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Small boy

This is a dream I have had about 5 times during the last couple of weeks. I meet a little boy when I'm out. Sometimes I'm with my family and sometimes I'm alone. The boiy is probably about 6 or 7. He's a lovely boy, gentle but with a little sense of wickedness about him that is not harmful. I take a liking to him and he shows me what he is doing - usually playing with some toy or other or he shows me card tricks etc. etc. I have a feeling of overall warmth and happiness when I'm with him and when I wake up it lasts for about an hour. The last dream I had was slightly different in that I was out with my husband in a large van. He stopped the van and got out and I was sitting in the back. When I opened the doors a boy got in the back with me and was telling me that he likes making greetings cards (a hobby of mine when I'm awake). He was older than the other boys in the dreams I have had - about 14/15. I told him that I liked making cards too and sat and chatted to him. Again, the same feeling of contentment and happiness - as if I didn't have a care in the world. When my husbhand came back he was angry because I was talking to this lad but I didn't want to leave him as I was enjoying sharing this hobby with him. The emotions I feel when I have these dreams I do not normally feel (as strongly) when I'm awake. I am so happy. These dreams I have had recently. I did have them some time ago but they stopped.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 - Merthyr Tydfil, SOuth Wales, UK

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Re: Small boy

Hi Sandra

It is significant to note that recurring dreams with similar themes are really important.

My guess is that these boys represent an aspect of you when you were their age...the dream is working out something that didn't get processed and integrated before, bring it up to your consciousness so you can integrate the engery consciously...especially if it was a developmental stage that was delayed because of other priorities or other reasons that sometimes happen in life.

Think about when you were the age of the boy....6/7 and again at 14/15/.....what comes to mind?

Your dream husband may represent several aspects of either you or your life, masculine energy, your own or that in the society around you....perhaps your own inner masculine, your husband in real life, or your husband as your unconscious relates to him, or even other masculine energies or patriarchy.

In the dream he seems flat out angry that you are taking to this boy. This is an important detail to consider. Why would that be. Why is it threatening for this masculine part of you that you (your dream ego/consciousness) would make contact with this other younger, masculine energy inside you......

hope this helps,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Small boy

A puzzling dream to say the least. Probably why no one has taken on the task to interpret it. I will offer a few suggestions but will refrain from a final interpretation until I have the time needed to analyze the dream thoroughly {have a full day of slaying dragons}. I will have much more time in the morning {Saturday}.

The two things, perhaps three that stand out about this dream is of course the boy {which seems to be a developing masculine aspect}, the contentment and happiness within the dream which seems to go with the 'cards', and the anger of your husband in the dream. The part about your husband could represent either another masculine aspect {already developed} or possibly your true husband. Anger can be see as a developed masculine aspect. Is there any such reactions from your husband in your waking life?

The boy in your dream is getting older which may suggest this aspect of your life is either developing or getting older. Are there any masculine associations you can think of that fit with your hobby of making greeting cards?

Let me ponder the evidence {a sleuth looking for a clue} and get back to you. If you have any thoughts to the above please let me know. If any other contributors want to chime in, hey, I am always open to other's insights.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Small boy

Dear May,Firstly, let me apologise for taking so long to reply. I had flu and then my computer was down for a while.

I think you've hit on something about the age of the little boy. I've been thinking about this a lot, because usually the boy is so lovely and I'm so happy in his company. There were a number of us kids in the family and I was the eldest. By the time I was 10 I felt very responsible for my siblings, and I've often felt that I missed out on childhood and doing the things kids do, so this little boycould be symbolising that and the fact that I feel at ease with him could be the feeling that a small child has when they are playing.

The other part about my masculine side and my husband's anger at this seems appropriate too. I have been aware for sometime that I have certain masculine traits. In the past I have viewed these as something that is wrong with me and I've refused to acknowledge them only by way of "being neurotic". Of late I have been investigating these things and am now more at ease with them. When I was growing up I admired my father so much and always wanted to be like him. Whether these traits came from that time I don't know. My husband and I frequently ahve rows over these things, especially when I read maps better than him and he refuses to acknowledge it!

Once again, so sorry for the delay. Thanks for your reply.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 - Merthyr Tydfil, SOuth Wales, UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Small boy

Dear Gerard,

So sorry have taken so long to reply. I really do value your dream interpretations. Firstly had flu and then the computer was down.

I have replied to May so I won't go over it all again. I think the masculine traits are very important. I feel out of step with other women sometimes. I recently did the Baron-Cohen empathy test etc. and I scored very highly for "male brain". As I was telling May, I always thought there was "something wrong with me" and that these things were part of some mental illness I had. But of late, I have become more and more accepting of them and feel more confident.

I love the dreams with the little boys because I am so happy. May made the point that it might be taking me back tosome time in my life when I was a child. I think that might be the case. Children are so carefree.

Thanks again

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 - Merthyr Tydfil, SOuth Wales, UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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