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the cat-snake

i have a few ideas as to what this dream refers to,
but would like some objective views on it,
the dream.
i am trying to get in a good position to photograph, a beautiful silver grey coiled up serpent ,
as i am focusing ,it transforms into a cat,
i was left with the puzzle,
was it a cat that looked like a snake,
or was it a snake that transformed into a cat.
my own ideas about the symbolism in this dream,
evolve around ,kundalini energy,after something gerard picked up on in one of my previous posts.
something that i have been reading up on,
it may have relavence or not,
any thoughts graetfully recieved.
regards steve.

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Re: the cat-snake

Hi Steve,
'Trying to get in a good position' and 'as i am focusing' could reference kundalini yoga. That and the coiled snake pointing to the energy. Silver could be feminine or intuition, or both. Some view cats as feminine, too. May be the feminine energy within.

Kind regards,

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Re: the cat-snake

and what color is the cat?

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Re: Re: the cat-snake

hi kathy,
the cat was the exact same colour as the snake,
it just transformed from the snake into the cat,same eyes,colouring,quite beautiful,non threatening,

original thoughts that crossed my mind,
from the cold unfeeling instinctive (reptilian), to the warm feeling intuitive (feline),
but as you mentioned .silver is a feminine colour associated with the moon,

i have followed up the kundalini aspect,
i am aware of it,but never had the interest in yoga to develop it further,
what i did find interesting,is the fact that ,
many have experienced , kundalini awakening,without practicing yoga at all,there is a web site dedicated to this, "out of yoga experience",
when i was 19 i had an lsd trip,
a spiraling ball of light/energy entered my legs,and spiraled up through my body,exploding in my head,never took lsd again,
in fact when i think of it,that moment was the beginning for me,been on the trail ever since,
it may be considered a folly of my youth,but was it?
perhaps it did open a door,

maybe that was my first time at the grail castle,

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Re: the cat-snake

Hi Steve,

The first thing that came to me when I read silvery snake transforming into a cat was kundalini.

I know this was all adressed by Kathy's excellent post, just want to give my two cents.

Definitely Kundalini. Definitely a refinement and integration of feminine energy. Definitely a first visit at the Grail castle at age 19.....

There seems to be two main elements to the dream....what was actually happening in the dream to the snake-cat


your relationship to the transformative process as a photographer entering into a relationship with the transformation and its mysteries taking place before you.

Marion Woodman created a special hold the imagine in mind meditatively, and see which areas of the physical body the image resonates move the unconcsious energy and make it conscious...its not an interpretation but perhaps this meditation could lead to deep insight.....

hope this helps

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Re: the cat-snake

Hi Steve,
Folly of youth, I wouldn't thnk so. It served a greater purpose in your life, your journey. Your thoughts on the dream make good sense.

Some random info that may, or may not!, add subtle context to your dream interpretation...

From Crystalinks - Kundalini:
"Viewed in a mythological context it (kundalini) is sometimes believed to be an aspect of Shakti, the goddess and consort of Shiva."

From Wikipedia - Shakti:
"Shakti meaning force, power or energy is the Hindu concept or personification of God's female aspect, sometimes referred to as 'The Divine Mother'. Shakti represents the active, dynamic principles of feminine power. In Shaktism, Shakti is worshiped as the Supreme Being, however, in other Hindu traditions, Shakti embodies the active energy and power of male deities (Purushas), such as Vishnu in Vaishnavism or Shiva in Shaivism. Vishnu's shakti counterpart is called Lakshmi, with Parvati being the female shakti of Shiva."

"The rural people believe that Shakti is the protector of the village, the punisher of evil people, the curer of diseases, and the one who gives welfare to the village."

And the I Ching translation by LiSe Heyboer, Hexagram 64:
"Only when darkness too is involved can there be creativity. Only where no form exists, all forms are possible, all is open."

Line 4 "It is the battle between light and dark which makes creativity and life emerge. The light side and the dark side will both make no progress if they are on their own. They need each other."

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

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Re: Re: the cat-snake

kathy and may,
many thanks for you response,
i am still trying to assimilate the dream contents,with the emphasis on kundalini and what it means ,
whatever it means,i feel it is bringing it to my attention,ie prompting me, to get the picture,
following up your shakti connection,
i came across a picture,
shakti and shiva representing the left and right hemispheres of the brain,masculine/feminine,
rational thinking/intuitive,
in between them ,a serpent representing the reptilian part of the brain(instinctive),above the snake a triangle,the union of the three,very interesting symbology,
it may have significance or not,
sometimes i find it helps to strip away all the symbols,and just leave the action,what is actually taking place,
applied to the dream in this way,
i am left with, transformation taking place.

many thanks.

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