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King, Queen, Merlin, Swords

I am watching a King and a Queen riding horses holding swords in their right hands. They both ride into a tar pit to retrive the body of a Merlin type figure of their own court. As they drag him from the tar pit, he comes to life and begins to exort them to war. The scorceror also has a sword.

In the next scene, two armies are preparing for battle. One side (headed by the King, Queen and Scorcerer) is dressed in white. Although they are small in number, I have the feeling they will win the battle because they are on the "right side."

In the next dream, I am talking to a former student via telephone. I give him three guesses to figure out who I am. He plays along and asks three questions, but I know all along he already knows its me calling.

I have recently had a whole string of dreams with the number 2 being prominent. This is the first couple of dreams I remember involving the number 3.

Any ideas??



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Houston, Texas

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Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords


First, my intuition's been 'off' lately. I spent a few days in creative bliss and nature trying to reawaken intuition...we'll see if the remedy worked with this interpretation.

You mention paying attention to prior dreams. Are you already working with your dreams in combination with a spiritual and or psychology methodology?

The following personal (pertains to waking life) interpretations are based on an assumption you are not already doing dream work using Jung and Campbell.

First dream:
Possibly describes some situation which dominates your thoughts and now a source of concern. Some cause, ideal or idea. To others, even your Self, this could appear weird or not normal, outside the constrains of a specific group ideaology or methodology, illogical. This is because it's source is not logic, but esoteric. But which you feel must be explored and defended. Is it under attack? But perhaps hesitation because you do not want to provoke an aggressive response or that you will be too agressive in defending the ideal. Aggression would be an emotional response by logicals to an 'illogical' idea or theory.

Second dream
Relates to the first dream...a need to probe deeper into the idea or theory but pay attention to the esoteric aspect.

The source of the idea or theory orginates where? Not from logic. It is within you, already there. You must simply look within to find it...

As usual a dream interpretation could be close or not even in the ball park! With your response we can look further into the dream message, or if not close again with your response we can probably get to the message. And your response would be most helpful to me in determining if my intuitive aspect is 'off' or 'on'.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords

Forgot to add...

The second dream may also point to enlisting the help of others in your field (past students...) to prove/disprove or defend, explore, etc.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords

You may know that there exist masculine and feminine aspects in each individual.

The King and the Queen may well represent those two principles within yourself, and they are highly regarded/top of the hierarchy/untouchable (?), and it seems rather in harmony. They are two opposites that seem to be working together but something is missing: the Merlin figure/Mercury/fool/magician/trickster. One is always needed in a Royal court. Somehow the three of them now feel invincible even though their army isn't quite as big as the adversary's.
Is there anything in your life at the moment for which you feel that you have to fight and even though you may be alone you feel strong and "right"? In other words, do you know what this small army if fighting for? Are you yourself in your dream, watching all this happening ? Are you anywhere around this battlefield? How do you feel about the three of them should they win or lose? In other words, do you take side? I know, quite a few questions, but they may help you bring light to some concrete aspects of your life that your dream wnats you to see.

The fact that your small army is dressed in white may be that they're "pure" and "innocent" and "clean". White clothes always make me think of a new born baby and baptism... being prepared (for some) and equipped (with a sword?) for life. But it may be a rather strong statement here...

Has the second dream come right behind the other, same night? To me the Merlin figure (you) is playing games in that dream. How do you feel about playing the game? The former student (telephone/communication/connexions to anterior/past aspects of your life, may be recent or may be with you as a student?) already knows you are Merlin. How do you feel about that? being "discovered"?

For Jung, if I'm not mistaken (and please, Gerard correct me if I am), ONE is unity, we all start that way, unconscious, making one with mother and the whole world. Then the bigger the number the more consciousness, until 4. The ONE bcomes the TWO, which are opposites and already a relation is possible to the other. The TWO becomes the THREE, trinity, higher sense of consciousness still. And the THREE becomes the FOUR, number that represents wholeness.

I hope this will help you get a new insight on what your unconconsious is trying to convey to you. As Kathy said, I may be way of the mark or I may be spot on.

Good luck.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36, London

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Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords


In addition to the other responses I thought of something interesting regarding your phone conversation in the dream.

Asking someone to guess who you are.

I thought of the mythological sphinx of Greek lore, who gave riddles and whoever guessed them or didn't guess them had serious remembering...oedipus was questioned by the sphinx and he guessed right.

Didn't Parceval also face questioning by the Sphinx

Maybe looking into it would give you a deeper insight into that part of your dream

hope this helps


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

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Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords

Thank you all for your insights! I found them very helpful in seeing the dream from a new perspective.

I pay careful attention to my dreams, I try to understand their meaning and symbols but am often dumbfounded. I know they generally work out the detritus of the day etc. but wonder if there might be some larger meaning concerning my overall life path. I don't use a particular method of analyzing them however.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Houston, Texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: King, Queen, Merlin, Swords

Thank you for your response. That you pay attention to your dreams is a great assest in your life. Since I began using Jung's process of dream interpretation the meanings, dreams often have several meanings, have become more apparent, easier to decipher.

If you're interested in developing different approaches to dream interpretation browse around MDS. It contains a great deal of information about dream psychology, and many other interesting topics.

In response to the purpose of dreams in the life jouney perhaps the following page would be helpful (click to open in new window):

Myths-Dreams-Symbols: The Importance of Dreams

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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