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As I have been digging to uncover layers,which most of you reconize in my dreams as of late.Some things i can not find meaning for? Lawnmower,manacure,ect..
But i still get the just of the dream.This has been the most bennifcial site for me ever,in the quest for answers.

But i had a dream and its reacurring last two nights, of faces in the sand.Like Myan masks or somthing.I know sand is constant change,limitless aspects of personality.What is so frustrating is that i finally feel for the first time ever in my whole life,that iam reconstructing who iam,anything thats not needed is just falling away,and on with the new.My question is...Is this dream telling me there are soo many many more personality traits,I am begining to feel confused,Like everything was starting to fit together so well,my mind was organized. and now diseray,confussion.I sometimes wonder if iam crazy and just need some deep phychatric help. What does the faces in the sand mean?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

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Sand shifts, and so does life. The faces could very well represent the different aspects of your psyche and as life shifts so does those differencing aspects. Joseph Campbell said that life is series of trials and realizations. Especially in today's world where there are so many obstacles that we must endure, and overcome. The shifting sands, the different faces {aspects} that we must utilize to achieve our goals. Confusion is a part of life but with discipline and perseverance clarity will rule. It only seems to be a crazy world. It is when we look inward that we find true clarity. It is a life long journey, an adventure, and often confusing.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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I do appriciate,Your thoughts.And i do realize that this is just a state of mind,and changing the thought as it arises is just what i need to do,Shift.Although it can be hard its not impossible.Do you think that by changing your thought as it arises is good?Becouse theres that shadow aspect who is the other part,to me by blocking the bad thought,would be blocking the shadow thus its being repressed? What do you think?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes


rather than trying to repress any feelings or thoughts, angelique, try to face them head on.
Many dreams about things hidden/sand or indeed those common dreams many people have about something 'chasing them' are to do with repressed fears. Once we empower oursleves to ' turn around to face the monster' or indeed, change the thought, uncover the sand, we can face what we need to, come to terms with it ( eventually ) and move on
Does this make any sense?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Iam not sure how to explain this but,One of my mentors that i have had sense my very early 20s is Wayne Dyer who was also a student of Carl Jung.He has always tought to train youre mind,so that when a bad thought arises you stop your thought in mid thought,and replace it with something positive Immediately.So then eventually you wont even have any bad thoughts anymore.But if you do that, then arent you shoving down your shadow.So then you would be repressing a feeling?In my dreams I am never running from anyone anymore,Iam just running to get somewhere I have been quite busy in basements as of lately.I was slidding down an escalator the other night getting a manacure.I am not having bad dreams anymore about houses I just walk right on in now,but i do seem more concious in my dreams about the things I need to do.. Thanks to this website.Can you tell me if this is a conflict.or maybe if I work on this stuff first and then train myself???Iam just not sure now...ummmm

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes


Yes, Wayne Dyer is a wonderful teacher. Being a student of Jung we can understand where some of his great abilities stem from.

Its what you think stupid! When depressed all we need to do is change our thinking. Hard to do but with discipline is very possible. Our thinking mind perceives only what we think. In actuality nothing is happening. Dyer and other great sages suggest many ways to approach our thinking. And it always involves looking inward.

Basements are our deepest unconscious. The deeper down you go the deeper the unconscious realizations. Since you are able to enter those rooms then you have indeed traveled deep into your own unconscious and confronted those obstacles that kept you from entering. A sure sign of progress, major progress. Once they enter your unconscious dreams it is only a matter of time before you consciously resolve those obstacles in your waking life. Dreams can be a precursor to the waking life conditions. Stay the course, let Wayne help you in your therapy. And hopefully help will come from your visits to the Dream Forum and the pages at MDS.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes


Ahh haa,Very very true that just clicked.And this must be mid-life issues for me,Joesph Cambell mentioned somewhere, cant remember,That we have 2 possibilities in which we change our thinking.One comes at an early age and the other comes at 30-40-50.This makes perfect sense.It just seems to me When i first learned of wayne dyer at 21,It was a much easier process vs hear and now.My personality type enfj,would suggest me being organized in interpersonal affairs.But on the other hand,Iam so anlytical I get lost and confused.This must be comming into my own,intergration and feeling comfortable w/it.And yes our waking life certainly does resemble dream life.That, I have found through this web-site.This web-site has been crucial for my groWth which seems to have just begun,or has it been ongoing all this time.Clair had mentioned in one of my forums that it sounds as though iam approching this head on/being head strong are there any suggestions besides meditation that would help connect my head and my emotions.As it seems these two have been seperated, probably due to letting someone hurt me emotionally somewhere between 21 and now.Its amazing how writting this stuff down can have answers in the questions itsself.So by diconnecting my feelings from my head,I dont have to feel and just living in my head is not the answer either,Maybe by starting to just let myself feel things as they come as you said in your response.That would reiterate living in the hear and now and would not be pushing shadow down,Correct? Does this make sense?This all soo deep..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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