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I am sitting in a convent chapel with 4 other young women. I have the bible open and am holding it in my hands. The novice mistress plays a song ( modern) and she wants everyone to dance. I sit down and watch them jive! I am very uncomfortable, not at ease to dance. I purposefully talk to Jesus, to avoid being distracted by their excitement. Then i see someone writing my name and her name on the wall in green chalk. Next sceene i am sitting in an arcade, waiting for something or someone. On my left is my colleague Melanie and 2 little girls. I am blowing my nose( got a bad sniffle). Then i stand up and tell her i am going to buy a drink but my voice is hoarse. One of the girls comes with me. She has 2 R2 (silver) coins in her left hand. She holds my right hand and we slide down a ramp and giggle!! We go looking for tea or coffee for melanie. I see 2 dogs(black poodle ) on a leash and a black and white lying on the cement. There are people around. We then go to ask for help to find a coffee place. I walk into a kitcjen with 2 or 3 black men in overalls. 1 person has her/his hand in the stove (gas stove). Nobody talks to me. We walk on and come to a road. Now the little girl is on my left. We cross the road and a light pink car ( like a beachbuggie) whisks pass. Just as we step onto the lawn, a bus goes behind me and i think that we could have almost gotten knocked! I wake up!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 South Africa

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: dream

This first part of your dream seems to be addressing some aspect of your spiritual aspect. There seems to be some conflict in this aspect. It may have to do with the material world and the restraints your belief system puts on you. Intentionally speaking to Jesus instead of being attracted to the dance may suggest you are being too religious. In your desire to find wholeness {4 very often symbolizes wholeness, balance} perhaps the real barrier {wall} is an aspect within yourself, such as your religion.

Arcades are places where you try to forget the obstacles of life. It is supposed to be a fun place. But there sees to be something lacking in your life {3-Melanie and 2 little girls, one short of four

Note: Some believe the number 3 represents wholeness, especially those in the West. In the Christian religion 3 is the Trinity. But with the psyche it is the number 4 that is most often associated with wholeness}.

Blowing your nose may represent trying to recognize something about yourself. Something you can speak about or are able to acknowledge. Left often symbolizes the spiritual, the feminine, emotions,
creativity, inner Self. Right is symbolic of the masculine, reasoning, logic, society, outward self. You may be looking for stimulation in your outward self. You may be giving too much of your efforts and energies to the inner self.

At least unconsciously there are conflicts. You may be having trouble finding the correct social place where you will feel comfortable. But you may also be covering unconscious needs {to do with the outer}. To admit to these collective aspects {all those parts that make up who you are as a person, and a human} is something you may having problems doing.

Read my interpretation and let me know your thoughts. I sense you are a religious person and there may be conflicts with that and your social life. You response may help clarify some of the associations to the symbols in your dreams.

Also if you have the time, read some of the contents of the pages listen in the left column {if you do not see it go here}. Familiarizing yourself with the psychology of dreams may help you better understand the language and the approach to interpreting dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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