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Robed One's

In all my 58 years, this has been The Most powerful dream I've ever had. The dream occurred during October of 2001, exactly a month following 9-11.

The dream: My guardian angel escorted me to a beautiful white marble temple in the round. I could not enter until I removed my 'human slippers'. I saw 12 robed ad hooded beings sitting in a circle. One of the 12 rose and came to be and invited me to enter the temple He spoke the following;
"With the events of September 11, the vibration of the world has changed and events have been set in motion which cannot be changed, but can be modified. All that is to come is nececessary for the unfolding of the New World, whereby peace and harmony will replace strife and turmoil. This will take 30 plus 5 years. You will not witness this event, as you will have returned Home in 30 plus 1 years."
"Behold." (Each spirit stands and extends their right hand. Each spirit holds a spinning globe of the Earth and each globe reveals an event which will take place within the 30 plus 5 year duration.)

At the end of this viewing, the 12th spirit asks me if I have any questions. I raise the question on how I, one individual can make a difference for the better in the years to come. The spirit replies,...
"The Creator has endowed every living soul on Earth with a talent. It is up to each one of you how this gift will be used." (He discusses my gift with me)

And in closing, the 12th Spirit instructs me to tell people of what was told to me and to let people know not to be fearful. We have not been abandoned.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58, New York State

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Re: Robed One's

Hi Susan this is such an amazing dream.

i am wondering, do you remember what the events were?

Peace to you,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Robed One's

I recall only 3 globes May, none of which have occurred as yet. There is an ongoing discussion, which began only 16 months ago, well before this dream.

In one globe, I was shown a map of the Middle East, involving Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the smaller countries just north of Iran and Iraq. These countries were refigured, meaning there were new borders, with distinct enthnic individualities. Mind you, this was well before the US invasion of Iraq and even Afghanistan.
Globe 2 featured a war in the desert at night, with tanks, soldiers and even horses This is not the Iraq war we are currently engaged in.
The 3rd globe simultaneously involved various stock markets..NYC, London, Japan and others. The market is in turmoil due to global labor strikes. (This does not surprise me when one considers corporate (namely American corporations) Exploited 3rd world peoples, men, women and children basically walk away from their jobs.

Although I can't be absolutely certain, I strongly suspect another globe involved world wide climatic changes to continue.

Cause and effect.

It may appear upsetting, but I know the outcome will benefit the entire human race. Our grandchildren and great grandshildren will inherit a kinder and more considerate world than we are currently experiencing.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58, New York State

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

stats from 7-14-10 to the present