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Understanding the Brain

I came a cross an interesting article this morning in the NY Times I wish to share. The article is A Small Part of the Brain, and Its Profound Effects.

What this article does for me is help explain the organic processes of the brain. I am one who believes that anything and everything within life is explainable. If it exists it exists within nature and all that is in nature is explainable. I think of science as how we explain nature. The fact that the brain is no more than a series of electrical impulses and chemical reactions doesn't take away from the process of Jung's psychological theories, or other forward looking minds. It is all a part of the process, biological as well as psychological {psychology is a science}.

But there are differences in the notion of science and its evidence, and that of the inner world which is often more mysterious. Joseph Campbell, in his book 'Transformations of Myth Through Time' explains it this way;

There are two types of human beings.There is the animal human being which is practical and there is the human human being who is acceptable to the lure of beauty which is divinely superfluous. This is the distinction. This is the
first little germ of the spiritual concern {the mysterious} and need of which the animals know nothing.

So what we dealing with is the natural aspect of the human brain and its anatomy and what is thought of as the mysterious aspect that can not be found on any operating table. But both are a part of nature, one understood from our knowledge of science, and the other often misunderstood because we humans do have an allure to the beauty within the world, and our lives. For me this article helps explain not only the anatomy but also the beauty.

From the article:
According to neuroscientists who study it, the insula is a long-neglected brain region that has emerged as crucial to understanding what it feels like to be human.

They say it is the wellspring of social emotions, things like lust and disgust, pride and humiliation, guilt and atonement. It helps give rise to moral intuition, empathy and the capacity to respond emotionally to music {the muse}.

The two human qualities are not separate, they are merely divided into two different aspects of who we are as humans, one purely physical and the other seemingly metaphysical {an allure to the muse}. That statement can easily fit with the definition of a metaphor in dreams and myth since both address the two aspects of the psyche {psychology}.


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Re: Understanding the Brain

Hi, thanks for the vlauable information.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24

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