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Understanding Archetypes-The Mother Archetype

Excellent article you may want to read discussing the Mother archetype in myth. The author discusses the emotional and psychological patterns associated with the archetypes. Very informative especially if you are female.

The Mother Archetype


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Understanding Archetypes-The Mother Archetype

An example of the Mother archetype as shown in a dream from Jan 1996 titled Gold Light and Rabbit Girl...

I walk into the library (at home). I sit at a desk facing a window. I’m reading a book and watching it snow. The snow floats down soft and dreamy, the gold light baths the room shining out into the night. I see a cute, light brown bunny, slowly hopping along. I sit very still so I won’t scare it. The window runs from floor to ceiling, with panes like a greenhouse. The bunny looks inside, looking at me as if trying to decide if I’m asleep or awake. I sit very still and close my eyes. I peek through barely open eyelids, watching. The bunny changes to a young girl. Dark, long black hair, wearing a thin dress with no coat. She reaches through the glass with both hands to get my book. I open my eyes and hold her hands in mine. I pull her through the glass and hug her. We talk about the book for a moment. I ask if she’s hungry. She replies yes. I tell her I’ll make breakfast, scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. Would she like that? Yes! I lay her down on the recliner to wait. I make her breakfast. We eat breakfast.

This dream also has deep spiritual meaning for me. I woke from the dream with a deep peace, as though held by a divine presence, the gold light.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Understanding Archetypes-The Mother Archetype

Sounds like a wonderful dream, Kathy.

The mother/goddess archetype is a wonderful one to experience - on the benevolent side!
The dream, posted a while back, where a archetypal, goddess type female archetype, shows me rolling green hills and asks me to take care of them and to 'look after nature', was one of the most peaceful, relevant, calm and happy dreams I have ever had.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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