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dream with satanic symbols

Hi I had a strange dream. It started off with a friend being over. I saw a strange apparition of a man and I began screaming scaring my friend, thinking I was crazy.
Then some woman outside my apartment door opened my mailslot and started taking pictures.
They left and my ex-boyfriend comes in. Then the person returned and started taking pictures again. This time I opened the door and there was a man next to the woman who pushed his way in and said he was going to hurt me. Then I saw a gang of ppl abducting my friend and ex from the next room with symbolic symbols tattoed on their faces. Any interpretations? Thanks.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19

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Re: dream with satanic symbols

Dana, men usually symbolise our animus as women - the opposite, male side to our psyche. You fear your animus at present 'said he was going to hurt me' - the strange symbols are something not understood or feared - I would suggest you have not yet integrated your animus and this (he) is still appearing as a figure of fear for you. The 'apparition' (ghost) of the man would suggest you are feeling 'haunted' by your animus and need to turn, face and integrate 'him' instead. Once you embrace the male side of your psyche, it will help you in many ways, and will no longer be a'mysterious/dark' male figure to be feared.
The woman taking photos outside of your door, is a shadow aspect. She seems to be a 'reporter' figure she wants you ( to use a pun that your dreaming mind is using) to 'get the picture' - this is repeated in the dream; your subconsious really wants you to 'get the picture' ie to recognise your animus, rather than fearing it - although this dream appeared in a frightening way, it is actually trying to help you, as most dreams do.

The gang of people abucting your friend and ex may suggest 'removing part of your past' in order to focus on the future.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: dream with satanic symbols

Wow thanks for the interpretation.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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Re: dream with satanic symbols

Your welcome, but remember - it is only one interpretation and a subjective one. Use ideas if they help you but always remember to think about what individual symbols may mean to you in your waking life too, whether they have individual significance for your unique life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: dream with satanic symbols

Dana, have also just seen your age - so it IS appropriate that you would not neccesarily have started work on 'meeting' your animus and that side of you, as you are still very young in psychological terms. I mean this as a compliment, in the way that you have this creative and satisfying journey/work ahead of you and it is not something you haven't faced because of any unwareness or slowness on your part, but a natural stage in the human scheme of things.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: dream with satanic symbols

Hi thanks Claire, I was unfamiliar with the anima/animus, so I looked it up after your interpretation, and I guess it is something you start experiencing at about mid life.

Its very difficult for me to understand and relate to the symbols in my dreams, although I find the subject very interesting. I would have never drawn to one of your conclusions from this dream:

"The gang of people abucting your friend and ex may suggest 'removing part of your past' in order to focus on the future."

But it seems right on because I am reluctantly conscious that I have a problem of letting go of a certain aspect of my past which prevents me from focusing on the future as you said.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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