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dark progressive dreams

a few years ago i had what amounted to three consecutive dreams - the first night: i found myself in a very dark place only able to make out shadow edges - i could tell that everything was made of concrete - a stairway going up but i didn't follow some point i found myself facing against a wall...actually pressed against it by some force or someone. then the force or whatever whispered in my ear, "I know why you are here and I will tolerate your presence for so long." it felt like threat...i woke suddenly and was scared...

the next night, i found myself in the same "place"; no presence was felt, the only thing was that i heard dogs howling outside of where I was at...I woke again, scared.

the third night, I found myself as before - no presence felt. But suddenly I started hearing an extremely strong wind that frightened me really bad. i woke scared and woke my husband and I was too afraid to go back to sleep.

The dreams ended with that. No more of that kind since.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 - Richland, WA

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Re: dark progressive dreams

Hi Mary

These dreams of some years ago were obviously very powerful - that they remain clearly in your memory and you have been reflecting on them.
Is it that you want to understand these dreams ?
The meaning of these dreams is specific for you and whatever was going on in your life at the time - and maybe still ongoing.

Maybe I can suggest some starters:
Were you depressed at the time of these dreams ? (you were in a very dark place) .
Was your life +/or thinking rigid ,,, perhaps cold, solid and immobile? Is it still this way?
What force is holding you back - is it something inside?
Have you taken any actions to free up yourself / your life?

Hope this helps

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: dark progressive dreams

Hi Justin...thanks for replying...I am still searching for some sort of answers for the dreams, an explanation. Nothing out of the ordinary was occurring in my life at the time.

As far as *dress* is concerned, I assume I was just wearing ordinary clothes...jeans, shirt, shoes.

I am suffering/have been suffering/ comes and goes sort of depression. Just a general feeling of *low*. Sometimes I think I am just accepting that as my general way of being and any fluctuation up or down makes me nervous.

My life - I am struggling with trying to get out from under *strict mindsets* that I have carried all my life - now striving for the out of the ordinary sorts of things.

I come from a background of *religious guilt*. I was raised strict Roman Catholic but left the church when I was a teenager. During that time the church threatened everyone with hellfire. Whether you believe it or not that mindset remains with you. Years later I joined another religion - just as strict if not moreso and that came with its own guilt.

I am struggling to free myself from so many *roles* that have been placed upon me but feel trapped.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 - Richland, WA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Re: dark progressive dreams

if i could quote joseph campbell on nietzhes works,
when we are a children we are camels,
the camel gets down on its knees and says put a load on me,
these are the rules for living life as a civilized human,
the camel struggles to its feet and walks out into the desert,where it is transformed into a lion,
the function of the lion is to kill a dragon,
and name of the dragon is, thou shalt,
from your dream and your comments,i feel you are aware of the dragon,
the thou shalt ,put upon you by others,
it is time to find the lion within and free yourself,
do you want to live your own life or one that is dictated to you by others???.
joseph campbell said many great things,but one stands out for me,
follow your bliss and do not be afraid,
mds is a place for many who have found the lion,
you will not be alone,

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Re: Re: dark progressive dreams

Hi Mary

One thing for sure, you will find a lot of supporters for you to find your own way on this site ,,,, have a look at the links - Joseph Campbell in particular.
We all bear our own scars, some deeper than others, and it is part of the liberation we can give oursleves (that only we can give ourselves) to look at the reality of our lives - not to provide further punishment, rather to find the pitfalls of the past and walk free.

Can you see how th dreams you had represent how you feel about your life?

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: dark progressive dreams

Hi Mary

Even though these dreams happened a while back it still is always a good idea to understand our dreams

The forum contributors who answered your posts did a great job, so I just want to add some details that came to my mind when I read your three dreams.

I tried to think if I had a dream like your first one, a dark presence holding my captive saying it would tolerate *me* for only so long. Some unconscious seemingly negative factor not liking me to assert my ego and other developing dimensions of myself. Sure, depression came to mind, but I do want to say there is a positive side to depression. Its self-preserving and has a healthy function to play in the psyche, if you can believe that. Its good to come out of it, but sometimes it keeps us in the dark for good reasons......remember plants and seeds need warm dark places to grow, so do babies in the do dreams......its not all bad is what I'm trying to say.

The progression of the three dreams is also fascinating. We covered the first one.

The dogs howling in the back ground...those are your instincts. There in the background rather than the foreground where they need to be to guide you and protect you. Perhaps the dream is speaking to that distance between you and your instincts...what was going on in that area of your life back when you had the dreams??

The etheral force even more faint and far away than the howling dogs....notice the progression....the dream elements....the presence, the howling dog, and the wind...get fainter and fainter. I am sure that means something butnot yet sure what.

Hope this helps..... let us know

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

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Re: Re: dark progressive dreams

Thank you May, these points are beautifully put.
I believe you are right - that there is something good motivating all this, and indeed our behaviors ,,,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: dark progressive dreams

I am most impressed by the things that you all *see*....and the explanations shared are most appreciated more than you know.....I had never had the experience in my life of a dream that was doing what I call "threatening" my existence. Those words still haunt me even today.

Thank you all so very much.....


Re: dark progressive dreams

Great discussion with the Forum contributors. These type discussions almost always produce positive understanding{s} by the dreamer. I believe that is the ultimate goal, a medicinal purpose, when we attempt to understand our dreams. Discussion can be as important as interpreting.

A few observations on your dream and follow-up posts.

The dark place you find yourself in {the dream} compares with the depression you have in your life. But that dark place may also represent the deeper unconscious,deeper conflicts. The shadow edges also suggests there may be deeper aspects to this dream. These may provide clues to the reasons why you need 'religion'.

The 'strict mindsets' that you are now struggling with may be as much associated with childhood experiences {early indoctrination with religious guilt} as they do in the present.
We do things in life for a reason, usually due to an emotional/psychological reason. Early life experiences are often when these emotional conflicts begin. Your childhood being so strict could be the reason you couldn't 'follow the stairway up' in the dream? That independent creative spirit {which Jung tells us is our true self} was suppressed, and it has followed you throughout your adult life.

The force in the dream, the way it is stated, reminds me of another force related to Joseph Campbell. Of course that force is from Star Wars {Campbell had a great influence on George Lucas} and it symbolized the 'higher Self' {from the 'collective'}. I take it to be the same with your dream. Of course the force is within you, and is you, and through the dream it is wanting to communicate with you. Your 'struggle to free yourself' confronts a deeper issue that will be a long and hard journey. But realizing you 'need' to do it is the first and most important step.

When you started having these dreams, a few years ago, was there any unusual experiences? Were you beginning to realize you could no longer go along with the 'strict mindsets' you have been associated with in your various religions? When you find yourself against a wall there is either 'fight or flight'. Perhaps you have been fleeing all your life but now {or then} you were ready to fight - to discover and be that true Self. It was an unconscious event first but now has 'evolved' into a real event.

The dogs are howling 'outside you'. The word outside may be the clue here. Obedience, obeying.

Strong winds in dreams often suggest strong emotional currents. Those currents could be from present day 'threatening' situations {are there conflicts from your leaving a religious sect or some person or organization?}. I sense the 'shadows edges' you were just beginning to make out when you had these dreams is the primary subject the dream is seeking to address. Your situation in the present may be one possible conflict that is causing these emotional issues, but they may be deeper seeded and that also must be addressed.

The great thing I gather from your response posts is you 'are' dealing with these issues, you want to free yourself from those restraints that have kept you trapped. And perhaps the deeper guilt that has kept you 'trapped'. Depression has it's roots. Dreams often will reveal those root causes. Ultimately that is the best remedy, discovering the roots causes.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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