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Creative Block

I am having one of those creative blocks. The past couple of days my intuitive insights have failed me. Helena, Aleksandra and angelique's posts have been very difficult to read, more so than usual. I look at recent events in my life and I see many reasons for this. And as usual it is primarily the social dragon that is to blame. The path is an adventure but there are so many dragons to slay. The never ending story.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Creative Block

Perhaps you are also putting too much pressure on yourself Gerard?

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Re: Creative Block

For example, any creative person is them 'selves' and all that that entails in the psychological sense and dream sense we deal with here, ut also 'part of the creative process too'. Think about what Joesph Campbell says about 'bliss'. When we submerge ourselves in a creative process we enjoy, we are content and 'go with the flow'. When we try to 'force' something to happen, sometimes we come up against a brick wall. Sometimes focusing on something mundane and to build up routine again, alongside rest helps us to 'let go' and connect with the flow again.
Very easily said, rather than done, and I have also had times in my life ( for example in my twenties at art college) where it didn't matter what I did, I just couldnt 'do' anything!
Let's hope it passes.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: Creative Block

I could be trying too hard. I know I'm trying very hard to escape the social dragon.
And it will pass. Often I have had spells where I can not 'see' as clearly as I wish. And it almost always is when the social dragon puts demands on my time. Thanks for the encouragement.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Re: Creative Block

gerard ,
i know how you feel,being pulled in different directions takes its toll,
i have also noticed, the effort you have put into a few recent dream posts,and still on going,
hang in there.
regards steve.

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Re: Creative Block

I know that Iam new to this forum,But if iam not overstepping my bounds,I would like to add that meditation is a huge stump remover for me,and to all who utilize its enormous possibilities.Deep callth unto deep.Iam sure you know that 20 mins of real meditaion is an equivilent to an 8 hrs of sleep.It sounds like you lend yourself alot to others quite a bit which is awsome,but we do need to regenerate from time to time.Get out and go do what you love to do physicaly,sometimes we just gotta get out of the head for a while. .Iam sure im not saying anything you dont already know!!!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

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Re: Creative Block

You are welcomed and encouraged to comment on any post at the Forum. You'll find this to be a thoughtful and respective 'community' and everyone has something to contribute. We learn from other people's experiences, dream wise and in our waking lives. Unless I am mistaken the psychology of dreams has caught your interest. If it fits your intellect, something you probably have already recognize, it can provide so many insights for you in the future. The contributors have all pretty much have been 'caught up' by our dreams. No hierarchy, no structure, other than just being yourself and being honest.

Yoga is an excellent form of release. I've practiced in some form over the years and in every day take time to meditate. Still the mind. Campbell has described as a pond of water with no ripples. Thought are the ripples.
Physical fitness has been a part of my lifestyle since 1980 and it has gotten me through some tough times. In fdact I just returned from the gym. I do a lot serious thinking when I work out. I have learned to tune everything out and concentrate on the 'deep' stuff.

Of course in no shape or form am I a rhodes scholar. I have graduated Road Come Lota. Common Sense U.

Speaking of yoga, Joseph Campbell does a wonderful job in explaining the Kundalini yoga in his book Transformations of Myth Through Time


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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