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Cant remember all of the dream, but can remember teaching a class a singing lesson. I was using a CD from a band called 'star sailor' and it was all very angelic, calm, lovely atmosphere etc
I remember looking next door and seeing the head of the school. But it wasn't the head teacher I work with in real life, it was a male head - I think symbolising the one that has just left, although I don't think it was actually him?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: singing

Singing is often symbolic of self expression. Are you needing to teach yourself to be better at expressing yourself? Singing is also a creative aspect. Perhaps the lesson has to do with that aspect.

The male head. Even if were the former head of the school {your inner school}, in your dream he is most likely representing your animus. Singing and creativity are feminine aspects. Often it is the masculine that prevents us from fully realizing/utilizing these feminine aspects.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: singing

I agree Gerard, but do you think, in my case, rather than the animus hindering creativity, this dream could be suggesting that I utilise the male side a little more? My life is overwhelming feminine on one hand, ie with singing - I sing a lot, in the car, at different times etc an enjoy teaching music too, my religious or spiritual beliefs tend to be along the lines of feminine/faery/nature trends, I am sometimes feminine to an extreme, BUT, on the other hand am quite practical, garden/build things on my own/lay gravel drives/shift rubble even - basically do what needs to be done to get things done, both in life and on a personal level with my new house.
I was also listening to an interesting discussion the other day about sexuality, where there is supposed to be a kind of range from femininity to masculinity that ranges from 'alpha male' right through to kind of ultra feminine deer-like femininity. I often think, I'm often 'hiding' at the feminine deer-like end lol - probably not - but thats the self-perception, so ( to get to the point!) from the dream, this may be a reminder to use my masculinity more?
Not sure - bit more confused now lol

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: singing

If it fits that way, yes, it could represent that need. I often will view a dream and see a relationship with the anima or animus but the exact relationship is not clear. That is where the dreamer must determine how it fits. As I have stated previously, if the dreamer will work with interpreter most all dreams can be understood. I can read around the periphery of a dream but it is the dreamer that knows the personal relationship of the symbols. When it fits then the interpretation is most likely correct.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: singing

Have just had a difficult conversation with my real head at the school I work at.
I think you are right Gerard, that it's to do with self-expression and after listening to that cd mentioned, the day before, which is maybe as I was subconciously thinking about the CD after writing the entry here, but there are issues about being assertive emough maybe at work, and the fear of being bullied at work again, or things going wrong.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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