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foalting or drowning or flying

well,as you guys have surely seen the way im used to talk,now i`d like to talk abt the most important dream of my life......the first time i saw it,i wasnt asleep, or awaken.......maybe sth between......i was in a bus,going to my home that suddenly the whole scene appeard infront of my eyes,and i saw that really affected me that day that even after 4 hours when i got home,i was still shaking because of tht.......after tht day,then i used to see it EVERYDAY and night for almost 2 years infront of my eyes!!....thts weird i know,but lemme tell u my dream.

i saw myself, on a kind of cliff or mountain......i was standing on the edgeside of tht,....the whole scene was painted in grey.......below my legs,it was foggy and it was grey,and as i was looking to the sky,it was all in grey 2......the whole scene was in grey....but the ground was still brown........suddenly i threw myself wasnt a kind of falling,actually it was a kind of hands were stretched on both sides,and my legs were apart from each this sign=> *
i was wearing some kind of large size cloths......maybe it was a kind of traditional cloths of china,or somewhere like cloths were in pink.......light felt so soft and mild.........
i had long brown hair and i felt the air,floating through was moving like waves.......
i wasnt scared of tht falling,as it was happening gradually,like some kind of floating or landing.......and I WAS ENJOYING GOING DOWN!!! releasing myself......i felt like,"ooooh...i`ve become tired of moving on,its time to let it go...release myself...."

i was fainting,but suddently bunch of lights,from above came to me.....there was a right hand through them.....and it was like offering me a hand/help ...........i didnt pay attention to tht hand,like you are not powerful enough to help i need THE ONE to come down himself and help me leave me alone..........then suddenly i got lost through the a kind of ION cannon.....u know.........and i went up,through the lights,as i was closing my eyes,and smiling..........

i myself feel like this is not a kind of dream that we usually see when we sleep,as i saw it when i was awake.....
i`ve asked many people abt this dream....but no one answered relavently...............

and now im expressing it here,maybe somebody knows exactly wht it means.

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