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tiger & snake

I'm in my room .
I'm watching a snake & a young tiger - sleeping .
The snake is a present from my mother and the snake seems young and tired.
The tiger wants to play - he is bored and he starts to push the snake like he is playing with her .
The snake doesn't want to be disturbed - she want's to sleep , but the tiger is persistent .
The snake gets angry and furious - she scared me & the tiger and as i wanted to escape from the room i felt that she bite me .
The next scene- the snake is still her but in the terasse and can't come in - i am the only one who is afraid of her and forbid that she enters .
The tiger is gone ...
I tried to find a meaning but ... i think it's too complicated for me ..
Plz help :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23- bgd srbija

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Re: tiger & snake

I'll need give more thought to your dream and will do so in the morning {Saturday}. My intuitive self lacks clarity at the moment. I want to give my best interpretation. One of the other contributors may wish to comment.

The snake and the tiger do not seem to fit the usual metaphors often associated with the two. These symbols need to be understood first. Will do my best with that.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: tiger & snake

The message of this dream is based upon the meaning of the snake and tiger. As I stated yesterday these symbols do not seem to hold to the normal metaphorical references we usually associate with them. So the task before us is to determine what references they do lend themselves to.

I am looking the dream more in line with the deeper meanings it may hold {normally someone your age I start with the current waking possibilities}. One thing I have done is to look at Serbian mythology for clues. And I haven't completely ruled those out. But it is still not clear as to the meaning of the snake and tiger. I will need a little more time to help discern those possibilities.

There is something about the dream that may lead us in the right direction. In your dream it states that the snake is a present from your mother. The question is whether this is inherited or is this actually speaking to something that your mother did give you. Is there anything that the snake may represent that may fit here? I am thinking not but can't rule it out {here I am looking at your age}. Also the snake wants to sleep. That is a clue.

The snake gets furious, and it scares you. This could suggest sexual undertones. Is there any personal sexual aspects that frighten you? The snake is probably you {the snake is still her but in the terasse and can't come in}. This may be leading to the answer we seek about the snake {although it doesn't fit precisely into a sexual it would if it represented the phallus}.

What could the tiger represent? Have you any clues. What about other contributors? Are there any thoughts to the possibilities?

After reading my own words above I am beginning to form an opinion. But I would like for others to weight in on the possibilities. I will give my final assessment later today.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: tiger & snake

Well :)
My research gave me the next :) :
1- the snake can be my wisdom; the tiger - the instinct, inner force ...
2- the sanke can be the forbiden sexuality ; the tiger the oposite
3- the snake can be - changing in a positive way ; the tiger- my emotional side , my instincts
4- i found somewhere on the web " the sanke bites only the ones who are dressed and afraid of the nudity ..." smth like that :)
5- in Asia - the snake represent the vitality , hte life force ( energy )
And now somth about me that maybe can help you :
I'm adopted but i don't have a problem with that - it can be related to my mother ( but which one - my real or biologycal) :) .
Then - i am a leo and i Love cats and i had 2 of them - one died last june .But i also like snakes - i find them fascinating and powerfull ( i even have 2 pictures with me and a snake around my neck :) ) . I have a boyfriend who is also a leo and the tiger can be him .
In my dream I see the snake as a female and the tiger as a male .
But the sanke is very calm! it's not just like she is a sleep and when she got furious and bite me and when she is on the terasse she became calm again - she was in a deep sleep ... And no one was afraid of her exept me even my mom made a joke about me not wanting her the be inside - like i was overreacting about that.
Well i hope this gives you some idea ....

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23- bgd srbija

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Re: tiger & snake

That is what is really different about these symbols as they relate to you. Often a tiger is more symbolic of the feminine {cat} whereas the snake would suggest a masculine connotation {the phallus}. You have them opposite what is the norm.

Let's look past the possible connotations of the snake and tiger and look at what the dream says.

The tiger is bored and wants to play. The snake gets angry and furious and this scares you. If these are aspects that you possess, some part you or some thing in your life wants to play but another part becomes easily angered. Can you apply this to any situation that involves your mother {she did gave you the snake and you mention her again in your last post} that fit? Or your boyfriend? If we can't discern what the snake and tiger actually represent perhaps we can apply them to your personality and/or life and see if they fit in some way.

I could end here and give an interpretation. But two reasons I wish to continue the dialog, if you don't mind participating. One is there isn't a clear meaning of the snake and tiger. That pushes me to make suggestions that may be less of a possibility of being correct. And second, your doing the homework on your own and taking time to think about the dream and how it fits is great way for you to learn. Plus you know more about yourself than anyone. If this is more of a personal dream and not about deeper issues then it will be you who will recognize the connections. So if you don't mind let's continue until we discover the true reason and meaning of your dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: tiger & snake

Well the only way i can look at this situation is
1- i'm the snake and my boyfriend is the tiger
2- both of them are smth mine ... like the snake is some part of me which scares me maybe my inner self my powers ( i have a problem with low self esteme ..) and the tiger is the side of me which is stronger right now ...
I don't know..
Maybe you can help by telling me what a snake and a tiger usually mean ... Give me some directions more than i can find in usuall dictionary ... It colud help me dig deeper :)
Tnx :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23- bgd srbija

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Re: tiger & snake

Hi Aleksandra

this is an interesting dream, and as Gerard has said it may take some reflection on your part to understand its personal meaing. I would like to offer some things that struck me when I read your dream

the snake was given to you by your mother - as you note: biological / adoptive / and then there is the archetypal mother. (So some reflection on the mother ? This is a big one for many of us.) None-the-less the dream staes that what ever the snake represents is something from the mother.
Also as the dream mentions mother - there is reference to the feminine / feminine energy / femininity perhaps.
The snake can also represent something inside us that needs to be faced ,, the snake is cold blooded and instinctual
A love affair with another human requires us to face deep aspects of ourselves that we ourselves may not consciously know ,,, we shut them out.

What are your thoughts on this
All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: tiger & snake

Well Hi ! Justin:)

I can see my dream is interesting not only for me :))
Well - you may be right about the relationship with someone ( a human) can open some issues in a person .
Whith my boyfriend a have a really special connection in a magical out-of-space & time way - smth like that :) - and i had this only once before but not exactly the same ... I think it may be that - opening myself on this level opened with it a little hole in the repressed part which is now trying to place itself in the conciousness ...
The only problem is that it is a gift from my mother that snake and i can't relate it to anything right now ...I can't say if it's a sexual symbol or wisdom or trauma or ... i don't know.. And what is that tiger ? How can the two of them be combined ? I think the snake have much more meaning than the tiger and maybe it would be better the try to focus on the tiger and by that relate the snake ... But i have no su much knowledge of symbols as you all here on this forum :)) And that's why i need your help :))
I hope I told you smth that could help ;))

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23- bgd srbija

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Re: Re: tiger & snake

Ah ha ,, that's a pretty fast response,,,

Aleksandra, this dream, like many others can take sometime to understand - we can help; and we, like you are learning this language of the psyche that dream represents.
To me the clearest part of the dream is that whatever the snake represents comes from your mother ,,, yes, I know this may be a bag of worms (as we say in English) but there IS something there, it is in the dream ,,,

Also in the dream the snake has been shut out ,,, and you are afraid of it, not the others

Kepp 'chewing it over' - sometime somewhere a thought will fly across your mind like a butterfly linking to something in the dream - the trick / skill is to recognise it and let it land and look at it ,,,

best wishes

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: tiger & snake

I don't mean to be hard on you in determining for yourself what the dream may be addressing. I'll provide my impressions and that may help with your understanding. The reason I ask my questions is because of your age and where you are from {Serbia right?}. Younger people's dreams are often different than an older person's dream, in their meanings. And your ethnicity can be important, especially the religion {are you Orthodox-ed Christian?}. As you stated earlier, in Asia the snake is positive. In the West, including Christianity the snake is evil.

As for your age I get the impression you are wiser than your 23 years. Maybe not experience wise but intuitive wise. That will have a great influence in your dreams and it is important to know. Normally I wouldn't look for that trait unless the person is over the age of 40, the mid-life stage. But I am beginning to believe this dream may be addressing a deeper aspect.

The symbol of the snake is often a representation of rejuvenation. The snake sheds its skin and grows anew. Humans go though such transformations also. Mid-life is definitely the most important. Life changes. So to when one goes into military service {I'm a veteran, been there done that}. Life changes. So dreaming of snakes could represent these changes in life.
Snake can also be seen as representing death and resurrection. It dies to the old self {old skin} and is reborn with new life {new skin}.

But a snake also is a spiritual entity in Eastern philosophies. These symbols are prevalent in dreams in the West also because many of the Eastern symbols are universal. And since there is a spiritual connection with the snake, if there is a transformation in your waking life {you are going through changes, physical and/or emotional, with an emphasis on emotional} then you may also be experiencing a spiritual rebirth. But again that is more likely in an older dreams than in someone your age. But there are exceptions.

And of course the Freudian concept of snake is it represents the penis. I don't see any sexual connotations in your dream. And your snake is a she, which is more in line with the Nagas of Buddhism, a positive force. But since we discussed that possibility in a private e-mail I believe we can dismiss Freud and let him go back to his infantile sexuality.
Link: Nagas

As for the tiger. In some way the tiger is you, most likely an aspect of your emotional self. Your tiger is a he. There are male tigers. But they are still from the feline family. And so are you. And you have masculine aspects. This may just be an animus symbol.

What has puzzled me, and Steve, was the snake being a present from your mother. If there is nothing in your waking life where your mother gave you something physical, then she may have passed on to you something inherent. That would usually be something of wisdom. That wisdom would make available to you certain insights to spiritual knowledge, your mother could even symbolize your higher Self. That would fit with the spiritual aspect of the snake.

The snake seemed young and tired. Perhaps that means this wisdom aspect is still in its incubation {just as your education in dreams is at that incubation stage}, it is young. Being tired is something you realize about life as you age. That is experience turned to wisdom.

You mention you and your boyfriend have a really special connection in a magical out-of-space & time way. That could be a possibility in relationship with the snake and the tiger. New dimensions in your life, a rejuvenation of sorts. The tiger could represent your masculine femininity, and your boyfriend's feminine masculinity. That connection may explain the reverse roles of the snake and tiger.

Oh! the possibilities. I have always said dreams of a younger person are much harder to understand that old folk like myself. But we are getting there. And everyone seems to be enjoying the themselves. Dreams can be fun.

I can see you are having fun working with your dreams. That is great. If we make dreams fun then perhaps dreams will help make life more fun {or at least remove those barriers that prevent life from being more fun to live}. It takes time and effort to understand dreams but if we can capture your curiosity at an early age {23} then perhaps by the time you reach that mid-life stage you will be well prepared for that bumpy road. And you will have the insights and experience with dreams to help others. We at the Forum like to think that is what we are doing when working with dreams. Helping others, which is a spiritual endeavor.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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