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the fisher king

i have been studying the various versions of the fisher king story,namely the origin of his wound,
and trying to compare these with the psychological wounds we feel ,
the version that has had special interest for me,
is the one in which, the fisher king burns himself on the roasting salmon,a piece of which he tries to steal,
jungian analyst ,robert johnson,states that this particular metaphor is a ref to ,
someone who has a spiritual encounter,that is to much to bear,
and again,jung used the term,a rellocation of the centre of gravity,of the ego conscious to the self,

the salmon in celtic myth is indeed the carrier of wisdom of a mystical kind,and even christ(the spiritual self) is symbolised by a fish,
i think we all have a wound that needs to be healed,
for most of us ,psychological,stemming from past traumas ,
but i feel also , what jung and johnson mention makes sense also,
putting aside the usual associations of a wound being caused by past childhood traumas or even recent events,there must be a place left open for those that, have been wounded by a mystical experience,

just as the fisher king, only found respite from his wound by fishing,
which johnson refers to as looking into the unconscious and bringing it up,(inner work)
i realize visiting the mds forum and the number of middle-agers or near middle-agers there are ,looking for answers,to ease the journey towards wholeness,
gives a lot of credability to what ,this ancient myth is saying,
the great news is,
the myth holds the solution to the problem aswell,

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Re: the fisher king

Thank you for calling attention to this. As many others, I too experienced this premature or early metaphysical or mystical experience, before Psyche was properly developed. The unconscious has conveyed this exact message in several dreams. As the intuitive sense further develops the wounding remains an issue often a source of doubt and 'block'. I'll need to revist Jung & Johnson on this and those dreams to perhaps gleen a better perspective.

Kind regards,

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