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the floating head oracle

i had this short dream the other night,
i say short, but very powerful,enough to wake me up with a start at 3am in the morning,
i have an idea as to what it refers to,
but i would be grateful for any objective comments,
the dream,
i am being led to an oracle,
in a dark room or cave,in the centre ,is a floating golden head,
the head speaks and says to me,
a second chance,another chance to live!,

a lot of myths especially norse and greek,do contain such oracular heads,
i am familiar with the norse myth, of odin and mimirs head,
but this dream head was feminine,
i feel that the words uttered are an answer to a question,
any thoughts,
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: the floating head oracle

What is the question you believe the oracle is trying to answer? I take it you have some idea to that question. When interpreting dreams we gain insights to the answers by analyzing the dream but it would be much easier to understand if we knew some of the questions the dreamer is actually dealing with in their waking lives.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Re: the floating head oracle

hi gerard,
the question that has been on my mind a lot recently,
relates to the deeply held feelings i have,
that something is coming,i do not know what,
i am not sure if it is personal or collective thing,
either way ,it seems like its an opportunity to put something right,
if this dream is an answer to the question ie ,what is coming?,
then it has answered it in true oracular fashion,
neutral ambiguity,and mystery,


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