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This is mainly an apology for not having been around for a while. It is all 'British Telecom's' fault for messing up my wireless broadband! Technical problems, beyond my control, I'm afraid!

Anyway, I also had a short section from a dream, from the other night. There were lots of other parts of the dream, but this is what I focused on, I guess:

The side of my mouth/teeth was missing a tooth, or it had come out/decayed or whatever. I remember thinking in real life "No, this isn't reality, I have good teeth" which I generally do in real life and don't have problems with them/still have all my own/no fillings anything lol! Interesting in the dream, it was just one tooth, on the side of my mouth - not a canine though - as was rounded. I know losing teeth/problems with teeth in dreams are to do with identity and or losing various attitudes about ourselves.
There seems to be an underlying anxiety/worry of 'losing' money - although in reality, I just had a sizeable sum of inheritance money that wa spent on new house/car etc etc, but along with this spending is a guilt that I should have saved/kept things static - however, as we all know things move on, money gets spent!
The connection to this, before I go completely offtrack is the sense that the posh clothes/materialism/ nice things that I had have been sold off on ebay and, have come out of the 'lottery mentality' ie a large sum of money will solve all your problems' into faith/trust/aspects of behaviour and how and why I am behaving and living my life in a certain way.
Is this connected to the lost tooth?
There is also an accompanying feeling of nothing ever being 'sorted', things being a bit shabby ( not in reality, as I have a steady job, security etc) and generally feeling a bit of a tramp? lol Or at least someone now who is not as bothered about status and nice things and more into sustainability, breaking the habit of spend spend spend and materialism and moving beyond appearances and visual truth?

Feel like I'm just rambling on so will STOP!
Does any of this make any sense? lol

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: teeth

No apology needed. We are just happy to see you back.

I will have to look at this dream later, perhaps even tomorrow, since I do have a full day ahead of me {social duty}. Perhaps someone else will be able to take a look and give their impressions.

British Telecom. Must be a distant relative of Comcast here in the US since both seem to be the source of many breakdowns. It can get on your 'nerves'.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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