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Escaping the Dream House

I'm in a familiar dream house I've dreamt of many times before. It reminds me a little bit of my mom's ex-best friends house we used to hang out when we were kids but it is totally different and a dream house.

Usually I feel happy and exploring when I am here, discovering new rooms. But tonight there was an ominous sense of dread and urgency and there were people where it is usually empty.

I find myself in a bedroom strangely like my own, from childhood and I look through the closet, my own childhood closet and I see dresses that in the dream are supposed to be my 'sister's' but that I recognize as my own. A black knee-length silk one with pockets, a hot pink above the knee length, these two really stand out. A flash of recognition when I see them.

I am hugging an elderly gentleman. He is deeply tanned, beautiful, he is like my paternal grandfather, perhaps he is my grandfather, perhaps not, but his hug is gentle comforting, warm.

I find myself in the bedroom, a beautiful, tall, tanned man with almond shaped brown eyes wearing a blue suit is lying on the bed. I am so in love with him. I go to him and lay in his arms and his embrace is heaven. He is kissing me and I am lost in ecstacy. But he is my 'sister's' husband and though I don't feel guilt I am afraid I shouldn't be with this man, but I know he is really not her husband and he is meant to be with me. He leaves, probably for the same reason.

After he leaves I wander in the house. I start to sense danger. Somethings happen but I forgot them.

I am back in another bedroom. A woman with long red painted nails is there and I am afraid she will scratch me, she is badly wrinkled. And complaining about it. I reach out and tenderly caress her face. She tells me she is only thirty six years old (interestingly my age) and that she her skin is damaged. I look at her carefully, her terrible wrinkles look like how I looked when I had a very bad sunburn a couple of times last summer and the summer before. I felt sorry for her.

I walk down the hall. The familiar dream hall. Suddendly there is danger and I must flee two dangerous, very very frightening and dangerous men. I walk in what once was a large hall that opened into many rooms and go upstairs to a central living room that in previous dreams had many levels above it. I pull behind me shut a heavy black iron gate, thinking I am only locking myself in and if they want to get me, getting through this door would be child's play for them. I am so scared. But on this second level I find a bedroom.

On the bed are a note from him, the beloved of my soul, and a half dozen now wilted roses. I couldn't make out the note, it looked like it was abbreviations and his handwriting was terrible and he seemed to be making excuses, but none of that mattered because I knew he loved me, felt the same way about me, and left a note and roses to communicate that with me, nothing else mattered, and he left these for me knowing I would come up here and find them. Knowing that meant a lot.

The pursuers were coming so I ran back down to the basement. It is huge, full of rooms. One hall had two rooms facing each other. I choose one and locked the door behind me, thinking now they will know which door I entered I should have locked the other one too to trick them, but then a voice inside me told me I choose right. I knew I locked myself in.

But then I found a window leading to the outside. Strangely I pushed the rusted iron bars that formed a half moon curve, concave, curving away from me, I pushed them until they came loose, and there was a passage out.

I crawled out of the window, naked yet wearing a raincoat.

I walked to the left. Madonna the famous actress also naked and wearing a raincoat had gotten out too and she went to the right.

Outside I found myself in a very exclusive upper class neighborhood, but I had come up through the backway and it was an alley behind the houses where everyone dumped their trash. At first I was afraid, that someone would recognize me and the two dangerous men would find me, but then I realized I was safe, and free.

A nun wearing a grey habit and grey dress walked past me to the right towards a car.

I walked to the left and found myself by the sea. Rather than a sandy beach there was a heavy concrete wall, and inside the wall the water of the sea that came to shore was so heavily polluted it was made of huge fat lumps of black conglomerated garbage and pollution and it was heaving up and down with the motion of the waves, blocked between the sea and the concrete wall.

I passed a house in which sat an elderly woman in black, with her head covered as well. She was my maternal grandmother. The house was richly decorated.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and realized that this dream is very significant to me and it means so much and that I have also made some sort of huge change, but have a way to go. What happened earlier today is that I had a therapy session and my therapist told me I don't want to face myself. I'm not sure that is necessarily true, but she also had me do an exercise of writing my childhood feelings with my left hand. Both the therapy session and the exercise brought up a lot of strong emotions so I think the dream is connected to that. I felt so emotionally raw that I came home early and took a nap and woke up in the middle of the night.

I would love an interpretation and I think this dream is some sort of turning point in my self transformation and healing.

Thank you all,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36/Europe

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Re: Escaping the Dream House

phew may,when you dream you dream don't you,
this dream has the hallmarks of transition,
opening wardrobes finding things,issues you have confronted,things still needing work,
the interesting point to me was your ,returning to the basement,
this area of a house useually refers to the unconscious,your return to it would suggest that this is where you are or should be,
their is a emense amount of symbolism in your dream,
most of which can on be associated with by you,
the woman who is the same age as you,do you think that these may be alternate images of yourself,perceptions that you may have yet to deal with,
we are all in transition of some sort,and your age reflects this particular section of life ,major transition,
the rest of the journey you take towards your true self demands that you travel light,
dropping the baggage from the past.
i have followed your dream journey and it seems to me that you are fully engaged in moving forward,
good on ya lass,
i know this is not so much an interpretation ,but
i recognise your progress and i think you do too,
one step at a time will do,
regards steve,

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Re: Escaping the Dream House

Thanks Steve!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36/Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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