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sex dream with feathers

I dreamt I was in a swimming pool and I was giving lessons to a bunch of female friends. I was showing them how to give a perfect head job. A queue of very nice looking young blokes lined up on the side of the pool and as I demonstrated I showed my friends how each man has different bit of him that are more sensitive to touch. The young guys were agreeing, some saying, yeah- underneath, some saying this section here etc. Then I got to a guy who seemed to have a penis made of parrots feathers, in green and gold. I think that this weas the most vivid bit of the dream. the feathers were almost like a flower when I looked at them closely. His sensitive bit was right at the centre of the head of his feather penis. It opened up as I touched it.the end

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: sex dream with feathers

Hi Maria

where to start with this dream ,,, the colours perhaps - green: new growth, fertility + gold: the sun, masculine (the moon representing the feminine energy : silver).

The feathers that open up like a flower, with the most sensitive part at the centre ,,, reminds me of the imagery of chakras. I forget the colours of the second chakra ,,, to which this dream could be linked, as it is sexual in nature - but I think it is less likely.
The masculine is about creativity - the seed of creation, an idea, that the feminine then receives. This dream seems to address how you, through your feminine aspects can bring forth this creative aspect / seed ,,, in yourself or in the partner you are wil ,,, more likely within yourself or the world around you as there were many young men. You appreciate that the way to bring forth this creativity is different in different situations.

I guess you may ask about the feathers ,,, well there might be some long shots here I don't know - birds are a symbol of transcendence ,,, and gurus sometimes wave feathers around ,,, they are incredily delicate ,,,, and yet can take a bird to flight ,,,up to you

what are your thoughts ?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: sex dream with feathers

Steve has addressed the metaphorical possibilities of your dream. But what about your personal sex life? Does any of the dream address real desires or experiences? Do you feel you are a liberated type who enjoys sex {as anyone with a good sex life should?}. The dream may be addressing those aspects.

Or should we stick with the metaphors Steve suggested?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: sex dream with feathers

Maria - it sounds like a dream celebrating and acknowledging your sexuality and confidence and heralding a new way forward in this area of your life.
I agree with what Justin and Gerard have already said, especially the colours symbols which would signify personal growth and 'expertise' in this area of your life. The feathers could be signifying ' a feather in your cap' - this is reinforcing the idea, that you are happy and confortable with your sexuality and your way forward with this, almost an expert in fact.
I would add one more thing to do with the 'flower' metaphor though; flowers are usually used to signify woman's sexuality and genitalia when presented 'opening up' in this way - think of the floral paintings of Georgia O'Keefe, the American painter for example.
Again, this is suggesting that by being confident and comfortable in what you are doing/your approach to men's sexuality, you are in fact, opening up and moving forward with your own.
This is based purely on the symbols, but I would say your reactions, emotions and responses are vital.
It is how you FELT about the symbols in this dream and what was happening that are important.
Ie some women may have had the same dream and responded with fear, disgust, love, anger, calm - etc
Each individual response, especially where sexual dreams are concerned is very important.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: sex dream with feathers

Hi, and thanks for all the interpretations on this one. Its taken me a while to think about this one. I went on a date last week with a man who is very into birds- so I was going to wait until I'd seen him until I looked again at the feathery penis theme. This man is a very creative and active person, but I dont know about taking it any further as we are incompatible in some pretty fundamental ways. Ive previously stayed in a mindset that if Im having sex with someone then its partnership girlfriend/ boyfriend style, but perhaps I should think about other forms of relationship - bring out my inner slapper if you like?

I am not in a relationship currently, Gerard. I have had lots of dreams about sex recently though. The theme that reoccurs is of horses, (four beautiful thoroughbred horses last night)-also of giving good head jobs to men, or experiencing very ecstatic sex.

I havent considered myself that sexy in the past, But I have been told very good things by past boyfriends. I assumed it was just flattery - but perhaps in these dreams Im recognising this aspect of myself.

A few nights ago I dreamt of going to Tibet/Ireland (not that they are the same, but in my dream they were- both very spiritual places to my mind) with drystone walls, farming land and a monastery. I sit down with a head monk who throws me a soft blond ponytail. Then I go to a stable/cell and have to finish my task- which is to put the ponytail over my eyes. After I do this, money appears on the ground for me and others who have finished our tasks. We pick the money up. Then I see a ruggedly handsome monk wearing a sheepskin thrown over his shepards clothes. He comes in for me, i fall instantly in love with him- hes like the leading man in a movie.Devastatingly good looking- strong from outdoor work, darkish beard and shaved head and spiritual countenance. (Shit- hes like my ex-boyfriend when I put it like that- this ex actually builds drystone walls too).Its mutual and he takes me outside and without a word we have ecstatic sex in a lush field! I get up to leave and he tells me he needs to think about the past, and past girlfriends before he can decide on what to do next. My emotions are happy but also the sense of waiting and feeling humbled to do my tasks.
In waking life Im studying.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34 australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

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