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Back again from a break in posting dreams. I missed this forum.

Last night in the dream I was in a table with some young men, and was trying to arrange triangles (or draw? not sure) I listened to the conversation that was going on and then I started to arrange them myself the triangles, using one side of the triangle as a side for the consecutive triangle, thus creating a circle of triangles.

What could this mean?



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28

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Re: Triangles


Perhaps the dream describes making connections such as friendships, relationships, like a circle of friends or a trio of close relationships within a larger group, full circle. Does this seem to fit with your life right now?

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Triangles

Dear Elona,

For me sitting around a table would represent sharing food, nourishment with these young men.

The triangle represents the trinity (body, mind and spirit, just short of wholeness because it is missing the feminine aspect - the soul). And you're making a circle made of those triangles - the circle being wholeness, the mandala, symbol of the feminine and fullness that in your dream is made up of the various aspects of the masculine of the triangle. It looks as if you arrange and are able to make up for the missing part, using one as the base for the next - as if keeping some kind of continuity.

How does the dream ego (you) feel with these young men in the dream? Is there something being mended (or requiring some attention) around your relationship/attitude to men/adolescent men? It also looks like you have to do the work - the arrangement of those triangles in the circle will not be done by anyone else.

Hope this help you,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36, London

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Re: Triangles

Triangles can sometime represent completion, perfection, The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, yesterday today and tomorrow or spirit soul and body as someone mentioned.

Trying to arrange them on a circle while talking with young men, may indicate that you are at a place in your life where you are sorting things out and looking to find where you fit in life while forming a belief system to base your life on. This may be a desire you share with others and have been discussing with them. The fact that they are young men, may indicate that you are starting to embrace more mature things but are at the beginning stages of this journey. A circle is infinite and unending so it could be that you are looking for something solid to put your whole heart into, forming a belief system, a longing for something that lasts that you can apply your life to safely. It sounds like you are looking for something solid that you can bank on. While you are lining up the triangles using their sides might be that you don't want any gaps or holes in what you put your heart into. It needs to be something you can trust and fits perfectly without things you cannot explain or be deceived by. Sounds like a very deep spiritual quest. :) Touching base with who you are beyond physical and mental. Figuring out who you really are and where you fit.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32, texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: Triangles

Hi again and sorry for the late response. I read the interpretations to my dream and I thank the three interpreters for their input to my self understanding.

Feels like Jane’s is closer to what I experience right now. I feel like my existence, my actions or feelings are moving toward completion, and it does not necessarily relate to other people or their influence on me. It simply happens and I seem to have control over it at least to some extent.
Yes, it is a period of maturity and growth that is taking shape and I am also in search for this belief system that would give me security or basis. I want to build the foundation for my own being and it is a spiritual quest. Thanks Jane. Really helpful. But meanwhile, this has been the only meaningful dream in the last couple of weeks. Thanks also to the others.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28, Albania

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} f

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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