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the spirit entity

i had this awesome dream yesterday,
i would be intersted what you make of it,
in the living room of my house,
i am trying to read some instructions on how to record something ,the paper these instructions are on is ripped from hand,by an invisible entity infront of me
i realize it is a spirit presence,a warm breeze blows right through me it is wonderful,
the entity is radiating love and is letting us know it is friendly,
i start to levitate and my body turns towards the spiritual presence feet first,
i am put down and i move into another room,
a flexible shower hose is pointing towards me held up by the same spiritual entity,
i lower my hand ,and the pipe lowers,i raise my hand,the pipe raises,i realize that i am not doing this,but that the energy is flowing through me like a conduit,it is not my power but comes from some where else,
the shower hose points towards me again ,and i feel it wants me to touch it ,
i do this and enregy passes into me,we connect,
the hose turns into a beautful bronze gold snake that gently wraps around my hand,
the emotional impact and power i felt in this dream are beyond words,i would not know how to start,
felt i was in the presence of a holy spirit,
i was afraid but excited at the same time,
there were other people in the room,they all saw it to,so i felt it wasn't a delusion,

i have not had any recent experiences that would reflect this symbology,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: the spirit entity

What do you think the pipe, the hose and the gold snake represent? If you were someone else I would think of Freudian connotations to the dream. The energy that passes, 'I feel it wants me to touch it', golden snake wraps around my hand, energy flowing through you like a conduit, 'I raise my hand, the pipe raises'.

But we also have to remember Campbell's advice. The psychic energy connected to sex {the second chakra in the Kundalini} is also the same energy connected to the heart and love and the spiritual {the 4th chakra in the Kundalini}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Re: the spirit entity

the freudian symbolism was evident in the dream,and it is something i do not have issue with,so i turn to the spiritual,
sexual spiritual as you say are similar,
i would much rather channel my energy into healing,
i have recently been told by a healer,that i have a blockage in the area of my heart chakra,
she said ,
i have found nowhere to send it yet,but it will appear,
may be true,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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