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General question

I get about 9 hours sleep everynight and dream very vivid, colorful dreams that I remember every day. What does this indicate about me as a person?



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 in Jacksonville,,Florida

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Re: General question

Hi Joe

THe obvious answer is that - you have 9 hours sleep a night and have colourful vivid dreams ,,, it is like having colour television and it is playing ,,, are the programs just playing in the background, or are you interested in what is playing?
Another question might be - do you think your vivid, colourful dreams are there for any reason ,,, have you sat down to look and see what their content is ,,, otherwise it is just having colourful vivid dreams ,,,

your thoughts?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: General question

I am always highly involved in my dreams just like normal social interaction. Some dreams are simple like a hug and kiss. Some are very complex involving many people doing some task. Some are individual where I am building something or traveling to someplace. Some dreams are confrontational. The people involved are usually people I do not know however, I do have a few dreams of people I know.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 in Jacksonville,,Florida

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Re: Re: General question

Hi Joe

We get to choose what we think dreams are for / about ,,, and indeed what meaning they have. My take on this is rather than being told dreams mean this or that, to inquire into the dreams - this means that some work is necessary, otherwise it is like listening to people who speak a language we don't understand - it sounds like jibberish and we can glean no meaing from it.

So the language of dreams ,,, one way would be to see dreams as reflecting our life back at us - with a different slant perhaps, using different characters so that we get the opportunity to view what is happening in our lives less personally ,,,
Another way to view dreams is like looking through a window or clear body of water ,,, and seeing what is going on there

Look for 'different characters same themes' ,,, if you want to see if your dreams correlate to what is going on for you.

Oh and another thing - try sitting down and write out the dream ,,, just as it was in the dream ,,, and as you get into the writing, watch for those 'ah ha' moments; or re-read what you have written and see if it is a story that sounds familiar; there are many ways

If you are having vivid dreams and don't know what they mean,,, it is like having a great colour TV set and not having the sound on, or not really watching it ,,, it is just something you have ,,, to understand the dreams beings meaning and then you will have great colourful vivid meaningful experiences ,,, and, I would guess, a life to match

Happy viewing

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

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Re: General question


I would still like your opinion on what having vivid dreams and remembering them everyday means. My understanding is that most people do not dream everynight much less remember dreams. So that would make me unusual. Comments?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 in Jacksonville,,Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Re: General question

Hi Joe

I have a tendency to split hairs and part of what I am trying to convey is the notion that 'meaning' is a derived from personal experience.
Suggesting, in a round about way, that you learn the language of your dreams so that you can expeience for yourself, what they 'mean'.

Perhaps I am taking this stance because, given that you have vivid dreams I guess that you (already) have close access to the meanings of your dreams. They are vivid and memorable because there something there that is wanting to come through, there is something(s) there that your greater self (,,, another topic,,,) is ready to let you know about, and that you are ready, able and perhaps needing to hear about, learn about.

If you look at this from the position of limited ego "I ahve these great really vivid colourful dreams ,,, wow they are a trip and other people don't have that do they ,,," then I think the point has been missed. It is like having a great sports car and either not knowing how to drive it or,,, being given a grat sports car and using it to drive around in to show how great you are ,,, when it is something given to you and you don't know tha value of.
Where do you stand on this ,,,

Are you different to 'most people' ? ,,, no I don't think so - Everyone has dreams at sifferent times in their lives that they can recall and have blown them away ,,, why do some people continue to have them ?? perhaps because they listen to them, learn from them and so a sort of internal dialogue is set up. Contrary to this - if we / for those who have periods of dream and don't listen / learn ,,, the dreams seem to go away ,,, however the issues that the dreams were addressing remain suppressed ,,, and come out in i) 'slips of the toungue' ii) 'accidental behaviors iii) mood swings ,,, the list goes on.

Why not post a dream or two and see where that leads ,,,

All the best

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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