackson

For a minute forget the interpretation. Did you recognize early on what he was doing {if so when?}? Would you call him more akin to a saint or charlatan?

This is a good test for intuitiveness, and also people skills. The first is imperative when interpreting dreams, the latter beneficial when engaging others.


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Re: YouTube Dream Video


Without the full disertation to keep this short, he utilizes Jung and Campbell but with an outward focus rather than central to Self. Jung to analyze the psychology & dream,(although I would have interpreted the dream with more emphasis on Jung's principles)and Campbell's idea of a new mythology fitting to the modern society. He's creating a "religion". Was it Asimov or Hubbard? who said to become very rich you need only start your own religion. I suppose he has a desire of great material wealth.

Now a question for you...Why do you not ask the real question Parcival?

Your thoughts?

Kind regards,

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Re: YouTube Dream Video


You can go to my last post. Collect $100.

What is most visible is hidden.

Did you not recognize his scheme, and his skills early on? All the young people, impressionable. But even there I get the impression it was all staged. He plays/preys on the emotions.

As for the interpretation it is much like a horoscope, generalities, and dream periphery. Anyone with intuitive skills can recognize patterns {it takes understand}. He knows just enough about the psychology of dreams to fit his purposes...scheme.

The link in my last post provides his motives


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Re: YouTube Dream Video

I disagree only in that the video in the first post reveals most. His choice of words, twisiting Jungian psychology to his own purpose, facial and body language all broadcast manipulation for personal gain. I read the Wiki and that was enough to uncover the link to Campbell and a new religion. No need to watch the second video, which I did not.

As an intuitive, sometimes I go with the unconscious. Hence, the J in INFJ...

That was fun...when are you going to make a challenge questions page on MDS?

Kind regards,

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Re: Re: YouTube Dream Video

i felt his interpretation was a mixture of schools of thought,but my intuition tells me he is a street illusionist of sorts,working with the same techniques a fake psychic medium would use,
eye movement gives away responses to what he says,the dreamer makes the interpretaion fit the images,as the interpreter sounds as if he knows what he is talking about.
may be wrong.

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Re: Re: Re: YouTube Dream Video

whoops, i may burn in hell,

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

No Steve, you and Kathy were both right. Mr. Jackson uses his skills of persuasion on young, impressionable teens. He uses a mixture of psychology and emotional illusion to entice these young people into thinking he is right. As I stated earlier he knows enough about the 'psychology' of dreams, and psychology itself, to give an appearance he is a trained interpreter of dreams. I see him as kin to charlatans using this approach to 'program' young people into becoming 'christian'.

Did anyone catch my intentions when I posted comments in the 'green' zone in my post to Kathy? If not then scroll your mouse over the entire area {as if you were cutting and paste} to see the 'hidden' message.

Kathy. We do think alike when it comes to dreams, more so than one would think normal. But I look at it this way. If it 'catches' you {as Joseph Campbell states when exploring the world of myth} then intuitively you understand. It naturally fits. Whereas you or I may not have the academic credentials that 'Zurich' Jungians possess, we possess something more in tune with what Jung recognized. An intuitive mind and an intellectual ability to understand the human psyche.

As for our styles of interpreting dreams. If you will notice my style has evolved from one much like yours to a less interpretive form of the individual symbols. I have become to feel I have a better sense of a dream by 'reading' it as opposed to just interpreting it. I let my intuitive senses lead. You are probably
doing the same except you feel more comfortable with breaking down the symbols {which I still do to a great extent but not on paper}.

With that I wish to state how important it is to understand the intuitive mind and how it can be enhanced. From what I know now, with almost 15 years of experience in Jungian dream psych, and what I knew from the start, I can see how my intuitive mind has developed. I do believe I have always had an intuitive sense {raised with 3 sisters and my mother, has that made a difference?}. But even with normal mental abilities {I do not in any way see myself as possessing a great mind} I have been able to let my intuitive mind grow. I like to think I practice what I preach and taking steps to enhance my psychic abilities {we all possess them} I am doing just that.

As for my abilities. I am merely a conduit of greater knowledge passed on by superior minds.

As for your suggestion about creating a page that posses a challenge for those who think Jungian. Synchronicity! I have been comtemplating just that. I was thinking about using the follwoing image as an intro:

A youtube tube with a Rod Serling approach.


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Re: YouTube Dream Video

Unaware of US culture as I am ( possibly out of choice - being english lol!)- sorry!
but not willing to 'google' to give it away - I would say he is an evangelist of some denomination or a 'persuader' of some sort?

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

Yep. An evangelist pretending to possess interpretation skills. He uses dreams as a pretense to enter into a bond with those who have little else to look to for support.

There are those who follow and those who blaze their own path. The hero always entered the deep forest where no one had never traveled before.


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Re: YouTube Dream Video

Then surely he is a charlatan, as the more we learn and understand about the psyche, dreaming and understanding the 'hero's journey' - the more humble and less proud we should become - recognising how far there is yet to travel and acting as 'guides' for others who have not yet begun or who are not so far along their own journeys?
To corrupt and/or persuade with power is then to 'prostitute' yourself in the full knowledge that you are 'taking advantage of' others - but is this an inevitable consequence of the 'human condition' that we all fall foul to, to a lesser degree?

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

The intro works. Mr. Serling was ahead of his time.

Intuition also indicates in ten years, twenty at the very outset, Mr. Jackson will fall into his own trap by fully believing his own bs, and name himself the Messiah to his inner circle and then his 'followers'. Thus, thankfully, Self imploding his cult religion.

Yes, in regards to my dream interpretations/process. I sometimes get a good sense of the dream theme overall but really need to examine each symbol to substantiate the overall read. Sometimes the interpretation drastically changes when I dig into the symbols. Then the interpretation works in reverse, like assembling a puzzle, until I get larger pieces together to see the bigger picture.

Kind regards.

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

and nearly forgot to add...

Intuitive sense relies not on logic nor reason or science. It’s a foolish sense, completely unreliable.

Perhaps knowledge of midwifery would be of use to you. Should at some point you be called upon to enter a period of seclusion to aid a women, and her soon to be born infant, prominent in your life.

Of course, it’s one’s own inner voice that speaks with the greatest clarity and must be relied upon.

Simply food for thought.

Kind regards,

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

I'd have to disagree that intuitive sense is 'completely unreliable'. Like all 'guidance' it must be tempered with other aspects, but from experience of someone as a teacher, perhaps 'over intellectualised' in some areas, when I have 'pooh poohed' my intuition and 'played it safe', opting for the logical, intellectual approach, inevitably my gut sense has turned out to be the correct one.

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Re: YouTube Dream Video

I have to agree with Claire when it comes to the intuitive sense. This is an area I have given much attention to and my personal experience confirms {for me} that my intuitive sense is very reliable. It is most important when I 'read' a dream and am able to discern information that otherwise would be under the radar. I can not count the number of times I have given an interpretation and the one thing that bore true was gathered from my intuitiveness.

I have often stated that I have a very developed intuitive sense for a male. But I believe that to be true because of many reasons. One factor may or may not be important is I was raised with 3 sisters and my mother. But probably the most important is my experiences working with people. All through the 70s and into the early 80s I worked as a health code inspector with the county health department in Nashville. My days were spent meeting new people and having to work with them. And the types of people I dealt with were from all walks of life. From those experiences I have learned to 'read' people. I learned later on that my first impression was always right. Being able to use my intuitiveness in working with so many different people provided clues about those persons that most would have missed.

I am terrible at remembering the obvious things about a person. But I pick up on those things, facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, the little things that most people miss. The science backs up these assertions. This article may help in understanding those' unconscious' clues people give off without knowing it.
Lying Is Exposed By Micro-Expressions We Can't Control

The only real problem is not to let my thinking mind interfere with my intuitive sense. That takes some effort but anyone with a developed intuitive sense can look beyond the thinking and just let the senses take control. In my business I make intuitive judgements about people that very often lead to better decisions based on those judgements. It is a real plus to possess such an ability.

But I took my intuitive sense to a new level when I began interpreting dreams. The fact that there are universal aspects within us all says to me that one merely has to recognize those aspects in new ways. The words in a posted dream are just that until I analyze them from an intuitive view. I sense things beyond the words. Again, I many times I have given an interpretation and the dreamer responds with a WOW!, it was because I saw something not quite obvious to others. This is not to say every dream I interpret is based solely on my intuitive sense. Of course not. I am the first to give credit to Jung for his insights to the dream and I live by his code. An intuitive mind may see things but if there is not an understanding of how the psyche functions it lacks the ability to express what the intuitive sense is wanting to convey.

In nature there are those intuitive knowledge that is ingrained within the psyche of all animals. Just as the turtle or alligator knows automatically to head for the water upon hatching from its eggs, so too humans have such intuitive abilities. The archetypes are part of those abilities, indeed receives its psychic energy from the natural processes associated with the development of the human psyche. It is already there, we merely need to learn to access them.

In closing I must warn that there can be serious made if the intuitive sense is not developed or properly applied. Perhaps Kathy's statement about the intuitive sense being unreliable stems from this. If one is not able to put the thinking mind second and is unable to go with the first impression {this is speaking to meeting people and not necessarily interpreting dreams}, the opposite of what is true is often what is read and not the intuitive truth.


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Re: YouTube Dream Video

One more thought. There are those days when my intuitive Self is almost dormant. I will look at a dream and no matter how much time and effort I give to it nothing appears. My thinking mind wants to take the lead but I know it is not as reliable as when I use the intuitive self to read a dream. I am having a bit of that this morning and had a lot of it last night. This usually occurs when the social dragon is seeking to control. This week has definitely been a 'dragon' week.
Where is my trusty sword . Excalibur, where art thou?


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